Çarşamba 29 Nisan 2010
Bu günlerde korumasız masum Türkmenlere karşı hız kazanan saldırılar çerçevesinde Kerkük’ün kent merkezinde bulunan Bağdat Yolu bölgesinde Kerkük Sağlık dairesi yanında Türkmen Dr. Haydar Zeynel Abidin Kanbar kimliği belirsiz kişiler tarafından kaçırıldı.
Söz konusu doktor Kerkük Cumhuri hastanesinde bir uzman cerrah diye çalışıyordu. Bilindiği gibi 25 Mart 2010 tarihinde de Kerkük Sağlık Tesisleri sorumlusu olan binbaşı Nihad M. Emin’ in de kerdeşi olan Türkmen radyolog uzman Dr. Haşim Muhammad Emin öğle üzeri işine gitmek üzereyken Bağdat Yolu semtinde bulunan Aileti Kompleksi arkasında ki evininin yanında kimliği belirsiz silahlı kişiler tarafından kaçırılmıştı. Ve Türkmenler korumalı güçe sahip olmadıkları süreçe bu gibi menfur saldırılar ve insan hakları ihlallerinin devam etmesi hiçten bile değildir.
vendredi 30 avril 2010
dimanche 25 avril 2010
The Mystery behind Margaret Hassan murder

Video - Inside Iraq - The mystery behind Margaret Hassan murder
Margaret Hassan, an Irish aid worker, was kidnapped and killed in Baghdad in 2004.
To this day her remains have never been found.
Her family expects justice from the ongoing trial of an individual who has claimed knowledge of her kidnapping.
In 2004, the British embassy in Baghdad refused to deal directly with the kidnappers, citing a long-standing policy decision.
Embassy staff were also criticised for giving Margaret's husband, Tahseen Ali Hassan, the wrong advice.
This tragic story makes us ask: What about the role and the responsibility of the politicians who took the decision to launch this war?
Margaret Hassan, an Irish aid worker, was kidnapped and killed in Baghdad in 2004.
To this day her remains have never been found.
Her family expects justice from the ongoing trial of an individual who has claimed knowledge of her kidnapping.
In 2004, the British embassy in Baghdad refused to deal directly with the kidnappers, citing a long-standing policy decision.
Embassy staff were also criticised for giving Margaret's husband, Tahseen Ali Hassan, the wrong advice.
This tragic story makes us ask: What about the role and the responsibility of the politicians who took the decision to launch this war?
vendredi 23 avril 2010
Hollanda Irak Türkleri Gök Hilal Derneği Başkanı Abbas Kasap ITC Türkiye Temsilciliğini ziyaret etti.

22 Nisan 2010, Perşembe
Irak Türkleri Hollanda Gök Hilal Derneği Başkanı Abbas Kasap görüşmede " İnsanlara derdimizi anlatabilmek için bölgeyi yakından takip etmemiz gerekiyor, bu yüzden zaman zaman Türkmen bölgelerini gezerek son durum hakkında bilgiler alıyorum. Yine bu niyetle Türkmenlinin bir çok şehrine ziyaretlerim oldu. Halkımızın yaşadıkları yerinde görme fırsatım oldu" dedi.
Irak Türkleri Hollanda Gök Hilal Derneği Başkanı Abbas Kasap görüşmede " İnsanlara derdimizi anlatabilmek için bölgeyi yakından takip etmemiz gerekiyor, bu yüzden zaman zaman Türkmen bölgelerini gezerek son durum hakkında bilgiler alıyorum. Yine bu niyetle Türkmenlinin bir çok şehrine ziyaretlerim oldu. Halkımızın yaşadıkları yerinde görme fırsatım oldu" dedi.
Çalışmaları hakkında bilgiler veren Kasap, "Hollanda Türkmen Danışma Kurulu resmi bir şekilde ilan edilecek. Hedef, Hollanda'daki Türkmenleri bir çatı altında toplamak, diğer ülkelerde bulunan Türkmenlerle irtibat kurarak fikir alışverişi yapmalarını sağlamaktır." dedi. ITC TT Sadun Köprülü'ye bölgenin son durumu hakkında bilgilerde aktaran Kasap, "ITC Türkiye Temsilciliği'nin çalışmalarını da yakından takip ettiklerini ifade etti." ITC Türkiye Temsilcisi Sadun Köprülü ziyaretinden dolayı Hollanda Irak Türkleri Gök Hilal Derneği başkanı Abbas Kasaba Teşekkür ederek çalışmalarında başarı diledi.
Enformasyon ve Halkla İlişkiler Şubesi
mercredi 21 avril 2010
Erşat Hürmüzlü: Kerkük sorunu masada çözülür

Bu sürprizi Türkmenler değil, Kürtler yaptı. Yedi sene önce buraya getirilen Kürtler, stadyumlarda, lojman bahçelerinde yaşadıkları sefil hayata itiraz ettiler ve Kürt listesini cezalandırdılar diye düşünüyorum. Irakiya listesi Kerkük'te, oy vermeyenler nedeniyle, Kürt ittifakından daha çok oy aldı. Sorun kafa sayısıyla değil; masa başında çözülmeli. Mühleti dolmuş 140. madde yeriün katmanların uzlaşısı aranmalıdır. BM'nin özerk statüde birleşme önersinin özü de budur. Bölgesel Kürt yönetiminin, bu konudaki hitapları biraz daha yumuşadı. Zaman içinde daha da olumlu olması beklenebilir.
Kaynak: www.aksam.com.tr/2010/04/21/roportaj/muhabir/76/_kerkuk_sorunu_masada_cozulur_.html
dimanche 18 avril 2010
Deformed Iraqi babies caused by USA use of depleted uranium

The following pictures were provided by Dr. Siegwart Horst-Gunther, authored of a 1996 book titled, "URANIUM PROJECTILES - SEVERELY MAIMED SOLDIERS, DEFORMED BABIES, DYING CHILDREN" (ISBN: 3-89484-805-7).
The book is a documentary record of the depleted uranium ammunition effects on Iraqi babies that were taken between 1993 and 1995. The book has been censored in the USA.
Dr. Gunther also has in his possesion additional photographs from his unpublished collection which feature the birth deformities being experienced by USA Iraqi war veterans' children. Dr. Gunther has given permission for his pictures to be treated as 'Public Domain' and copyright free. Please reproduce them and distribute them as widely as possible.
The deformities are similar to those experienced by both Vietnam war veterans and Vietnamese mothers because of the US Military/Industrial Complex's use of the abominable chemical of mass destruction called "Agent Orange". The Pentagon has swept these American baby deformities and its causes under the rug.
The USA is presently ruled by extreme evil people who do not care about human life but only in "MONEY". This group includes those who benefit from profits in the "war weapons industry" and cronies in the Bush Administration involved in "OIL". These two groups are utilizing Americas's youths as dupes. Most of the soldiers in Iraq are poor and uneducated. They are merely being utilized by the "USA ruling elite" as "cannon fodder" to protect their wealth and interests. They are being duped by making them believe that they are "heroes" and "patriots". It is very sad!
La Voz de Aztlan encourages our readership to support mother Cindy Sheehan in her struggle to support USA troops and to bring them home. Cindy, mom to a USA occupation soldier who needlessly lost his life in foreign soil, has awaken to the realities of the USA war against Iraq.
samedi 17 avril 2010
April 26 is International Seed Day
April 26 is International Seed Day
Please Distribute Widely
Chicago on April 26
Twine shares video stories from farmers in Punjab returning to natural farming, the struggle to save eggplant in India, local stories of food and wheat from the Midwest and beyond with Ben Walker and others. We welcome you to bring a local food dish to share as well as your stories of food justice and seed saving!
We gather on the day on which Order 81 was passed by Paul Bremmer to learn about how it effects Iraqi farmers, bio-diversity, and seed sovereignty. See www.ineas.org for more info or www.twinenfp.org
Join twine at Mess hall
6932 North Glenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60626
CTA: Morse Red Line Train Stop
To endorse the International Seed Day (ISD), please email your full name or organization name and website to info@ineas.org and ineas@aol.com
by April 20
Visit Our Website for More Information:
Please Distribute Widely
Chicago on April 26
Twine shares video stories from farmers in Punjab returning to natural farming, the struggle to save eggplant in India, local stories of food and wheat from the Midwest and beyond with Ben Walker and others. We welcome you to bring a local food dish to share as well as your stories of food justice and seed saving!
We gather on the day on which Order 81 was passed by Paul Bremmer to learn about how it effects Iraqi farmers, bio-diversity, and seed sovereignty. See www.ineas.org for more info or www.twinenfp.org
Join twine at Mess hall
6932 North Glenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60626
CTA: Morse Red Line Train Stop
To endorse the International Seed Day (ISD), please email your full name or organization name and website to info@ineas.org and ineas@aol.com
by April 20
Visit Our Website for More Information:
jeudi 15 avril 2010
BLAIR THE LIAR 2, by Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on April 14, 2010 4:20 PM
1. I am disgusted to learn that Tony Blair is being paid one million dollars to come to Malaysia to give a talk to businessmen.
2. Currently the press in Britain is reporting on the unusual wealth of this less than three terms Prime Minister. He has a staff of 130, lives in a grand mansion and is a millionaire.
3. When we read of how British Members of Parliament spent millions of pounds of Government money to refurbish and decorate their city apartments and their own residences we can understand how a Prime Minister like Tony Blair can get so rich after serving less than three terms.
4. Twice Blair presented himself as a candidate for President of the European Union and twice he was rejected as unsuitable.
5. Enquiries have been held in England over the lies he told Parliament and the British people in order to go to war with Iraq. Caught lying he was unfazed or unashamed, claiming that his objective was to remove Saddam Hussein. For this he was prepared to kill 500,000 Iraqi children, another 300,000 Iraqi men, women and children and reduce to rubble historic Baghdad and other Iraqi cities and towns.
6. In the United Kingdom Tony Blair's name is dirt. Yet in Malaysia there are people who want to learn things from him. I can imagine what they will learn.
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on April 14, 2010 4:20 PM
1. I am disgusted to learn that Tony Blair is being paid one million dollars to come to Malaysia to give a talk to businessmen.
2. Currently the press in Britain is reporting on the unusual wealth of this less than three terms Prime Minister. He has a staff of 130, lives in a grand mansion and is a millionaire.
3. When we read of how British Members of Parliament spent millions of pounds of Government money to refurbish and decorate their city apartments and their own residences we can understand how a Prime Minister like Tony Blair can get so rich after serving less than three terms.
4. Twice Blair presented himself as a candidate for President of the European Union and twice he was rejected as unsuitable.
5. Enquiries have been held in England over the lies he told Parliament and the British people in order to go to war with Iraq. Caught lying he was unfazed or unashamed, claiming that his objective was to remove Saddam Hussein. For this he was prepared to kill 500,000 Iraqi children, another 300,000 Iraqi men, women and children and reduce to rubble historic Baghdad and other Iraqi cities and towns.
6. In the United Kingdom Tony Blair's name is dirt. Yet in Malaysia there are people who want to learn things from him. I can imagine what they will learn.
USA: Largest Terrorist In History – Secret Wars Against 3rd World Countries – Killing 6 million People
April 14, 2010
How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries
Source: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4068.htm
John Stockwell, former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, working for then Director of the CIA, George Bush. He spent 13 years in the agency. He gives a short history of CIA covert operations. He is a very compelling speaker and the highest level CIA officer to testify to the Congress about his actions. He estimates that over 6 million people have died in CIA covert actions, and this was in the late 1980’s.
by John Stockwell
A lecture given in October, 1987
Part I – Part II
mardi 13 avril 2010
lundi 12 avril 2010
UNESCO Iraq Experts Visit Kerkuk Citadel

UNESCO and UNAMI during their visit to Kerkuk Citadel on 30 March 2010
Two days of meetings were organized with local experts including the head of the Kirkuk Directorate of Antiquities, Mr. Ayad Tariq Hussein, a Turkmen, who organized a visit to the Citadel on the second day of the mission, giving the delegation a personalized tour of the site where Mr. Hussein spent his childhood
A delegation from the UNESCO Iraq office visited Kirkuk Citadel from 28-31 March 2010 in support of local efforts to seek placement of the Kirkuk Citadel on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
From 28-31 March 2010, a three-person team from UNESCO Iraq visited Kirkuk at the invitation of Governor Abdulrahman M. Fatah to assess local cultural sites, including the renowned Kirkuk Citadel. During the official visit, the Governor cited the Citadel’s 2600-year history and its links to all those who live in Kirkuk as two reasons why the site deserves consideration. “The Citadel represents the peaceful coexistence of all ethnic groups in Kirkuk and includes sites of historical significance like the burial places of the Prophets Daniel , Haneen and Ozer” said Governor Fatah.
Two days of meetings were organized with local experts including the head of the Kirkuk Directorate of Antiquities, Ayad Hussein, who organized a visit to the Citadel on the second day of the mission, giving the delegation a personalized tour of the site where Mr. Hussein spent his childhood.
UNESCO’s Culture Programme Specialist Tamara Teneishvili laid out an initial plan of action and encouraged the local authorities and experts to prepare for a process that could take several years. “No matter the outcome, the Citadel will benefit,” said Ms Teneishvili, “because the process requires the implementation of plans and procedures that should raise local efforts to protect the Citadel to an international standard.”
Among the highlights of the visit to the Citadel was the final stop atop earthen towers, mud brick sentries standing guard over an old gate that were uncovered during excavations in 1997. Ms. Teneishvili indicated these towers would require further investigation into their historical significance.
Local authorities are pulling together documents to support the development of a workplan, which will include coordinating with the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage in Baghdad, which has overall authority in these matters. UNESCO-Iraq’s Baghdad Officer in Charge, George Papagiannis, led the delegation, which also included National Program Officer in Kurdistan Sami al-Khoja. Mr. Papagiannis said support from Deputy Governor Rakan S. Al-Jeboori and Chairman of the Provincial Council Rizgar Ali Hamajan showed the universality of this effort in Kirkuk and would be an advantage.
In addition the UNAMI office in Kirkuk, headed by Stephanie Koury, provided invaluable assistance to achieving the mission’s objectives.
Iraq currently has three sites on the World Heritage List: Hatra, Ashur (Qal’at Sherqat) and Samara Archaeological City.
For more information visit: http://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/iq.
And for more on UNESCO in Iraq, visit: http://www.unesco.org/en/iraq-office/.
dimanche 11 avril 2010
China-Uyghur Dialogue
China-Uyghur Dialogue
Monday, 29 March 2010
"Uyghurs Call for Dialogue with China – Implementation of the Chinese Constitution to Safeguard and Protect the Rights of the Uyghur people"
European Parliament 29 – 30 April 2010
Mr. Niccolò Rinaldi MEP and Mr. Ivo Vajgl MEP are convening a two-day conference entitled ‘Dialogue with China – Implementation of the Chinese Constitution to Safeguard and Protect the Rights of the Uyghur People’ at the European Parliament in Brussels on 29-30 April 2010 in collaboration with the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) and the World Uyghur Congress (WUC).
The conference will be opened by Ms. Rebiya Kadeer, President of the WUC, before international experts, MEPs, and researchers enter into a comprehensive presentation and discussion of human rights and minority protection, Chinese constitutional rights and Uyghur – Chinese relations.
A conference report will be made publicly available at the close of the event, which will contain transcripts of the panellists’ contributions.
A detailed programme of the conference will be available soon.
Registration required.
Place and date of event:
29 – 30 April 2010
European Parliament
60, rue Wiertz
Altiero Spinelli Building
Room A3 G2
For media queries please contact:
Andrew Swan
+32 (0)472 577 518
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A press conference will take place on: Thursday 29 April 2010, 13.30 - 14.00h
Room ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA (PHS 0A50), European Parliament
For registration please send an email with your full name, date of birth and place of residence to:
A press conference will take place on: Thursday 29 April 2010, 13.30 - 14.00h
Room ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA (PHS 0A50), European Parliament
For registration please send an email with your full name, date of birth and place of residence to:
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Deadline for registration: 21 April 2010
Further information on the conference:
Press release SAVE THE DATE 07 April 2010 English version
Press release SAVE THE DATE 07 April 2010 Turkish version
Deadline for registration: 21 April 2010
Further information on the conference:
Press release SAVE THE DATE 07 April 2010 English version
Press release SAVE THE DATE 07 April 2010 Turkish version
samedi 10 avril 2010
mercredi 7 avril 2010
Iraq Outrage over US Killing Video
Iraq Outrage Over US Killing Video
By Aljazeera
07 April, 2010
Families of Iraqi civilians, seen being shot and killed by US forces in a leaked video, are seeking justice for their deaths.
Earlier this week Wikileaks, a whistleblower website that publishes anonymously sourced documents, released a video showing the US military firing at a group of civilians in Baghdad three years ago.
The shooting left 12 people dead, including two employees of the Reuters news agency.
The Pentagon said it had no reason to doubt the authenticity of the tape, but that two investigations into the incident cleared the aircrew of any wrongdoing.
But victims' relatives have told Al Jazeera they want the military personnel responsible for the deaths to be taken to court.
Two young children whose father was killed in the attack could not understand why they were targeted.
"We were coming back and we saw an injured man. My father said, let's take him to hospital. Then I heard only the bullets ... Why did they shoots us? Didn't they see we were children?" said Sajad Mutashar, who was injured along with his sister.
His uncle, Satar, demanded the pilot be taken to court.
"Nobody gave the children anything, their rights are gone and the Americans didn't even compensate for the destroyed car. I sold it for $500 to spend the money treating them," Satar told Al Jazeera.
The US army says it has authorised payments to the family.
'Monster pilot'
The family of Saeed Chamgh, one of the Reuters employee killed in the attack, is also demanding justice for his death.
"The pilot is not human, he's a monster. What did my brother do? What did his children do? Does the pilot accept his kids to be orphans?" Safa Chmagh, Saeed’s brother, told Al Jazeera.
"Inshallah we won't leave his rights."
Salwan Saeed, Saeed's son, said: "The American has broken my back by killing my father.
"I will not let the Americans get away with it.
"I will follow the path of my father and will hold another camera."
A statement from the two inquiries said the aircrew had acted appropriately and followed the rules of engagement.
According to Pentagon investigations into the affair, the aircrew had reason to believe the people seen in the video were anti-government fighters.
But Mark Taylor an international law expert and a director at the Fafo Institute for International Studies in Norway, told Al Jazeera the evidence so far "indicated that there's a case to be made that a war crime may have been committed".
'Case for war crimes'
Taylor said the US authorities, especially the US military, has to take a closer look at this investigation.
"There are questions about the way the investigation was conducted and whether or not it was done in a proper manner," he said.
Taylor said the Iraqi families may be able to get monetary compensation, but that there could be a much larger case to be had.
"There are precedents of US soldiers being prosecuted for crimes in Iraq, for crimes of murder, rape and manslaughter. So it's not unprecedented that this could go forward both in military courts as well as in civilian criminal courts in the US.
"The case also raises larger questions about the laws of war. I think what this video shows is really a case that challenges whether the laws of war are strict enough."
WikiLeaks said it obtained the video from a number of "military whistleblowers".
Watch the Wiki leaks video here
lundi 5 avril 2010
Collateral Murder - Massacre of Iraqis by US military
Collateral Murder
Please click on the link below to see the video
Intended and by higher command chains sanctioned fatal injuries or deaths of civilians caused by military operations.
Civilian casualties caused by assymetric warfare supported by widespread use of remote weaponary (drones, intelligent missiles, computer guided guns) disregarding human life.
5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.
Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.
The military did not reveal how the Reuters staff were killed, and stated that they did not know how the children were injured.
After demands by Reuters, the incident was investigated and the U.S. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own "Rules of Engagement".
Consequently, WikiLeaks has released the classified Rules of Engagement for 2006, 2007 and 2008, revealing these rules before, during, and after the killings.
WikiLeaks has released both the original 38 minutes video and a shorter version with an initial analysis. Subtitles have been added to both versions from the radio transmissions.
WikiLeaks obtained this video as well as supporting documents from a number of military whistleblowers. WikiLeaks goes to great lengths to verify the authenticity of the information it receives. We have analyzed the information about this incident from a variety of source material. We have spoken to witnesses and journalists directly involved in the incident.
WikiLeaks wants to ensure that all the leaked information it receives gets the attention it deserves. In this particular case, some of the people killed were journalists that were simply doing their jobs: putting their lives at risk in order to report on war. Iraq is a very dangerous place for journalists: from 2003- 2009, 139 journalists were killed while doing their work.
Please click on the link below to see the video
Intended and by higher command chains sanctioned fatal injuries or deaths of civilians caused by military operations.
Civilian casualties caused by assymetric warfare supported by widespread use of remote weaponary (drones, intelligent missiles, computer guided guns) disregarding human life.
5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.
Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.
The military did not reveal how the Reuters staff were killed, and stated that they did not know how the children were injured.
After demands by Reuters, the incident was investigated and the U.S. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own "Rules of Engagement".
Consequently, WikiLeaks has released the classified Rules of Engagement for 2006, 2007 and 2008, revealing these rules before, during, and after the killings.
WikiLeaks has released both the original 38 minutes video and a shorter version with an initial analysis. Subtitles have been added to both versions from the radio transmissions.
WikiLeaks obtained this video as well as supporting documents from a number of military whistleblowers. WikiLeaks goes to great lengths to verify the authenticity of the information it receives. We have analyzed the information about this incident from a variety of source material. We have spoken to witnesses and journalists directly involved in the incident.
WikiLeaks wants to ensure that all the leaked information it receives gets the attention it deserves. In this particular case, some of the people killed were journalists that were simply doing their jobs: putting their lives at risk in order to report on war. Iraq is a very dangerous place for journalists: from 2003- 2009, 139 journalists were killed while doing their work.
dimanche 4 avril 2010
samedi 3 avril 2010
Rations alimentaires diminuées - Le cadeau empoisonné de Nouri al-Maliki, par Gilles Munier
Le cadeau empoisonné de Nouri al-Maliki
Rations alimentaires diminuées
Le cadeau empoisonné
de Nouri al-Maliki
Avant les élections législatives, Nouri al-Maliki promettait tout à tout le monde… s’il était réélu. Comme cela risque fort de ne pas être le cas, il a fait un cadeau empoisonné à son successeur en décidant de diviser par deux l’aide alimentaire accordée à plus de la moitié de la population, selon une estimation du ministère du Commerce.
Cette aide mensuelle (1), mise en place en 1995 par Saddam Hussein dans le cadre du programme « Pétrole contre nourriture », comprenait du riz (trois kilos par personne); du sucre (deux kilos par personne) ; de l’huile (un litre par personne) ; de la farine (neuf kilos par personne); du lait pour adultes (250 grammes par personne) ; du thé (200 grammes par personne) ; des fèves (250 grammes par personne) ; du lait pour enfants (1,8 kilo par enfant) ; du savon (250 grammes par personne) ; des détergents (500 grammes par personne) ; et de la purée de tomate (500 grammes par personne).
Depuis avril 2003, les Irakiens accusaient le régime américano-iranien d’incompétence et de corruption dans la distribution des rations alimentaires. Une étude conduite, en 2008, par Oxfam Internationale et l’ONG irakienne al Amal avait confimé leurs dires. Sur 1700 femmes des provinces de Bagdad, Ninive, Bassora, Kirkouk et Nadjaf: 30% déclaraient n'avoir jamais reçu d'aide de la part du gouvernement au cours des cinq dernières années, tandis que 76% , veuves, n'avaient reçu aucun soutien de qui que ce soit (2).
En 2009, une enquête a révélé que les rations n’avaient pas été distribuées à 18% de la population depuis un an, et que les produits essentiels étaient de très mauvaise qualité. Le scandale a fini par éclater quand on a appris que Abdul-Falah al-Sudani, ministre du Commerce (3), importait des aliments périmés. Ses deux frères, qui travaillaient pour la force de sécurité du ministère, avaient détourné plusieurs millions de dollars dans le cadre de contrats d'importation. Ils menaient la grande vie : une vidéo placée sur YouTube les montra éméchés, en compagnie de femmes vêtues du strict minimum. Suite à ce scandale, 997 mandats d'arrêt furent émis pour corruption, mais trop tard, une partie des suspects – pour la plupart membres d’Al-Dawa - avait fui à l’étranger.
La décision de Nouri al-Maliki de réduire le nombre des bénéficiaires de l’aide alimentaire et de la diviser de moitié, est présentée comme une tentative de rationalisation du système. Ce n’est pas l’avis des Irakiens qui vont se serrer un peu plus la ceinture, tandis que l’argent des ventes du pétrole engraisse la nomenklatura au pouvoir (4).
Notes :
(1) Source IRIN, organisme d’information rattaché au Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires des Nations unies.
(2) Quel Irak pour les Irakiens ? par Xavière Jardez (AFI-Flash, n°92 – 2/5/09)
(3) Abdul-Falah al-Sudani, né en 1947 à Bassora, est membre du Parti Al-Dawa – Organisation Irak, un courant différent de celui dirigé par Nouri al-Maliki. Il a été ministre de l'Education nationale dans le Gouvernement irakien de transition (du 3 mai 2005 au 20 mai 2006 – Premier ministre : Ibrahim al-Jaafari).
(4) Après la Révolution de juillet 1968, le gouvernement baasiste allouait à chaque Irakien des produits alimentaires essentiels à un prix inférieur à celui du marché, à retirer dans un magasin du quartier où les habitants étaient enregistrés automatiquement.
Rations alimentaires diminuées
Le cadeau empoisonné
de Nouri al-Maliki
Avant les élections législatives, Nouri al-Maliki promettait tout à tout le monde… s’il était réélu. Comme cela risque fort de ne pas être le cas, il a fait un cadeau empoisonné à son successeur en décidant de diviser par deux l’aide alimentaire accordée à plus de la moitié de la population, selon une estimation du ministère du Commerce.
Cette aide mensuelle (1), mise en place en 1995 par Saddam Hussein dans le cadre du programme « Pétrole contre nourriture », comprenait du riz (trois kilos par personne); du sucre (deux kilos par personne) ; de l’huile (un litre par personne) ; de la farine (neuf kilos par personne); du lait pour adultes (250 grammes par personne) ; du thé (200 grammes par personne) ; des fèves (250 grammes par personne) ; du lait pour enfants (1,8 kilo par enfant) ; du savon (250 grammes par personne) ; des détergents (500 grammes par personne) ; et de la purée de tomate (500 grammes par personne).
Depuis avril 2003, les Irakiens accusaient le régime américano-iranien d’incompétence et de corruption dans la distribution des rations alimentaires. Une étude conduite, en 2008, par Oxfam Internationale et l’ONG irakienne al Amal avait confimé leurs dires. Sur 1700 femmes des provinces de Bagdad, Ninive, Bassora, Kirkouk et Nadjaf: 30% déclaraient n'avoir jamais reçu d'aide de la part du gouvernement au cours des cinq dernières années, tandis que 76% , veuves, n'avaient reçu aucun soutien de qui que ce soit (2).
En 2009, une enquête a révélé que les rations n’avaient pas été distribuées à 18% de la population depuis un an, et que les produits essentiels étaient de très mauvaise qualité. Le scandale a fini par éclater quand on a appris que Abdul-Falah al-Sudani, ministre du Commerce (3), importait des aliments périmés. Ses deux frères, qui travaillaient pour la force de sécurité du ministère, avaient détourné plusieurs millions de dollars dans le cadre de contrats d'importation. Ils menaient la grande vie : une vidéo placée sur YouTube les montra éméchés, en compagnie de femmes vêtues du strict minimum. Suite à ce scandale, 997 mandats d'arrêt furent émis pour corruption, mais trop tard, une partie des suspects – pour la plupart membres d’Al-Dawa - avait fui à l’étranger.
La décision de Nouri al-Maliki de réduire le nombre des bénéficiaires de l’aide alimentaire et de la diviser de moitié, est présentée comme une tentative de rationalisation du système. Ce n’est pas l’avis des Irakiens qui vont se serrer un peu plus la ceinture, tandis que l’argent des ventes du pétrole engraisse la nomenklatura au pouvoir (4).
Notes :
(1) Source IRIN, organisme d’information rattaché au Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires des Nations unies.
(2) Quel Irak pour les Irakiens ? par Xavière Jardez (AFI-Flash, n°92 – 2/5/09)
(3) Abdul-Falah al-Sudani, né en 1947 à Bassora, est membre du Parti Al-Dawa – Organisation Irak, un courant différent de celui dirigé par Nouri al-Maliki. Il a été ministre de l'Education nationale dans le Gouvernement irakien de transition (du 3 mai 2005 au 20 mai 2006 – Premier ministre : Ibrahim al-Jaafari).
(4) Après la Révolution de juillet 1968, le gouvernement baasiste allouait à chaque Irakien des produits alimentaires essentiels à un prix inférieur à celui du marché, à retirer dans un magasin du quartier où les habitants étaient enregistrés automatiquement.
jeudi 1 avril 2010
Karzai lashes out at West over Afghan elections
Karzai lashes out at West over Afghan elections
01 Apr 2010 19:15:27 GMT
Source: Reuters
* U.S. rejects Karzai accusations
* Denounces U.S., French officials involved in 2009 poll
* Says West wants weak Afghan president, parliament (Adds United Nations reaction, U.S. comment)
By Golnar Motevalli
KABUL, April 1 (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai accused the West on Thursday of trying to ruin Afghanistan's elections, intensifying a showdown with parliament over whether foreigners will oversee a parliamentary vote this year.
Karzai's international reputation took a beating after a U.N.-backed fraud watchdog threw out a third of the votes cast for him in last year's presidential election. He is now wrangling with parliament and the United Nations over fraud protection measures for a parliamentary vote due in September.
"Foreigners will make excuses, they do not want us to have a parliamentary election," a defiant Karzai told a gathering of election officials. "They want parliament to be weakened and battered, and for me to be an ineffective president and for parliament to be ineffective.
"You have gone through the kind of elections during which you were not only threatened with terror, you also faced massive interference from foreigners," Karzai told the officials. "Some embassies also tried to bribe the members of the commission."
In Washington, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley rejected Karzai's accusations the West wanted to see the Afghan parliament weakened and for him to be ineffective.
"We do not accept that judgment," Crowley said.
What was important, said Crowley, was that Karzai be seen by his own people as governing effectively and that he take "measurable" steps against corruption. "Karzai has to step forward," Crowley told reporters.
Karzai singled out Peter Galbraith, the American former deputy of the U.N. mission in Kabul, sacked after accusing his boss of turning a blind eye to fraud, and French General Philippe Morillon, head of an EU vote monitoring mission.
"There was fraud in the presidential and provincial election, with no doubt there was massive fraud. This wasn't fraud by Afghans but the fraud of foreigners, the fraud of Galbraith, of Morillon and the votes of the Afghan nation were in the control of an embassy," Karzai said.
He accused Galbraith of telling an election official he would be "digging himself an early grave" if Karzai was declared first round winner and said Morillon had tried to block the announcement of results to force Karzai to accept a political alliance.
Galbraith could not be reached for comment.
Last year's election stand-off -- which ended when the U.N.-backed body ordered a second round but Karzai's opponent quit -- eroded support in the West for the eight-year-old war.
A new election confrontation could further sour public opinion in a decisive year, when Washington is sending an extra 30,000 troops.
Ahead of September's parliamentary poll, Karzai issued a decree in February revoking the power of the United Nations to appoint the majority of members of the election fraud watchdog.
The lower house of parliament rejected Karzai's decree on Wednesday, a move diplomats described as a rebuke for the president, although the motion would still need to pass in the upper house to restore U.N. oversight of the vote.
Karzai told the election officials and reporters his decree was vital to Afghanistan's sovereignty.
The United Nations has called for reforms to Afghanistan's election commission to prevent fraud before it will agree to free up donor funds needed to pay for the Sept. 18 vote.
U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said the world body would not comment on Karzai's accusations. "We have made clear the efforts by the United Nations to determine and to deal with allegations of fraud and we stand by that," Haq told journalists on Thursday at U.N. headquarters in New York.
"The foreigners have said if you don't dismiss these men, we will not give you any money," Karzai said, adding he would announce changes to the election commission next week.
The fraud watchdog is a separate body, which was led by a Canadian during last year's election and ordered the election commission to overturn Karzai's first round victory.
New U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura accepted a compromise offer from Karzai this month that would let the United Nations appoint a minority of members of the fraud watchdog, rather than the majority as it did last year. Parliament's rejection of Karzai's decree means the status of that deal is now in doubt.
"I am working on it. That's all I can say," de Mistura told Reuters late on Wednesday. (Additional reporting by Basil Katz at the United Nations and Sue Pleming in Washington; Editing by Peter Graff and Ron Popeski)
01 Apr 2010 19:15:27 GMT
Source: Reuters
* U.S. rejects Karzai accusations
* Denounces U.S., French officials involved in 2009 poll
* Says West wants weak Afghan president, parliament (Adds United Nations reaction, U.S. comment)
By Golnar Motevalli
KABUL, April 1 (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai accused the West on Thursday of trying to ruin Afghanistan's elections, intensifying a showdown with parliament over whether foreigners will oversee a parliamentary vote this year.
Karzai's international reputation took a beating after a U.N.-backed fraud watchdog threw out a third of the votes cast for him in last year's presidential election. He is now wrangling with parliament and the United Nations over fraud protection measures for a parliamentary vote due in September.
"Foreigners will make excuses, they do not want us to have a parliamentary election," a defiant Karzai told a gathering of election officials. "They want parliament to be weakened and battered, and for me to be an ineffective president and for parliament to be ineffective.
"You have gone through the kind of elections during which you were not only threatened with terror, you also faced massive interference from foreigners," Karzai told the officials. "Some embassies also tried to bribe the members of the commission."
In Washington, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley rejected Karzai's accusations the West wanted to see the Afghan parliament weakened and for him to be ineffective.
"We do not accept that judgment," Crowley said.
What was important, said Crowley, was that Karzai be seen by his own people as governing effectively and that he take "measurable" steps against corruption. "Karzai has to step forward," Crowley told reporters.
Karzai singled out Peter Galbraith, the American former deputy of the U.N. mission in Kabul, sacked after accusing his boss of turning a blind eye to fraud, and French General Philippe Morillon, head of an EU vote monitoring mission.
"There was fraud in the presidential and provincial election, with no doubt there was massive fraud. This wasn't fraud by Afghans but the fraud of foreigners, the fraud of Galbraith, of Morillon and the votes of the Afghan nation were in the control of an embassy," Karzai said.
He accused Galbraith of telling an election official he would be "digging himself an early grave" if Karzai was declared first round winner and said Morillon had tried to block the announcement of results to force Karzai to accept a political alliance.
Galbraith could not be reached for comment.
Last year's election stand-off -- which ended when the U.N.-backed body ordered a second round but Karzai's opponent quit -- eroded support in the West for the eight-year-old war.
A new election confrontation could further sour public opinion in a decisive year, when Washington is sending an extra 30,000 troops.
Ahead of September's parliamentary poll, Karzai issued a decree in February revoking the power of the United Nations to appoint the majority of members of the election fraud watchdog.
The lower house of parliament rejected Karzai's decree on Wednesday, a move diplomats described as a rebuke for the president, although the motion would still need to pass in the upper house to restore U.N. oversight of the vote.
Karzai told the election officials and reporters his decree was vital to Afghanistan's sovereignty.
The United Nations has called for reforms to Afghanistan's election commission to prevent fraud before it will agree to free up donor funds needed to pay for the Sept. 18 vote.
U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said the world body would not comment on Karzai's accusations. "We have made clear the efforts by the United Nations to determine and to deal with allegations of fraud and we stand by that," Haq told journalists on Thursday at U.N. headquarters in New York.
"The foreigners have said if you don't dismiss these men, we will not give you any money," Karzai said, adding he would announce changes to the election commission next week.
The fraud watchdog is a separate body, which was led by a Canadian during last year's election and ordered the election commission to overturn Karzai's first round victory.
New U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura accepted a compromise offer from Karzai this month that would let the United Nations appoint a minority of members of the fraud watchdog, rather than the majority as it did last year. Parliament's rejection of Karzai's decree means the status of that deal is now in doubt.
"I am working on it. That's all I can say," de Mistura told Reuters late on Wednesday. (Additional reporting by Basil Katz at the United Nations and Sue Pleming in Washington; Editing by Peter Graff and Ron Popeski)
Iraqi Agriculture - International Seed Day: An International Day for Patent-Free Seeds, Organic Food and Farmers' Rights- April 26, 2010

International Seed Day (ISD): An International Day for Patent-Free Seeds, Organic Food and Farmers' Rights
April 26, 2010
Organizations and activists from around the world will observe April 26 as International Seed Day (ISD) advocating for patent-free seeds, organic food and farmers' rights. ISD will be an educational day for the public to learn about genetically modified food, its health hazardous effects and the monopoly over worldwide agriculture by major US and European agribusiness companies.
Why April 26?
Order 81 was signed on April 26, 2004 by Paul Bremer, the administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq to control Iraq's agriculture. The Order was a declaration of war against farmers.
Article 14 of this law states "Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected varieties," Order 81 mends Iraq's original law No. 65 on patents, created in 1970.
The most significant part of Order 81 is the subject of 'Plant Variety Protection' (PVP), which ensures not the protection of biodiversity, but rather the protection of the commercial interests of USA and European major seed corporations. In order to qualify for PVP, seeds have to be 'new, distinct, uniform and stable'. Therefore, the sort of seeds being encouraged to grow by corporations such as World Wide Wheat Company (WWWC), Monsanto and others will be those registered under PVP. International Seed Day (ISD) Library
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