dimanche 30 juin 2013

Turkmens request Ankara’s help for self-defense

Turkmens request Ankara’s help for self-defense

ANKARA - Anadolu Agency

A man wounded by a bombing in Turkmen city of Tuz Khurmato is carried to a hospital in Kirkuk. Iraq has become lethal for Turkmens, a Turkish official says. REUTERS photo

Iraqi Turkmens have shared their demands and expectations to set up own armed forces with Ankara, Erşat Hürmüzlü, President Abdullah Gül’s Middle East adviser, has said, reminding that Turkmens should find ways to protect themselves if the central government is unable to do so.

Hürmüzlü voiced his concerns over the killing of senior Iraqi Turkmen officials, noting that security, which should be maintained by the state to all its citizens, did not exist in the country. “If the Iraqi central government is unable to protect Turkmens, if the Iraqi army and law enforcement officers can’t defend Turkmen citizens, as a matter of course Turkmens should find ways to protect themselves,” he said.

Deputy Head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, Ali Hasim Muhtaroğlu, was killed in a suicide bombing in the city of Tuz Khurmatu on June 25. Top Turkish officials have condemned the attacks, with President Gül sending a letter of condolence to Iraqi Turkmen Front head Arshad al-Salihi and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu having a phone conversation with the family of Muhtaroğlu.

A declaration released following a bimonthly meeting of the National Security Council (MGK) also expressed “deep sadness” over the killing. 

“As we have seen, a planned study was carried out in the Turkmeneli region to wipe out the Turkmen presence and identity,” Hürmüzlü said, referring to the violence and terror incidents that have been ongoing for over a month. “They are doing this to force Turkmens to leave, and to stir sectarian clashes,” he added. 

Iraq is weathering its deadliest outburst of violence since 2008, with more than 2,000 people killed since the start of April. 

The advisor said Iraqi Turkmens had shared their demands and expectations with Turkish authorities over the establishment of armed forces, adding that Turkish officials were closely monitoring developments on the issue. “We suggest Turkmens proceed on the issue through legal means. However, the situation is out of control, there is no security of life in Turkmeneli regions,” he said, while underlining their prior demands from Turkey. 

“We ask Turkey to protect the citizenship rights, introduction of constitutional rights, which they couldn’t use, as soon as possible. Turkmens want to sustain their lives, as Iraq’s third fundamental element, in a unitary and united Iraq,” he said.

U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Report on human rights in Iraq - June 2013

Report on human rights in iraq

June 2013 report

Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Human
Rights Office

Caring for environment critical to helping 6 million Iraqis vulnerable to food insecurity – UN

Baghdad, 5 June 2013 – On World Environment Day, the United Nations is highlighting the importance of sustainable environmental management to ensure food security. Nearly 6 million Iraqis face food deprivation and vulnerability.

“The global theme for this year’s World Environment Day focuses on minimizing food waste,” said Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Iraq and Resident Humanitarian Coordinator, Ms. Jacqueline Badcock.

“Before we can talk about food waste in Iraq, we need to talk about food production and supply,” Ms. Badcock stressed. “Food security in Iraq is fragile. At least 1.9 million Iraqis or 5.7 per cent of the population are food deprived and do not have enough to eat each day. A further 4 million Iraqis are vulnerable to food insecurity, with one in four children experiencing stunted physical and intellectual growth due to chronic undernutrition.”

While conflict has had a major impact on Iraqi food production in recent years, climate change and environmental damage are also putting traditional agriculture at risk.

“Water levels in rivers and dams are dropping,” Ms. Badcock said. “Soil salinization is taking hold across large swathes of land, especially in the South. Climate variability brings flash flooding and crop damage, while poor land management has caused deforestation, desertification, and an increase in sand and dust storms that cause billions of dollars of damage each year,” she continued.

As a result, Iraq relies increasingly on imports to meet domestic food needs. The total value of agricultural imports in 1985 was USD 1.7 billion. In 2008, this grew to almost USD 5 billion, spent on basic foods such as wheat, cattle and rice. Although there are signs of growth in the agricultural sector, with production of dates, fruits and vegetables on the increase again, 60-70% of vegetables consumed by Iraqis still come from neighbouring countries.

“Iraq must commit to caring for its land and waterways,” said Ms. Badcock. “In 2020, the Iraqi population will exceed 42 million. It is essential that the Government continues to put in place the policies and good environmental practices that will reestablish Iraqi agriculture and ensure food supply for the most vulnerable.”

The United Nations manages a range of projects to support the immediate needs of Iraqis vulnerable to food security, as well as programmes that support sustainable environmental management and build the capacities of Government institutions and farmers. For more information, please refer to this fact sheet


jeudi 27 juin 2013

Kerkük İçin Yürüdük! 27.06.2013

ITC Türkiye Temsilcisi Dr Hicran Kazancı TRT Türk canlı yayında


Türkmenleri dernekler federasyonu Basın Açıklaması

Türkmenleri dernekler federasyonu
Kütük No: 34-174/056
İnönü Mah. Cebel Topu Sok. No:7/1 Harbiye-Şişli/İstanbul
Tel: 0212-225 22 62   -  0536-250 48 48

Basın Açıklaması

Değerli Basın Mensupları,

İki yıldan beri Türkmeneli’nin önemli bölgelerinden biri olan Tuzhurmatu ilçesinde sistematik Türkmen toplumunu hedef alan patlamalar meydana gelmektedir. Şehit düşen Türkmen, yaralanan Türkmen, arazisi gasp edilen hep Türkmenlerdir. Sadece bir yıl içerisinde Tuzhurmatu Türkmenlerine 30’un üzerinde terör saldırısı düzenlenmiştir. İçinde bulunduğumuz hafta içinde 3 kez terör eylemi gerçekleştirilmiş, canlı bombalar patlatılarak Türkmenler katletmiştir.

Türkmenler mengenenin iki ağzı arasında sıkışıp her gün kan kaybediyorlar. Türkmen siyasi yetkililerin tüm girişimleri ve çağrılarına rağmen Irak’ın Merkezi Hükümeti bu insanların can ve mal güvenliklerini sağlamakta aciz kalmıştır. Ülkenin ulusal koruma gücünün terör eylemlerini korumada yetersiz ve hatta çaresiz kalmıştır. Ayrıca Türkmenlerin kendi güvenlik güçlerini kurma teşebbüslerine de engel olmuştur.

25 Haziran 2013 tarihli saldırıda şehit düşen ITC başkan yardımcısı ve Salahattin İl Meclisi üyesi Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu, onlarca kez saldırıya uğramış ve adeta teröristlerin baş hedefi haline gelmişti. Bir siyasi üst düzey yöneticisi ve seçilmiş meclis üyesi olan Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu ve Salahattin İli Vali Yardımcısı Ahmet Koca oğlu ile birlikte teröristlerce şehit edilmişlerdir. Devletin üst düzey görevlisi olan ve sürekli biçimde açıkça tehdit altında bulunan Türkmen liderleri, devletin koruması altında korunmaları gerekirken, maalesef açık biçimde teröristlerin hedeflerine terk edilmişlerdir.

Kısacası Irak Hükümeti, ya Türkmenlerin can güvenliklerini korumayı düşünmemekte, ya da Irak Türkmen Cephesine yapılan saldırılara göz yummakta veya aciz kalmaktadır.

Değerli Basın Mensupları,

Türkmenlerin Irak’ta sahipsiz ve korumasız oldukları defalarca siyasetçilerimiz tarafından dile getirilmiştir. Bu hususta defalarca Birleşmiş Milletlere müracaat edilmiş, ancak, somut bir cevap alınmamıştır. Öyle anlaşılıyor ki Irak’ta Türkmenler bir soykırım operasyonu ile karşı karşıyadırlar. Özbeöz bir Türkmen kenti olan Tuzhurmatu’daki Türkmen nüfusu böylece göçe zorlanmaktadır.

Artık Irak’ın her türlü idari ve güvenlik birimlerinin güçlerinden ümidini kesen Türkmenler, dünyanın demokratik ve özgür ülkelerinden bu soykırıma karşı tepki göstermelerini beklemektedir.

Dayanılmaz koşullar altında direnen Irak Türkmenleri hakkında Türkmeneli Dernekleri Federasyonu, Türkmen sivil kuruluşları ve Avrasya Dernekleri Federasyonu olarak:

1.      Öncelikle 1960 Cenevre Antlaşması ile Kıbrıs Türkleri için garantörlük maddesini koyan anavatan Türkiye’nin, Türkmeneli’nde yaşayan Türkmenlerin için de garantör olmasını,
2.      Yine Türkiye’nin öncülüğünde Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyine ve özgür dünya ülkelerine insani sorumluluklarını hatırlatır; acilen müdahale etmelerini,
3.      Silahsız barışçıl Türkmenler her gün kan kaybediyorlar. Türkmenler kendilerini korumak amacıyla güvenlik teşkilatlarının kurumalarına Birleşmiş Milletlerin, Avrupa Güvenlik Konseyinin, Türkiye’nin ve Irak hükümetinin zaman kaybetmeden destek verilmelerini ve bu konuda gereken ekip ve donanımları bir an önce yapılmasını,
4.      Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi acilen Irak’taki Türkmenlerin yaşadıkları dramı meclisin ana gündemine almasını, ciddi tedbirlerin alınması için komisyonlar ve heyetlerin oluşturulmasını istiyoruz,
5.      Türkmen bölgelerinin sınırlarına Türkiye’nin liderliğinde elzem ve çok acil bir önlem olarak bir uluslararası gücün yerleştirilmesini, talep ediyoruz.

Değerli basın mensupları,
Aziz hemşerilerim,
Kıymetli Türk milleti,

Tuzhurmatu’da şehit olan başta Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu ve Ahmet Koca olmak üzere bütün şehitlerimize Allahtan rahmet, yaralılara da acil şifalar diliyorum.


Bu acı günümüzde biz yalnız bırakmayan değerli basın mensuplarına, Türk dünyası dernekleri yönetim ve üyelerine, Avrasya Türk Dernekleri Federasyonuna, siyasi partilerin teşkilatlarına çok teşekkür ederiz…

Allah milletimize böyle acılar bir daha yaşatmasın.

 Türkmeneli Dernekler Federasyonu
            Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı

1.      Türkmeneli Dernekler Federasyonu - İstanbul
2.      Avrasya Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu - İstanbul
3.      Irak Türkleri Kültür ve Yardımlaşma Derneği – Genel Merkez - İstanbul
4.      Türkmeneli İnsan Hakları Derneği - İstanbul
5.      Irak Türkmenleri Kardeşlik ve Kültür Derneği - İstanbul
6.      Türkmeneli Sağlık ve Sosyal Yardımlaşma Derneği - Konya
7.      Ortadoğu İşadamları Derneği - İstanbul
8.      Türkmen Birliği ve Dayanışma Derneği - Antalya
9.      Irak Türkleri Adalet Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği – İstanbul
10. Türkmen Basın Konseyi Derneği – İstanbul
11. Doğu Türkistan Göçmenler Derneği – İstanbul
12. Türkmenistanlılar Kültür Sosyal ve Yardımlaşma Derneği – İstanbul
13. Afganistan Türkleri Uluslar arası Sosyal Kültürel Yardımlaşma Derneği – İstanbul
14. Doğu Türkistan Dayanışma Derneği - İstanbul
15. Gagauz Dostluk ve Kültür Derneği - İstanbul
16. Afganistan Türkmenleri Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Kültür Derneği - İstanbul
17. Türkmen Sahra Kültür ve Yardımlaşma Derneği - İstanbul

Turkmen react in terms of the attacks: Iraq should admonish the government

26TH jUNE 2013

The Turkmen in northern Iraq have reacted in terms of the attacks which targeted the Turkmen in Tuzhurmatu city and most recently the attack which resulted in the murder of the Deputy Head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF) Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu. The Turkmen who are reactive towards the Iraqi central government in this issue demand that primarily Turkey, the United Nations and human rights groups remonstrate the Baghdad government which is responsible for the life safety of Turkmen. The Turkmen claim that the Iraqi government has failed to take necessary measures and emphasize that although over 500 Turkmen have been killed in over 30 attacks to date such attacks will not intimidate them and make them forgo their cause.

The Turkey Representative of the Iraqi Turkmen Front Hicran Kazancı also reacted against the attacks executed in Iraq yesterday. Kazancı organized a press conference with the participation of Head of Turkmeneli Party Riyaz Sarıkahya, Head of Turkmeneli Culture Center Mustafa Ziya, Head of Turkmeneli Cooperation and Culture Foundation Fatih Turkcan at the headquarters of the ITF in Ankara and voiced their reactions and demands.


In his statement ITF Turkey Representative Hicran Kazancı pointed out that yet again malicious attacks had targeted the Turkmen presence in Iraq and said, “Yesterday the Deputy Head of ITF Muhtaroğlu was martyred in a suicide attack. Our sorrow is deep. In spite of our countless demands in terms of the terror attacks targeting the Turkmen presence in Iraq and our insistence that the safety of Turkmen is established in Turkmen regions the Iraqi central government has failed to take serious and necessary precautions to ensure the life safety of Turkmen citizens.”

In addition to this Kazancı reminded that the demands of the Turkmen for the establishment of their own security forces to protect the Turkmen have also been rejected saying, “In terms of these attacks which target the future of Turkmen the Iraqi government has been grossly negligent. Without any protection the Turkmen are harmed the most by the ongoing chaos in Iraq. These attacks will not intimidate us nor dissuade us from our path.”

The ITF Turkey Representative also called on all security units in Iraq to fulfill their responsibilities in addition to the Iraqi government and said, “In addition we invite the United Nations to remind the Iraqi government in terms of their authorities. We demand that the Turkish world stand by their cognates in Iraq and remonstrate against the ongoing activities.”


mercredi 26 juin 2013

Today was SRSG Kobler's last day in Iraq as head of the UN Mission

Today was SRSG Kobler's last day in Iraq as head of the UN Mission. He said farewell with a visit to the ancient city of Babylon. "Iraq's rich culture is one of its most important resources and I am honoured to finish my mission here with this symbolic trip to the cradle of civilization," Mr. Kobler said.

Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Ahmet Davutoğlu ITC’ye Taziye Mesajı gönderdi

Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Ahmet Davutoğlu ITC’ye Taziye Mesajı gönderdi

26 HAZIRAN 2013

Değerli kardeşlerim,

Irak Türkmen Cephesi Başkan Yardımcısı ve Selahaddin Vilayet Meclisi eski üyesi Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu ile Selahattin Vali Yardımcısı Ahmet Koca ve oğlunun da dâhil olduğu Türkmen kardeşlerimizin dünkü menfur terör saldırısı neticesinde Hakkın rahmetine kavuşması, birçok kardeşimizin de yaralanması bizi derinden üzmüştür. Vefat eden kardeşlerimiz bir kısmı yakından tanıdığımız çok değerli dostlarımızdı. Acımız büyüktür. Vefat edenlere Allah’tan rahmet, yakınlarına başsağlığı, yaralananlara ise acil şifalar diliyoruz.

Suicide bombing kills 13 Turkmens in Iraq

Suicide Bombing Kills 13 in Iraq

Local Editor AL MANAR


A suicide bombing in the district of "Tuz Khurmatu" in Salahuddin province of Iraq killed 13 people on Tuesday, including the deputy head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front Ali Hashem Mukhtar Oglu.

Two suicide bombers carried out the attack, as they blew themselves up amid a demonstration in protest against the acts of violence, killing 13 people and injuring 71 others.

Reporters mentioned that five died in a hospital in Kirkuk, while two others died in Tuz Khurmatu Hospital.

“The suicide attack targeted the ongoing demonstrations of the Turkmen and their protests to put an end to terrorism,” said the representative of the Iraqi Turkmen Front in Erbil Iden Maaruf Salim.
According to Salim, large conspiracies target the Turkmen, as usual, pointing out that the Iraqi Turkmen Front held an urgent meeting in Kirkuk and that a detailed statement will be issued later.

There has been a heightened level of unrest since the beginning of the year in Iraq, coinciding with protests erupted in late December.

Political leaders have pledged to resolve outstanding disputes, and Prime Minister Maliki has met with two of his main rivals in a bid to ease tensions, but no tangible moves have been agreed.

Turkish president strongly condemns suicide attack in Iraq

26 June 2013

Gul described the attack killing deputy head of Iraqi Turkmen Front Mukhtaroglu as 'shameful'

ANKARA (AA) - Turkish Pesident Abdullah Gul sent Tuesday a letter of condolence to Head of Iraqi Turkmen Front Arshad Al-Salihi expressing his strong condemnation on the suicide attack in Iraq which killed 13 including deputy head of Iraqi Turkmen Front Ali Hashim Mukhtaroglu.

Stating he strongly damned the terror attack which killed 13 people and wounded 71, Gul extended his heartfelt condolence to the families of those killed, and said, "Turkish people share your pain sincerely."

Meanwhile, Iraqi Turkmen Front called on Turkmens not to go to work to show their reaction.

Gathered urgently just after the attack, the front held a meeting and issued a statement.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Turkmen Front Irbil representative Aydin Maruf Selim said Turkmens living in Iraq, particularly in Tuz Khurmatu and Kirkuk districts, would not go to work as a reaction to the attacks.

Selim said Turkmens were targeted during the attacks Tuesday, which he said had been going on for a long time.

Calling on the government to investigate the incident, Selim wanted the attacks towards Turkmens to be stopped.

26 June 2013

Anadolu Agency

UN envoy condemns attacks targeting dozens of protesters in northern Iraq

UN envoy condemns attacks targeting dozens of protesters in northern Iraq

Special Representative for Iraq Martin Kobler. Photo: UNAMI


25 June 2013 – The United Nations envoy in Iraq today strongly condemned the attacks that killed and injured dozens of protesters, including two prominent Turkmen leaders, in the northern town of Tuz Khurmatu.

“Such attacks aim to heighten tensions in this particularly sensitive region of Tuz Khurmatu,” said the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Iraq, Martin Kobler.

According to media reports, two suicide bombers blew themselves up inside a tent packed with Turkmen protesters, killing at least 11 people and wounding 55 others. Among the injured are Turkmen leaders, Ahmed Abdel-Wahed and Ali Hashem Mukhtar Oglou.

The protesters were calling for more protection and security in the town, which is regularly hit with attacks.

Mr. Kobler urged Iraqi leaders to ensure that communities are protected and to take all necessary measures to defuse such an alarming situation. He also reiterated his condemnation of all forms of violence, and extended his sincere condolences to the families of the victims.

The past couple of months have been some of the deadliest on record in the country. In April, 712 Iraqis were killed and more than 1,600 injured. In May, the death toll increased to 1,045 and more than 2,300 were wounded, according to figures released by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI).

mardi 25 juin 2013

Le représentant special des Nations Unies en Irak condamne les attentats contre les Turkmènes

25 JUIN 2013

IRAK: Les Turkmènes à nouveau visés par des terroristes à Tuz Khurmatu

Le Représentant spécial des Nations Unies pour l’Irak, Martin Kobler, a vigoureusement condamné mardi l’attaque contre des dizaines de manifestants turkmènes dans la ville de Tuz Khurmatu, faisant plusieurs morts et blessés. Cette attaque a eu lieu alors que les manifestants, notamment deux responsables de premier plan, Ahmed AHMET KOCA et Ali Hashem Mukhtaroglou, demandaient plus de sécurité.
« De telles attaques visent à exacerber les tensions dans la région de Tuz Khurmatu, qui est déjà particulièrement sensible », a poursuivi M. Kobler, qui a appelé tous les dirigeants irakiens à assurer la protection des communautés et à prendre les mesures nécessaires afin d’apaiser les tensions.
Le Représentant spécial a, enfin, réitéré sa condamnation de toutes formes de violence et exprimé ses condoléances aux familles des victimes.

Two Turkmen leaders from TuzHurmatu district were martyred

Two Turkmen leaders from Tuzhurmatu district were martyred.

25th June 2013

An explosives attack took place in the area where citizens had demonstrated against the deterioration of the situation in Tuzhurmatu district recently. A suicide activist mingled among strikers in Tuzhurmatu and detonated the explosives on his person. 30 persons were injured while numerous citizens including Deputy Head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu and former deputy governor of Salahattin Ahmet Abdülmecit Koca lost their lives.


vendredi 21 juin 2013

Extensive project reveals grandeur of Seljuk Empire

Five voluminous tomes and a documentary that were prepared as part of the Legacy of the Great Seljuks Project now make it possible to view photographs of some of the most important architectural pieces and a plethora of artworks.

The Great Seljuk Empire ruled over an enormous area and created a unique civilization blending Turkish traditions with Islam and reaching excellence in the arts, sciences, architecture as well as military and land administration, and now it is possible to view professional photographs of their masterful buildings and artifacts in an ambitious publication.

Five voluminous tomes and a documentary that were prepared as part of the Legacy of the Great Seljuks Project now make it possible to view photographs of some of the most important architectural pieces and a plethora of artworks that remain from the Seljuks’ majestic heritage in various countries and museums of the world
The project, carried out under the auspices of President Abdullah Gül, was introduced to the public on Tuesday at a ceremony held at the Çankaya presidential palace. Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek, Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç, Education Minster Nabi Avcı, Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz and many other top politicians and bureaucrats were in attendance.

Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton following her visit to Iraq


EUROPEA/ U/IO/ Brussels, 18 June 2013

A 329/13

Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton

following her visit to Iraq

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice

President of the Commission issued the following statement today:

"During my visit to Iraq, I met in Baghdad with Prime Minister Maliki, Speaker of the Council of

Representatives "ujaifi, Deputy Prime Minister Shahristani and Foreign Minister Zebari and I also

travelled to Erbil where I met with the President and Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region.

I stressed that Iraq’s democracy and stability are important not only for Iraq itself but for the whole

region. I welcomed recent efforts to ease tension and called on all parties to work together to

address political and governance issues through dialogue. I encouraged the consolidation of

democratic gains through strong and efficient institutions – a key element in any democratic system.

I condemned the wave of attacks that has taken place in the recent weeks in many Iraqi cities, and I

extended my condolences to the families of the victims. The escalation of violence is a cause of

serious concern, and I encouraged all political forces to create a strong and common front against

all forms of violence.

We also discussed the difficult regional context and in particular the negative impact on Iraq of the

Syrian crisis. I commended the recent efforts to agree outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait.

I was also pleased to sign the agreement to make available 4 million euros of EU financing to fund

the EU-Iraq Energy Centre.

The EU has consistently supported Iraq’s democratic transition and will continue to stand

alongside the country to help it meet the challenges that it faces. The EU wants Iraq to be an

important political and economic partner and looks forward to further strengthening bilateral ties,

notably on the basis of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement that we signed last year." _____________

jeudi 20 juin 2013

Counting iraqis: why there may never be a census again

These are all important reasons as to why Iraq needs to conduct a census as soon as possible However a census is also very important to many politicians in Iraq for other reasons. They all want to know the size of the ethnic and sectarian groups in Iraq because of the fact that these numbers are so connected to who gets what, where and when.

One highly ranked source in Baghdad politics told NIQASH that the census forms will ask citizens as to whether they are of Arab or Kurdish origin. The source also said that the inclusion of another question as to which sect every Iraqi belongs to – and in particular, whether they are Sunni or Shiite Muslim – could also be controversial. “The country’s leaders still don’t know whether to include such a question,” the source said. 

Iraq’s PM recently said a census would finally be held. There are pressing political and economic reasons to do so. But nobody has managed to hold one yet; there are plenty of good reasons not to count up Iraqis too.

Around a fortnight ago Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki confirmed that his government was determined to hold a census as soon as possible. The announcement was made at a press conference in Erbil, in the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, which al-Maliki held together with Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani.

The reasons for this were clear. Al-Maliki was making a conciliatory visit to the Iraqi Kurdish, with who Baghdad has been at loggerheads with recently. And the Iraqi Kurdish have long wanted a census because it would help settle one of the most contentious issues between themselves and Baghdad – that of the disputed territories, areas they say belong to them because there are so many Kurdish living there but which Baghdad says belongs to Iraq because there are just as many Arabs there.

If it was known exactly how many Kurdish lived in an area and how many Arabs lived in that same area, it might be possible to begin to hold the popular referendum that’s needed; such a referendum would allow locals to decide whether they want to be part of Iraq or whether they want to be part of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Iraqi Kurdistan’s share of the Iraqi national budget has also been disputed. Iraq’s Kurds want a 17 percent share of the national budget whereas the current government, led by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, says they can only have 12 percent.

“Our problems with Baghdad are very connected to how many Kurds there are actually in Iraq,” says Kurdish MP, Shwan Mohammed Taha. “Holding an accurate census and having numbers that everyone agrees on would help resolve the issues with the budget and with the disputed territories.”

mercredi 19 juin 2013

Iraq and Flood Problems

Iraq and Flood Problems
Dr. Tuğba Evrim Maden, ORSAM Water Research Programme Specialist,

While Iraq, the downstream neighbor of Turkey’s Euphrates and Tigris rivers, frequently form the agenda regarding water shortage, it has recently taken its place on the agenda with flood news.

With precipitations occurring heavily in short periods and sudden and early snow melts taking place with rising temperature, floods have been observed in certain periods from the past to the present in the river basin of particularly the Euphrates and Tigris whose flow rate varies. While global climate change influence the precipitation regimes, it can also cause rapid snow melts and change the interval of the periods. Moreover, in Iraq, which has experienced long periods of war, water structures that have been damaged in terms of structure can also remain insufficient in storing flood waters.

Floods in the Tigris River are seen between February – June while they are seen in March and July in the Euphrates. In “The Mail” newspaper dated 25 May 1929, the floods occurring in Iraq have been addressed and individuals living for many years in Baghdad have indicated that a great flood occurring in 1919 had threatened the capital city of Baghdad and that floods take place periodically in the river basins of the Tigris and Euphrates. From the information obtained from FAO2, the Tigris River, especially during periods of floods, can rise by 30 cm. per hour. While Iraq, experiencing flood problems, implement projects on water resources, in the early periods it had constructed dams for the purpose of controlling floods. Later on, energy and irrigation purposes have started coming to the fore in the construction of dams. It is also indicated that one of the purposes of the Tharthar Lake project in particular, whose construction had been completed in 1956, was to protect the capital of Baghdad from floods. The lake which allowed water flow from the Tigris River to the Euphrates in the 1970’s has been criticized for damaging the quality of water by creating salinity in the Euphrates River.

While Iraq, experiencing flood problems, implement projects on water resources, in the early periods it had constructed dams for the purpose of controlling floods. Later on, energy and irrigation purposes have started coming to the fore in the construction of dams.

In Iraq, which has a surface area of 438.320 km2, cultivated land exists in two regions. The first region is the mountainous regions and plateaus in Northern Iraq where there is plentiful of precipitation, while the second region consists of the irrigation lands existing in Baghdad and Ramadi along the shore of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Opposite to the north of Iraq, water being provided is not seasonally steady in the south and while floods originating from the Tigris particularly in the spring can be regarded as a benefit for producers of rice, it causes great harm to the products to be harvested in the summer and especially to the city of Baghdad. These floods also cause salinity in the soil. Soil salinity can only be prevented with water existing at the right time and at the right place.

The great flood that took place in February 2006 caused create damages to the cities of Arbil, Duhok, Sulaymaniyah, Salahaddin, Tameem, Kirkuk, Diyala, Missan, Wasit and Kut in Iraq. In order for the damages to be compensated, the Organizations of the Red Cross and Red Crescent have gathered aid of approximately 1.3 million dollars.

Since January this year, floods have occurred first in Southern Iraq and following it, since the beginning of this month, in the north of Iraq due to heavy precipitations. During the floods caused by precipitation that occurred the most heavily in the last 30 years and whose consequence had been experienced in the winter, the Tigris River has rose approximately 5 meters and the greatest flow since the last 50 years has been witnessed. Especially in the northern cities of Iraq, state of emergency has been declared against floods. In 230 villages situated in the regions of Wasit, Dhi Qar and Maysan, measures have been taken against the problem of floods that would occur as a result of heavy precipitations. According to information obtained from news sources, it has been learned that two small dams have collapsed due to the floods. Moreover, it has also been indicated that consolidation works are being performed in the dams against floods. Opening of drainage channels for the drainage of extreme flows formed in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is also another piece of information that has been obtained.

According to their hydrologic features, the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates can display great changes in their flow over the years. Throughout history, periods of great drought and great flood have been experienced in this basin and these processes have been felt the most intensively in Syria and Iraq. Actually, the dams, which have been exposed to Turkey’s constant criticisms, organize storages and the flows of the two rivers having unsteady flow in times of drought and flood in a way that would be beneficial to both Syria and Iraq.

US energy giant Chevron signs oil deal with Iraqi Kurdistan

BAGHDAD, AFP – 18.6.2013 – US energy giant Chevron has signed another oil exploration deal in Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region, it said on Monday, one of several contracts between Kurds and foreign energy firms that have enraged Baghdad.

The contract to explore the Qara Dagh field, in the south of the three-province region, is Chevron’s third with Kurdish officials, who have signed a swathe of contracts with international oil companies to boost exploration and production of energy. Iraq’s central government, however, has slammed the deals as illegal on the grounds that they were not approved by the federal oil ministry, and last year barred Chevron from working in non-Kurdish parts of the country.

“Chevron will acquire an interest in and operatorship of the Qara Dagh block production sharing contract from the Kurdistan regional government,” the company said in a statement issued from the Kurdish regional capital Erbil. The block lies southeast of Erbil and is about 860 square kilometres (332 square miles) in total area, it said. The American energy giant was awarded the exploration deal in January, its third in Iraqi Kurdistan after acquiring two others in July 2012.

The spat over oil contracts is one of a string between Baghdad and Erbil. Diplomats and analysts say the unresolved rows are among the biggest threats to Iraq’s long-term stability.

mardi 18 juin 2013

Kurdish General and Police Officer Lead Attack on Assyrian Village

Kurdish General and Police Officer Lead Attack on Assyrian Village
GMT 6-17-2013
Assyrian International News Agency

Northern Iraq (AINA) -- New information has surfaced on the recent attack by Kurds on the village of Rabatki, in the Dohuk province in Northern Iraq (AINA 6-13-2013). According to observers in the area who have spoken to AINA on condition of anonymity because of fear of reprisals, the attack last Thursday was headed by a general in the Kurdish Peshmerga forces. General Aref Habib Al Zebari was identified by witnesses as leading the attack along with his brother Hares Habib Al Zebari, a police officer in the nearby city of Aqra. The Assyrians of the village of Rabatki maintain that most of the armed Kurds who attacked them were actually Peshmerga soldiers wearing civilian clothes.

The Peshmerga is the Kurdish Regional Government's (KRG) military force tasked with the security of the three provinces carved out for Kurds. The force is financed with money from the Iraqi national budget. Assyrians are systematically discriminated against in the armed forces in Iraq. In the Nineveh plain, for example, Assyrians have almost no presence in the police force despite constituting the major ethnic group in several municipalities. Calls for more Assyrians in the local police force where many of them live have been opposed by the KRG since 2008.

No one has been arrested for the attack and the villagers don't expect any of the assailants to face any kind of consequences because of their background and because the victims are Assyrians. Exemplifying the marginalization Assyrians face in all aspects of life in Northern Iraq were the words of general Aref Habib Al Zebari during the attack on Rabatki: "We are the authority around here and we will take what we want."

lundi 17 juin 2013

Irak Türkleri baskılara karşı direnmektedirler

Irak Türkleri baskılara karşı direnmektedirler
Yazan: Sadun KÖPRÜLÜ

Irak Türklerinin yüce tarihleri  şehitlerimizim temiz kanlarıyla yazılarak parlak gelecekleri için vermiş oldukları uzun yıllardan beri, milli mücadele davalarını yansıtmakla, bu topraklarda yıllar önceleri Türk devletleri kurularak varlı, üstün Türklük kokan bir tarihe, zengin bir kültür, folklor gelenek, göreneğine sahip çıkarak, Edebiyat, sanat Türk dilleri alanında çok yapıtlar yazarak, çalışmaları ile sağlam verimli gelişmeler elde ederek, çok sayıda büyük şair, yazar, edebiyatçılar, bu Türk topraklarda yetişerek, dünya çapında tanınmışlardır.

Birçok yapıt eserler gün ışığına bırakarak şanlarıyla, adlarıyla önem değer, önlük kazanmıştır.

Irak topraklarında tarihten önce yoğun olarak Türkler bü bölgelerin tek sahibi olarak yaşayarak, üstün vatlıklarını ortaya koymuşlardır.
Kahramanlıkla, yiğitlikle savaşlarda öncülükle tarihi kanlarıyla, şanlarıyla yaratmışlardır. 

Türkler Irak’ın her bir şehir yerinde yapıtları, kalıntıları uygarlıkları, izleri günümüze kadar görünmektedir.

dimanche 16 juin 2013

The outgoing UN envoy to Iraq Martin Kobler has warned the violence is "ready to explode".

Another bloody day in Iraq as political deadlock lingers

Wave of car bombs, shootings, mostly targeting Shiites, kill 25
people as Iraq grapples with prolonged political deadlock.

Middle East Online

By Ahmed al-Rubaye – BAGHDAD

Death toll rises

A wave of car bombs and shootings, mostly targeting Shiites,
killed 25 people Sunday as Iraq grapples with a spike in violence
and prolonged political deadlock, sparking fears of all-out
sectarian war.

In all, at least 10 vehicles rigged with explosives went off in eight
cities in Iraq's Shiite Muslim-majority south during morning rush
hour, leaving around 100 people wounded, while the main
northern city of Mosul witnessed a deadly shooting.

lundi 10 juin 2013

BC and The History of the Iraq War - Matt Carr

I watched the first part of the BBC's 'History of the Iraq War' series, and I have no intention of watching any more, because it won't do my blood pressure any good.
I don't think I've ever seen such a shallow and essentially reverential piece of telehistory. Within ten minutes I was ready to scream with frustration at the tv set, which is really a very futile activity.

The first problem was the content. Watching Cheney, Hadley, Blair talk about their conspiratorial plotting was a deeply depressing and quite disturbing experience, which confirms my view that these are men without even the semblance of moral conscience. Not one of them showed the slightest sign of regret or remorse or any sense of having done anything wrong.They chatted about their part in the Iraq disaster with a kind of pride, as though they were talking about how they laid down guitar tracks on Classic Albums, rather than a war in which hundreds of thousands of men, women and children were killed and maimed, and a country shattered – all thanks to their sleazy and moronic machinations.

Not one of them showed the slightest capacity for insight into or reflection. Listening to their slick blather made it clear that they didn't care then and they don't care now. Evil would be too strong a word to describe men who are so essentially banal and hollow, and so devoid any moral compass except power.

It was sickening to hear Blair talk about how "we decided we were going to remake the Middle East". Disgusting to listen to Paul Wolfowitz uttering the cliche about Saddam "using WMD against his own people" – the same Wolfowitz who once declared that he only used WMD to justify the war "for bureaucratic reasons". Horrible to hear Blair's ghastly apparatchnik Sally Morgan say that the anti-Iraq war demo was a "difficult day for us" and talk about how angry her boss was when he was raked over the coals on tele shortly before the war by a group of anti-war women – probably the only time in his political life when Blair was ever treated the way he deserves.

But the worst thing about the programme was that the BBC let them say whatever they wanted without challenging them. The journalist never asked a single penetrating question, never offered any real alternatives to what Blair & Co were saying. The programme was about as forensic as a banana, and made the Chilcot Iraq inquiry look positively inquisitorial by comparison.It wasn't even history from the top down – just the official story told by the "key players" – for the BBC the only people worth hearing – in the way they wanted it told. The journalists who made the programme were clearly so awed by their privileged access that they let them get away with it.

Journalists aren't supposed to do this, but the people who made this programme are not journalists, but scribes of power, gutless sycophants and glove puppets who shame, not just the BBC, but journalism itself.All in all a pathetic display, which says a great deal about the state we're in.

samedi 8 juin 2013

IRAQ: No chance to live or leave

No chance to live or leave

With the security situation continuing to deteriorate across Iraq, few Iraqis believe in the process of reconciliation, writes Nermeen Al-Mufti in Baghdad
Last May was labelled the bloodiest month in Iraq since 2008, with, according to the UN, 1,045 people killed and 2,397 wounded, among them tens of children, women and university students.
The last week of the month saw the public tea-house wars, with many of the latter being targeted, both in Sunni and Shia neighbourhoods of Baghdad and other cities and killing tens of civilians.
The escalating violence in the country has made its top political and religious figures call for a meeting in the home of Ammar Al-Hakim, head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, in Baghdad in response for a call for this to take place.
The meeting took place last Saturday, and a significant picture was taken of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki embracing the parliamentary speaker Osama Al-Nujaifi, both of whom have been engaging in a media war against the other for months.
However, no tangible measures were announced as a result of the meeting, and further meetings have been announced.