dimanche 30 mars 2014

ITF EU Representative Dr Hassan Aydinli represented the Iraqi Turkmens at the International Demonstration in Brussels in favour of Nations without a State


ITF EU Representative, Dr Hassan Aydinli and Merry Fitzgerald of Europe-Turkmen Friendships represented the IRAQI TURKMENS at the demonstration in Brussels today, 30th MARCH 2014, at Jubelpark - Parc du Cinquantenaire - in favour of nations without a state. 

This event was organized by the INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF EUROPEAN CITIZENS (ICEC) it brought together several hundreds of activists from across the world.

The demonstration will be followed by an official International Conference and Workshop "Self-Determination in the 21st Century" in Brussels and Antwerp on 31st March 2014 and 1st April 2014 which is organized by UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization), CIEMEN (Centre Internacional Escarré per les Minories Etniques i Nacions and Centre Maurits Coppieters.

samedi 29 mars 2014

Demonstration in favour of Nations without a State in Brussels on 30th March 2014

DEMONSTRATION IN BRUSSELS ON SUNDAY 30th MARCH 2014 AT 11 a.m. at Jubelpark in favour of nations without a state. 

This event is organized by the INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF EUROPEAN CITIZENS (ICEC) and will bring together exceptional activists from across the world.

This demonstration will take place prior to the official programme "SELF-DETERMINATION IN THE 21st CENTURY" (organized by UNPO, CIEMEN and Centre Maurits Coppieters) in Antwerp and Brussels on 31st March and 1st April 2014.

jeudi 27 mars 2014

ITF EU Representative Dr Hassan Aydinli attended the International Day of Nowruz at Huizingen Castle, Brussels



                                                Please click on the picture to enlarge

Huizingen Castle (Brussels)

H.E. the Ambassadors of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan 

MEP Metin Kazak and Mrs. Kazak
ITF EU representative Dr. Hassan Aydinli and Mrs. Merry Fitzgerald

ITF EU representative Dr. Hassan Aydinli with H.E. Homayoun Tandar Ambassador of Afghanistan

ITF EU representative Dr. Hassan Aydinli with H.E. Kakadjan Mommadov Ambassador of Turkmenistan and his spouse

Bilindiği gibi Nevruz (Bahar) Bayramı tarihte aynı zamanda bir Türk bayramı olarak’da kutlanmakta. Özellikle Asya ve Kafkaslarda bulunan Türk toplulukları bu bayramı, milli bir duygu içerisinde coşkuyla kutlamakta.

Bu nedenle son bir kaç yıldan beri geleneksel hale getirilen Nevruz Bayram Resepsiyonu bu senede (25 Mart Salı günü Saat 18:30) da Huizingen Şatosu’nda büyük bir katılım ve coşkuyla idrak edildi.

Nevruz Bayramı Resepsiyonunda Afganistan Büyükelçisi Homayoun Tandar, Azerbaycan Büyükelçisi Fuad İsgandarov, Kırgızistan Büyükelçisi Asein Isaev, Tacikistan Büyükelçisi Rustamjon Soliev, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Belçika Büyükelçisi Mehmet Hakan Olcay ve Türkmenistan Büyükelçisi Kakadjan Mommadov’un ev sahipliği yaparak, Ülke bayrakları önündeki bayram tebriklerini birlikte kabul ettiler.

Anılan ülke insanları geleneksel giyisileri ile kendi kültürlerine has sıcak ve soğuk yemekleri davetlilere ikram ettiler. Davetliler sırayla ülke stantlarını ziyaret ederek, onların kendilerine has mutfak ürünlerinden birbirinden güzel yiyecekleri tatma imkanı buldular.

Büyükelçiler adına Afganistan Büyükelçisi Homayoun Tandar, bir konuşma yaparak, davetlilere katılımlarından dolayı teşekkür ederek, “bayramların birlik, kardeşlik ve dayanışma ruhunu geliştirdiğini, Nevruz bayramının geniş bir coğrafyada yüz milyonlarca insan tarafından idrak edildiğini belirterek, kendisi ve diğer ülke büyükelçileri olarak tüm katılımcıların Nevruz Bayramı’nı tebrik ettiklerini açıkladı.


Extract from Ershad Al-Hurmuzu's book: "The Turkmen and Iraqi Homeland": PAGES 74 AND 75:

"The ignominious defeat of the Iraqi army and the uprising which followed shortly afterwards, in the northern and southern regions of the country, resulted in violent reprisals against the inhabitants: Kurdish divisions of the Iraqi army invaded Kirkuk and embarked on a campaign of pillage and wanton destruction, though Turkmen fighters managed to hold certain districts. The city itself and the towns of Altunköprü (45 kilometres north-west, on the main highway to Erbil), Tuz Khurmatu and Taza Khurmatu temporarily came under siege following the collapse of the uprising on March 27, 1991.

The horrific aftermath was an orgy of revenge by the invaders who slaughtered indiscriminately on the streets and in people's homes as well as vandalizing and wrecking property, public and private. As the terrified inhabitants tried to flee Kirkuk and head for Altunköprü, they came under relentless fire from helicopters and heavy artillery. Soldiers fired on anything that moved and smashed into homes in total disregard of the sanctity of the holy month of Ramadan.

On 28th March 1991, the military forces arrested large numbers of people who were then sent to unknown destinations. Their families were given no details of their whereabouts or their ultimate fate. Then, about three weeks later, mass graves were discovered and, when they were opened, were found to contain piles of dead bodies among them those of children, the elderly and even handicapped. The total number was 102 which included the bodies of citizens who had tried to escape from Altunköprü, Taza and Kirkuk. Their ages ranged from ten to sixty-six years old. Their names are as follows: (follows the complete list of names).

EXCERPT from the book by Ali Gökhan Kayili: "The Iraqi Turkmen 1921-2005" pages 69 and 70

"While the Turkmen were not being affected by the insurgency against the Central Government, they watched developments with worry. An insurgency took place on 18th March 1991, which was instigated by the Kurds from the north, against the Baath administration in Kirkuk. Both PUK militia and KDP militia entered Kirkuk city. They invaded the government agencies and buildings on 18th March 1991, and burned the civil registration records, with the aim to destroy data regarding Turkmen existence in the region.

The Turkmen who did not join the insurgency became victims of military units which arrived from Baghdad on 26th March 1991 in TazeKhurmatu, and 28 Turkmen were killed for no reason. Two days later, military units who besieged Altunköprü on 28th March 1991, killed approximately one hundred Turkmen without any questioning.

Massacres which the Baghdad administration instigated against the Turkmen caused thousands Turkmen to migrate to the borders of Turkey and Iran (at the beginning of April 1991) Nearly 17.000 Turkmen reached the Turkish borders, under difficult
circumstances. "

mardi 25 mars 2014

الدكتور حسن آيدنلي ممثل الجبهة التركمانية العراقية في الاتحاد الاوربي يلتقي في بروكسل مع السيد عبدالعزيز كاميلوف وزير خارجية جمهورية اوزباكستان

H.E. the Ambassador of Uzbekistan in Belgium Mr. Vladimir Norov; Uzbekistan Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdulaziz Kamilov; MEP Elisabeth Jeggle and ITF EU representative Dr Hassan Aydinli 

Uzbekistan Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdulaziz Kamilov and ITF EU Representative Dr Hassan Aydinli.

MEP Elisabeth Jeggle and ITF EU representative Dr Hassan Aydinli 

 UZBEKISTAN Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdulaziz Kamilov,  H.E. the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the Belgian Kingdom Mr. Vladimir Norov and ITF EU Representative Dr Hassan Aydinli.

الدكتور حسن آيدنلي ممثل الجبهة التركمانية العراقية في الاتحاد الاوربي  يلتقي في بروكسل مع  السيد عبدالعزيز كاميلوف  وزير خارجية جمهورية اوزباكستان
تلبية  للدعوة التي استلمها  من السيد كرم الدين كادوييف المستشار في سفارة جمهورية اوزباكستان في بروكسل حضر الدكتور حسن آيدنلي ممثل الجبهة التركمانية العراقية في الاتحاد الاوربي جانبا من الفعاليات  الثقافية و الدبلوماسية   التي اقامتها  السفارة الاوزباكستانية   في البرلمان الاوربي في بروكسل وذلك  تزامنا مع  زيارة السيد عبدالعزيز كاميلوف  وزير خارجية جمهورية اوزباكستان الى بروكسل  (عاصمة بلجيكا والاتحاد الاوربي)  لإجراء محادثات سياسية واقتصادية مع المسئولين في  الاتحاد الاوربي  و في بلجيكا.
يذكر بان السيد عبدالعزيز كاميلوف  وزير خارجية جمهورية اوزباكستان قد اتى الى بروكسل على رأس وفد من جمهورية اوزباكستان  للاشتراك في اجتماعات الدورة الحادية عشر لمجلس التعاون المشترك بين جمهورية اوزباكستان و الاتحاد الاوربي حيث اجتمع   في البرلمان الاوربي مع عدد من المسئولين الاوربيين بينهم السيد رينر فيلند نائب رئيس البرلمان الاوربي  و السيد المار بروك رئيس لجنة العلاقات الخارجية للبرلمان الاوربي و السيدة اليزابت ييكل رئيسة لجنة العلاقات ألأوربية – الاوزباكستانية للبرلمان الاوربي و السيد كونتر اوتينكر مفوض الاتحاد الاوربي للطاقة و السيد اندرس  بيبلكس مفوض  الاتحاد الاوربي للتطوير.
كما اجتمع  و تباحث معاليه مع السيدة سابين دي بيتون رئيسة مجلس الاعيان البلجيكي و السيد درك اهتن وزير الدولة البلجيكي للشؤون الخارجية   حيث ركز الوزير الاوزباكستاني  في  اجتماعاته مع المسئولين  الاوربيين و البلجيكيين على اهمية العلاقات بين جمهورية اوزباكستان  و الاتحاد الاوربي بالنسبة لبلاده  وحثهم الى تطوير هذه العلاقات في المجالات كافة وذلك لصالح الجانبين.
تزامنا مع الزيارة الرسمية للوفد الاوزباكستاني الى الاتحاد الاوربي   اقامت  السفارة الاوزباكستانية في بروكسل  بالتنسيق مع  لجنة العلاقات ألأوربية – الاوزباكستانية للبرلمان الاوربي معرضا للمنتجات الفنية  الاوزباكستانية في كواليس البرلمان الاوربي  ومأدبة عشاء  مع امسية  فنية  رائعة احياها فرقة "عزيز رجبي"  الموسيقية الشهيرة في اوزباكستان وحضرها عدد كبير من المسئولين  في الاتحاد الاوربي ومن بلجيكا وكذلك عدد من السفراء  الاجانب المعتمدين لدى بلجيكا و الاتحاد الاوربي في بروكسل .
استغل الدكتور حسن آيدنلي ممثل الجبهة التركمانية العراقية في الاتحاد الاوربي المناسبة المتاحة  وتباحث مطولا مع  السيد عبدالعزيز كاميلوف  وزير خارجية  اوزباكستان  وأطلعه الى الوضع  الحرج  للتركمان في العراق منذ 9  نيسان 2003 الناتج من انعدام الامن و استهداف التركمان  من قيل الارهاب المحلي والاجنبي  دون هوادة منذ ذلك التاريخ  وشرح له المشاكل التي عانى منها المكون التركماني في العراق على مدى عقود حتى 9  نيسان 2003 والتي كانت ناتجة اساسا من التهميش المتعمد لهم  و التمييز العنصري  ضدهم  من قبل  الانظمة  الدكتاتورية التي حكمت  العراق حتى 9 نيسان 2003.
ابدى السيد عبدالعزيز كاميلوف وزير خارجية اوزباكستان اهتمامه الى الوضع في العراق و تعاطفه مع تركمان العراق وحملني نقل تحياته  الى المسئولين التركمان و تمنياته الصميمية  الى الشعب التركماني  في العراق.
كما تباحث الدكتور حسن آيدنلي مع السيد رينر فيلند نائب رئيس البرلمان الاوربي  و السيدة اليزابت ييكل رئيسة لجنة العلاقات ألأوربية – الاوزباكستانية للبرلمان الاوربي  وعدد  من المسئولين الاوربيين الذين حضروا الامسية  وأطلعهم الى الوضع الصعب المعاش من قبل التركمان في العراق منذ  9 نيسان 2003.
ممثلية الجبهة التركمانية العراقية في الاتحاد الاوربي
بروكسل- بلجيكا.

dimanche 23 mars 2014

Iraqi Turkmens at Turkic Nations Meeting in Antwerp (Belgium) to celebrate Çanakkale victory and Nevruz

A large number of Turkish people from Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany gathered at the Volkshuis in Antwerp (Belgium) on 22nd March 2014 to celebrate Çanakkale victory and Nevruz 

The Iraqi Turkmens were represented by ITF EU representative 
Dr Hassan Aydinli 
and by Europe-Turkmen Friendships President Merry Fitzgerald

On this photo: Ms Nebahat Acar, Collaborator/Danisman at the Cabinet of Minister Brigitte Grouwels ; 
Ms Shoira Jabbarova, Manager at European Central Asian Business (from Uzbekistan); 
Ms Zerrin Aydin, Director Public Relations at Belçika Haber; 
Dr Hassan Aydinli ITF EU representative and member of DÜTAP (Dünya Türkleri Avrupa Platformu) 
Mr. Ayhan Demirci Azerbaycan - Belçika Dostluk Cemiyeti. 

Ms Nebahat Acar, Collaborator/Danisman at the Cabinet of Minister Brigitte Grouwels and also candidate for Brussels Parliament elections in May 2014 and Mrs Merry Fitzgerald, Europe-Turkmen Friendships

DÜTAP (Dünya Türkleri Avrupa Platformu) President Mr. Kenan DAĞGÜN making a welcoming speech 

On this photo: Ms Shoira Jabbarova, Manager at European Central Asian Business (from Uzbekistan); 
Ms Zerrin Aydin, Director Public Relations at Belçika Haber; 
Dr Hassan Aydinli, ITF EU representative and member of DÜTAP (Dünya Türkleri Avrupa Platformu)
Mr. Ayhan Demirci, Azerbaycan - Belçika Dostluk Cemiyeti. 

vendredi 21 mars 2014

Press Release Statement by Nickolay Mladenov, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, on the Decision of the Kurdistan Regional Government regarding Oil Exports

Public Information Office
Press Release

Statement by Nickolay Mladenov, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, on the Decision of the Kurdistan Regional Government regarding Oil Exports

تصريح الممثل الخاص للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة في العراق، السيد نيكولاي ملادينوف بشأن قرار حكومة اقليم كردستان حول تصدير النفط

Baghdad, 21 March 2014 - "I welcome the decision of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) that as of 1 April 2014 the region will contribute to Iraq' oil pipeline exports with 100,000 barrels-per-day. It is encouraging that no preconditions have been set for this initiative. Both the Government of Iraq and the KRG have taken steps that should allow for progress to be made on all outstanding issues related to the management of the hydrocarbon sector and revenue sharing, as required by the Iraqi constitution. I take this opportunity, once again, to urge all to work in a spirit of compromise with the goal of quickly resolving all issues relating to the approval of the 2014 Federal Budget Law. If required, UNAMI stands ready to assist the process"


For more information, please contact: Ms. Eliana Nabaa, Director of Public Information/Spokesperson
United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Phone: +964 790 193 1281, Email: nabaa@un.org
or the UNAMI Public Information Office: unami-information@un.org

المكتب الإعلامي
بيان صحفي

تصريح الممثل الخاص للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة في العراق، السيد نيكولاي ملادينوف بشأن قرار حكومة اقليم كردستان حول تصدير النفط

بغداد، 21/ آذار مارس 2014 – قال الممثل الخاص للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة في العراق، السيد نيكولاي ملادينوف "أرحب بقرار حكومة اقليم كردستان بتصدير مائة الف برميل من نفط الاقليم يوميا عبر خطوط الأنابيب العراقية اعتبارا من أول أبريل 2014. ومما يشجع أن هذه المبادرة لم تتضمن اي شروطا مسبقة. لقد اتخذت الحكومتان العراقية وحكومة الاقليم خطوات من شأنها ان تسمح بإحراز تقدم في كل القضايا العالقة المرتبطة بإدارة قطاع النفط والغاز وتقاسم الثروة وفق ما نص عليه الدستور العراقي. وأغتنم هذه الفرصة، مرة أخرى، إلى حث الجميع على العمل بروح من التوافق مع الهدف المتمثل في حل جميع القضايا المرتبطة بالموافقة على قانون الموازنة الاتحادية لعام 2014 باسرع ما يمكن . إن بعثة الأمم المتحدة لمساعدة العراق (يونامي) على أهبة الاستعداد للمساعدة في تلك العملية اذا لزم الأمر.

لمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء الاتصال بالسيدة إليانا نبعه، مديرة المكتب الإعلامي/المتحدثة الرسمية
بعثة الأمم المتحدة لمساعدة العراق (يونامي)
تليفون: +964 790 193 1281
بريد إليكتروني: nabaa@un.org
أو المكتب الإعلامي لبعثة الأمم المتحدة لمساعدة العراق يونامي على العنوان الإليكتروني التالي:

ITF EU Representative met with the Vice-President of the EU Parliament MEP Laszlo Tokes


MEP Laszlo Tokes, Vice President of the European Parliament and Dr. Hassan Aydinli, ITF EU representative. (standing in front of the picture of Altiero Spinelli).

ITF EU Representative Dr Hassan Aydinli attended the conference : Religious Minorities in Iran under Rouhani’s Presidency at the EU Parliament on 18/03/2014.

The conference was organized by Mr Willy Fautré, Director  of Human Rights Without Frontiers and it was hosted by MEP Laszlo Tokes, Vice-President of the EU Parliament.

Participants at the conference said that Iran’s religious minorities still face harsh repression, despite earlier hopes that Hassan Rouhani, elected to Iran’s presidency in 2013, would bring much-needed reforms.
At this event HRWF also presented its annual Freedom of Religion or Belief World Reportand World Report and Freedom of Religion or Belief & Blasphemy Prisoners List 2013.

After the conference ITF EU Representative spoke with MEP  Laszlo Tokes, Vice-President of the EU Parliament, he informed him of the situation in Iraq in general and about the grave problems of security the Turkmens continue to face in Iraq and how they continue to be targeted,  he also mentioned the recent assassinations of Turkmen intellectuals and ITF leaders.

mercredi 19 mars 2014

Eleven years ago today, U.S. forces invaded IRAQ

Eleven years ago today, U.S. forces invaded IRAQ

On the evening of March 19, 2003, just after 9:30pm Baghdad time, Baghdad was hit by U.S. missiles, civilians were terrorized, this was the beginning of one of the worst nightmares humanity has known.

MEPs submit questions on DU in Iraq to Cathy Ashton

MEPs submit questions on DU in Iraq to Cathy Ashton

Following a global Day of Action event last November, where PAX’s Wim Zwijnenburg briefed members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Iraq, a cross party group of MEPs have submitted a question to the EU’s foreign affairs chief Cathy Ashton.

14 March 2014 - ICBUW
The question asks what the EU has been doing to encourage member states to respect the views of the EP, which has repeatedly called for a global moratorium on DU and work towards a ban. It also asks the EU to better support Iraq in dealing with the legacy of DU and for it to take a lead on the increased regulation of military toxics. The question and list of signatories is available below, an official report of the Iraq Committee hearing is available here. The initiative was led by Struan Stevenson MEP. ICBUW awaits the answer with interest.
27 February 2014
Question for oral answer
to the Commission
Rule 115
Sari Essayah, Catherine Stihler, Mark Demesmaeker, Sandrine Bélier, Baroness Sarah Ludford, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, Vittorio Prodi, Norbert Neuser, Barbara Lochbihler, Tarja Cronberg, Jiří Maštálka, Jean Lambert, Pavel Poc, Svetoslav Hristov Malinov, Giancarlo Scottà, Bas Eickhout, Judith Sargentini, Iñaki Irazabalbeitia Fernández, Pat the Cope Gallagher, Stephen Hughes, Andrea Zanoni, Chris Davies, Cristiana Muscardini, Alyn Smith, Struan Stevenson, Tunne Kelam, Anthea McIntyre, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Andreas Mölzer, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vicky Ford, Liam Aylward, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Susy De Martini, Sonia Alfano, Bart Staes, Marian Harkin, Helmut Scholz, Konrad Szymański, Heide Rühle

Subject: The use of depleted uranium for military purposes
Depleted uranium (DU) is a chemically toxic and radioactive by-product of the uranium enrichment process whose radioactivity increases over time. It is used by a number of states in armour piercing munitions for use in tanks, armoured vehicles and aircraft. Six states are known to produce these weapons, and it is thought that around 20 currently possess them in their stockpiles. DU munitions combust, generating a fume of uranium oxide particles that present an inhalational hazard to civilians and military personnel. Munitions that miss their target can contaminate soils and groundwater. Significant quantities of DU munitions have been used in Iraq and the Balkans by the US and the UK. There are ongoing concerns over its potential use in Afghanistan. DU-contaminated vehicles pose significant risks to scrap metal collectors and children who often play on them. DU munitions have been deployed in spite of considerable data gaps in DU’s environmental behaviour, chemical and radiation hazards, the level of contamination likely to be created in different scenarios and, crucially, the extent to which civilian populations may be exposed to DU residue. Parliament has consistently questioned and opposed the use of DU munitions for more than a decade. Concern over the use of DU munitions has been growing at the United Nations General Assembly, where a fifth resolution on the topic will be tabled in October 2014. In some areas of Iraq, childhood cancers and severe congenital birth defects have increased exponentially, up to the point where women no longer want to have children. In consideration of the issues raised above, could the Commission specify:

1. what action has been taken to date to promote restrictions and/or prohibitions on the use of DU munitions among Member States and to demonstrate leadership on this issue internationally?
2. what efforts have been undertaken to develop a common EU position in favour of the prohibition of the use of DU munitions?
3. what assistance the EU is able to provide to help the Iraqi Government to better manage the legacy of DU in its country?
4. DU is just one of many hazardous substances used in conventional munitions that have the potential to impact on civilian health. In light of the EU’s position as a leader on chemicals regulation, will the Commission support research into the impact of these toxic remnants on civilians?
