mardi 29 novembre 2011
Deputy Prime Minister Bozdağ received ITF Turkey Representative Kazancı
The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Bekir Bozdağ received ITF Turkey Representative Dr. Hicran Kazancı in his office. The message of the meeting was that Turkey was a constant supporter of the Turkmen.
At the meeting which took place in the offices of Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ Dr.Kazancı said that two important issues which were of interest to the Turkmen had taken place recently in Iraq. Hicran Kazancı underlined that these issues were the federal debates and particularly emphasized the matter of security. Kazancı said, "As you are aware, the US troops are beginning to withdraw and during this process attacks on Turkmen have increased. Particularly terror groups who are irritated by proper procedures have escalated their attacks and the Iraqi Turkmen Front has become a serious target. "
Hicran Kazancı underlined that regarding the federal debate the Iraqi Turkmen Front has adopted and executed a policy which favors the unity and integrity of Iraq and said, "We oppose placing the federal debate on an ethnic sect basis. If a federal system is being considered then the system must consist of more than three zones because a three zone system may lead to division. "
Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ emphasized that Turkey would always side with the Turkmen. Deputy Prime Minister Bozdağ said, "Turkey supports unity and integrity in Iraq. Peace, stability and political unity in Iraq are important for us. As Turkey, we will continue to support these issues. "
Dr. Hicran Kazancı
Iraqi Turkmen Front
Turkey Representative
Azerbaijani MP meets leaders of Iraqi Turkmen Front
Azerbaijani MP meets leaders of Iraqi Turkmen Front
Tue 29 November 2011 14:37 GMT
15:37 Local Time
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A bomb attack has been carried out in the home of Spokesperson for Iraqi Turkmen Front Ali Mehdi.
It was announced by Azerbaijani MP Ganira Pashayeva who is on a visit to Iraq.
Three separate explosives placed in front of Mehdi’s house in the Tisin area of Kirkuk exploded in sequence.
The explosion has claimed one life and injured 19 people. The neighboring buildings have also suffered damage. Ali Mehdi survived the explosion, the MP said.
Pashayeva met with Iraqi MPs of Turkish origin Zhala Yunus Neftchi and leadership of the Iraqi Turkmen Front today.
An explosion also occurred near the hotel where the Azerbaijani MP stayed.
She added that the explosion occurred near the hotel she stayed and building of the Iraqi parliament.
The explosion injured six and killed one.
There is also an MP among the injured, Pashayeva noted.
Pashayeva said they are accompanied by military vehicles and bodyguards wherever they go after the explosion took place.
“The Parliament and Rashid Hotel operate under a tight security. But the explosion showed that there is no safer place here.”
Pashayeva will attend an international conference in Baghdad, hold a number meetings here and visit Najaf, Karbala, Kufa, Kazimeyn and Kirkuk.
Tue 29 November 2011 14:37 GMT
15:37 Local Time
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Ganira Pashayeva
A bomb attack has been carried out in the home of Spokesperson for Iraqi Turkmen Front Ali Mehdi.
It was announced by Azerbaijani MP Ganira Pashayeva who is on a visit to Iraq.
Three separate explosives placed in front of Mehdi’s house in the Tisin area of Kirkuk exploded in sequence.
The explosion has claimed one life and injured 19 people. The neighboring buildings have also suffered damage. Ali Mehdi survived the explosion, the MP said.
Pashayeva met with Iraqi MPs of Turkish origin Zhala Yunus Neftchi and leadership of the Iraqi Turkmen Front today.
An explosion also occurred near the hotel where the Azerbaijani MP stayed.
She added that the explosion occurred near the hotel she stayed and building of the Iraqi parliament.
The explosion injured six and killed one.
There is also an MP among the injured, Pashayeva noted.
Pashayeva said they are accompanied by military vehicles and bodyguards wherever they go after the explosion took place.
“The Parliament and Rashid Hotel operate under a tight security. But the explosion showed that there is no safer place here.”
Pashayeva will attend an international conference in Baghdad, hold a number meetings here and visit Najaf, Karbala, Kufa, Kazimeyn and Kirkuk.
lundi 28 novembre 2011
مظاهرة عارمة ضد الأرهاب في العاصمة البريطانية لندن
شاركت الاف من المواطنيين من الجالية التركمانية والتركية والاذرية في مظاهرة عارمة ضد الارهاب في العاصمة البريطانية لندن وذلك يوم الأحد المصادف 27من شهر الحالي.
نظمت المظاهرة من قبل كل من ممثلية الجبهة التركمانية العراقية وأتحاد جمعيات القبرص التركية واتحاد أتراك بريطانيا ومنظمات مدنية لتعبير عن استنكارهم لأرهاب الذي يتعرض لها المنطقة من قبل منظمات ارهابية.
هذا وقد شاركت الجالية التركمانية بكثافة في هذه المظاهرة لتعبير عن رفضهم للارهاب أينما كان وخصوصآ فيما يتعرض لها التركمان في مناطق تركمان ألي في العراق من ارهاب منظم لافراغ المنطقة من هذا المكون الاصيل.
بدأت المظاهرة من بلغيريف سكوير مرورآ بهايد بارك كورنر و بيكاديلي ستريت وانتهت بمقر رئيس الوزراء البريطاني في داوننغ ستريت حيث تم أستقبالهم في المقر لتسليم رسالة لرئيس الوزراء البريطاني السيد ديفيد كامرون من قبل ممثلين عن المشاركين في هذه المظاهرة وهم كل من:
السيدة سندس عباس ممثلة الجبهة التركمانية العراقية في بريطانيا
السيد أحمد باش تورك رئيس أتحاد جمعيات القبرص التركية في بريطانيا
السيدة شازية سزمت عضوة الهيئة التنفيذية في اتحاد أتراك بريطانيا
السيد اتيلا عباجي اغلو عضو الهيئة التنفيذية لاتحاد أتراك بريطانيا
المكتب الاعلامي
ممثلية الجبهة التركمانية العراقية المملكة المتحدة
samedi 26 novembre 2011
The Turkmen have an important role in Iraq
Jeffrey: The Turkmen have an important role in Iraq
Turkmen Members of Parliament discussed the situation foreseen in Iraq after the US forces withdraw as well as the systematic targeting of Turkmen not only in Kirkuk but also in other regions with USA Ambassador to Iraq his Excellency James Jeffrey. Ambassador Jeffrey received the Turkmen MPs in his Baghdad office and said that the Turkmen had an important role in the political efforts in Iraq.
At the meeting the situation after the US troops was discussed and in addition it was specified that the targeting of Turkmen had reached serious proportions which threatened the security of Kirkuk and the necessity for finding a final solution to this issue was emphasized. The Turkmen MPs presented a consensus on all debated issues.
Head of Iraqi Turkmen Front and Member of Parliament Erşat Salihi stated that Ambassador Jeffrey had underlined the role of Turkmen on the political stage of Iraq. The meeting was attended by Head of ITF and MP Erşat Salihi and MPs Abbas Bayatlı, Hasan Özmen Bayatlı, Jale Neftçi, Müdrike Hasan and Hasan Vehap.
Turkmen Members of Parliament discussed the situation foreseen in Iraq after the US forces withdraw as well as the systematic targeting of Turkmen not only in Kirkuk but also in other regions with USA Ambassador to Iraq his Excellency James Jeffrey. Ambassador Jeffrey received the Turkmen MPs in his Baghdad office and said that the Turkmen had an important role in the political efforts in Iraq.
At the meeting the situation after the US troops was discussed and in addition it was specified that the targeting of Turkmen had reached serious proportions which threatened the security of Kirkuk and the necessity for finding a final solution to this issue was emphasized. The Turkmen MPs presented a consensus on all debated issues.
Head of Iraqi Turkmen Front and Member of Parliament Erşat Salihi stated that Ambassador Jeffrey had underlined the role of Turkmen on the political stage of Iraq. The meeting was attended by Head of ITF and MP Erşat Salihi and MPs Abbas Bayatlı, Hasan Özmen Bayatlı, Jale Neftçi, Müdrike Hasan and Hasan Vehap.
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal decided that Bush and Blair committed genocide and crimes against humanity by leading the invasion of Iraq in 2003
Bush, Blair Found Guilty of War Crimes
By Press TV
November 25, 2011 --- A War Crimes Tribunal in Malaysia has found former US President George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of war crimes for their roles in the Iraq war.
The five-panel Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal decided that Bush and Blair committed genocide and crimes against humanity by leading the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a Press TV correspondent reported on Tuesday.
In 2003, the US and Britain invaded Iraq in blatant violation of international law and under the pretext of finding weapons of mass destruction allegedly stockpiled by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
The Malaysian tribunal judges ruled that the decision to wage war against Iraq by the two former heads of government was a flagrant abuse of law and an act of aggression that led to large-scale massacres of the Iraqi people.
Bombings and other forms of violence became commonplace in Iraq shortly after the US-led invasion of the country.
In their ruling, the tribunal judges also stated that the US, under the leadership of Bush, fabricated documents to make it appear that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
However, the world later learned that the former Iraqi regime did not possess WMDs and that the US and British leaders knew this all along.
Over one million Iraqis were killed during the invasion, according to the California-based investigative organization Project Censored.
The judges also said the court findings should be provided to signatories to the Rome Statute, which established the International Criminal Court, and added that the names of Bush and Blair should be listed on a war crimes register.
jeudi 24 novembre 2011
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission: Bush and Blair charged with having committed Crimes Against Peace
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Corum: Judge Abdul Kadar Sulaiman, Judge Salleh Buang, Judge Tunku Sofiah Jewa, Judge Alfred
L. Webre, Judge Shad Saleem Faruqi.
L. Webre, Judge Shad Saleem Faruqi.
Prosecution: Prof Gurdial Singh Nijar, Prof Francis A. Boyle, Avtaran Singh, Usha Kulasegaran,
Gan Pei Fern.
Gan Pei Fern.
Amici Curiae: Jason Kay Kit Leong, Sook Kok Weng, Pan Shan Ping, Mohd Zharif Shafiq, Zyzan
Syaidi, Muhammad Khirul.
Registrar: Musa Ismail.
22 November 2011.
The two accused, George W Bush and Anthony L. Blair, at the material times the Heads of
Government of the United States of America and the United Kingdom respectively, have been charged by the Chief Prosecutor of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission with having committed CRIMES AGAINST PEACE, in that they have planned, prepared and invaded the sovereign state of Iraq on 19 March 2003 in violation of the United Nations Charter and international law. The Particulars of the Charge state, inter alia, that on 19 March 2003, the two accused launched a war
against Iraq without the sanction of the United Nations and without just cause whatsoever.
The two accused were not present at the proceedings though duly served. Nor were any attorneys or
counsel present in their behalf. Pursuant to Article 15 of the Charter of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes
Commission & the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal
(hereinafter referred to as “the Charter”), an Amicus Curiae was appointed by the Tribunal to assist the
Tribunal by presenting an unbiased assessment of the charge and evidence against the accused.
The Amicus Curiae entered a plea of not guilty on behalf of both the accused.
Please click on the link below:
lundi 21 novembre 2011
Arap Baas Partisi Diktatörü Suriye Türkmenlerine yeni bir katliam düzenledi
Arap Baas Partisi Diktatörü
Suriye Türkmenlerine yeni bir katliam düzenledi
Yazam: Sadun KÖPRÜLÜ
Uzun yıllardan beri Suriye Türkmenleri Arap Baas partisi yönetimi diktatör Hafız
Esad Tarafından her türlü baskılara, asimilasyon politikasıyla yok olmaya doğru acı durumları yaşayarak, binlerce Suriyeli Türkmenler işkence, baskı altında şehit düşerek, günümüz kanlı rejimin oğlu Beşar Hafız Esat yönetimi 3500 Milyon Suriye Türkmenlerine karşı babasının her türlü acımasız işkenceyle asimilasyon politikasını sürdürmeye çalışarak, Araplaştırma politikası, asimile yöntemini uygulayarak, çok sayıda Suriye Türkmenleri işkence altında şehit olarak binlerce Türkmenler dikta rejimin uzun yıllardan hapishanesinde yaşamaktadır
ve ön binlerce Suriyeli Türkmenler kendi ana dillerini unutarak Araplaşmışlardır
Suriye Türkmen soydaşlarımız Arap Baas Partisi tarafından her türlü haksızlığa maruz kalmakla, anayasal, kültürel haklarından uzun yıllardan beri günümüze kadar yoksun kalmışlardır, ana dillerinde okumak eğitim görmek, kitap, gazete, dergi yayınlamak yanında, Türkçe bir Televizyon radyo evi, dernek, örgüt kurmak, İnternet site alanında her bir çalışmaları yasaklanmıştır.
Uzun yıllar Suriye’ni yöneten Arap Baas partisi diktatörü Hafız Esad iktidarı bırakmadan ölümünden sonra Arap Baas partisini kıyıcı rejimin oğlu Beşar Esad yürütmektedir.
Türkmenlere karşı tüm baskı asimilasyon politikasını yöneterek, acımasız yüzlerce Türkmenleri idam ederek, uzun yıllar hapishaneye atmıştır,
Bu günlerde dikta rejim Devlet Başkanı Beşar Esad’ın aldığı tüm önlemlere rağmen, Artık milletimize baskı soykırım Düzenleyen diktatörler biran önce yok olmalıdır, düşmelidir.
Beşar Esad’in cezalandırılmasına engel olan İran, Rusya komünist sosyalist rejimler
Şehit kanlarının hesabını bir gün vereceklerdir.
Artık Saddam rejiminin düştüğü gibi Esad rejimi gibi rejimlerde düşmelidir.
Hiçbir hakları olmayan Suriye Türkmenlerin tüm hakları verilerek, zorlukla kanla, canla birden alınmalıdır.
iki gün süren Hafız Rejimi acımadan Türkmen köylerinde Türkmenlere yönelik uygulamış olduğu kanlı katliamda yüzlerce Türkmen şehit olmuştur.
Çok sayıda yaralılar olmuştur.
Dünya birden bu kıyıcı eylemlere katliama sessiz kalmaktadırlar.
Nerde bu insan hakları didikler? Nerde BM Af örgütü? nerde Lahey mahkemesi, nerde Amerika, Avrupa devletleri? Nerede Türkiye, Türk Cumhuriyetleri? Bu katliama sesiz kalmamaları gerekmektedir soydaşlarımız şehit oluyor, idam oluyor, bizinde sesimiz bile çıkmadan, yerimizden bile kımıldamıyoruz Nerde Dünya
Kamuyu? Nerde Türk medyası?
Bu gün Suriye’de yeni katliamda şehit olan Türkmenlerin sayıları yüz binlerce olarak, birçok Suriyeli Türkmenlerde yönetim tarafından kayıp olarak izleri bile bulunmamaktandı, Suriye diktatörü Türkmenlere karşı 1982 yıllarında Hama Türkmenleri Hafız Esad döneminde de on binlerce şehitler vermiştir.
Bugün Suriye’de yaşayan Türkmenlerin durumuna Irak Saddam döneminden hiçbir farkı olmadan acılar, baskılar, işkenceler sürmektedir.
Suriyeli kardeşlerimiz canlarını, kanlarını vererek şehit düşerek, topraklarını, ana yurtlarını Dillerini korumaya sahipsiz olarak
Türkiye’nin ve Türk dünyasının politikasının dış Türklere karşı olması ve onlara destek vererek hakları savunma yanında canlarını dikta Baas Rejiminden korumaları gerekmektedir, ve kendimizden, dilimizden, varlığımızdan, kanımızdan, canımızdan olan tüm dünya Türklerinin yanlarında olarak onlara sahip çıkmak, destek, moral vermeliyiz onları savunmak, en kutsal görevimizdir çünkü Türklük ile yaşamak ölmek bizler için kutsaldır, çok önemlidir.
İki gün süren Suriye Türkmenlerine karşı katliamda
Dikta rejime karşı protestoların 8 ayı aşkın sürmesiyle birçok Suriyeli Türkmenlerin yaşadığı bölgelerde, köylerde katliam sürmektedir rejime bağlı güvenlik güçlerinin ateş açması sonucu yüzlerce Türkmen şehit düşerek Humus'ta 19 Şam'ın Hareste bölgesinde çok sayıda şehit düşerek Humus’un Hule ilçesinde ve Tıllıf Türkmen köyünde şehit olan Türkmenlerden
1-Mahmut Muhammet Yasin,
2-Muflih Cesim Kasım 3-Halit Kasım, 4-Salah Kasım, 5-Ahmet Halit Hasan,
6-Süleyman Ali Meştan,
7-Muhammet Cuma Karamusa,
8-Mülham Emin Iğır,
9-Vesil Meşten,
10-Ahmet Meşten.
11- Ahmet Kasım Hataylı Semih
12- Ahmet Küçük
Mahmut Cansız
14-Mehmet İzmirli
15-Zeynel Abdın Hatip
16-Nur Mahmut Read
17-Haç Abulilah Şeyh Maruf şahap
18-Mehmet Şahap
19-Velid İbrahim
Abdülkerim 20-İbrahim İsmail
21-Sümer Huri
22-Mehmet Derviş annesi Resmiye ile birlikte
23-Ahmet Mardinli
24-Yahya Mardinli
25-hasan Antepli
Bunun yanında
Şam Üniversitesi Edebiyat ve Tıp Fakültesinden 12 Türkmen öğrencisi tutuklanmıştır. İnsan Hakları Gözlemcileri vermiş oldukları demeçlere göre günümüze kadar 2 bin 701'i sivil, 880'i güvenlik güçlerinden olarak Suriye genelinde toplam 3 bin 581 kişi yaşamını yitirmiştir.
Ayrıca 53 Türkmen Suriye’nin başka bölgelerinde şehit olmuştur.
Ve çok sayıda Türkmenler Humus Baba Amru Mahallesinde şehit olmuştur.
Şehitlerimize Allah’tan Cennet Rahmet dileriz, yaralarımıza şifa niyaz ederek Türk milletimizin başı sağ olsun.
Suriye Türkmenlerine yeni bir katliam düzenledi
Yazam: Sadun KÖPRÜLÜ
Uzun yıllardan beri Suriye Türkmenleri Arap Baas partisi yönetimi diktatör Hafız
Esad Tarafından her türlü baskılara, asimilasyon politikasıyla yok olmaya doğru acı durumları yaşayarak, binlerce Suriyeli Türkmenler işkence, baskı altında şehit düşerek, günümüz kanlı rejimin oğlu Beşar Hafız Esat yönetimi 3500 Milyon Suriye Türkmenlerine karşı babasının her türlü acımasız işkenceyle asimilasyon politikasını sürdürmeye çalışarak, Araplaştırma politikası, asimile yöntemini uygulayarak, çok sayıda Suriye Türkmenleri işkence altında şehit olarak binlerce Türkmenler dikta rejimin uzun yıllardan hapishanesinde yaşamaktadır
ve ön binlerce Suriyeli Türkmenler kendi ana dillerini unutarak Araplaşmışlardır
Suriye Türkmen soydaşlarımız Arap Baas Partisi tarafından her türlü haksızlığa maruz kalmakla, anayasal, kültürel haklarından uzun yıllardan beri günümüze kadar yoksun kalmışlardır, ana dillerinde okumak eğitim görmek, kitap, gazete, dergi yayınlamak yanında, Türkçe bir Televizyon radyo evi, dernek, örgüt kurmak, İnternet site alanında her bir çalışmaları yasaklanmıştır.
Uzun yıllar Suriye’ni yöneten Arap Baas partisi diktatörü Hafız Esad iktidarı bırakmadan ölümünden sonra Arap Baas partisini kıyıcı rejimin oğlu Beşar Esad yürütmektedir.
Türkmenlere karşı tüm baskı asimilasyon politikasını yöneterek, acımasız yüzlerce Türkmenleri idam ederek, uzun yıllar hapishaneye atmıştır,
Bu günlerde dikta rejim Devlet Başkanı Beşar Esad’ın aldığı tüm önlemlere rağmen, Artık milletimize baskı soykırım Düzenleyen diktatörler biran önce yok olmalıdır, düşmelidir.
Beşar Esad’in cezalandırılmasına engel olan İran, Rusya komünist sosyalist rejimler
Şehit kanlarının hesabını bir gün vereceklerdir.
Artık Saddam rejiminin düştüğü gibi Esad rejimi gibi rejimlerde düşmelidir.
Hiçbir hakları olmayan Suriye Türkmenlerin tüm hakları verilerek, zorlukla kanla, canla birden alınmalıdır.
iki gün süren Hafız Rejimi acımadan Türkmen köylerinde Türkmenlere yönelik uygulamış olduğu kanlı katliamda yüzlerce Türkmen şehit olmuştur.
Çok sayıda yaralılar olmuştur.
Dünya birden bu kıyıcı eylemlere katliama sessiz kalmaktadırlar.
Nerde bu insan hakları didikler? Nerde BM Af örgütü? nerde Lahey mahkemesi, nerde Amerika, Avrupa devletleri? Nerede Türkiye, Türk Cumhuriyetleri? Bu katliama sesiz kalmamaları gerekmektedir soydaşlarımız şehit oluyor, idam oluyor, bizinde sesimiz bile çıkmadan, yerimizden bile kımıldamıyoruz Nerde Dünya
Kamuyu? Nerde Türk medyası?
Bu gün Suriye’de yeni katliamda şehit olan Türkmenlerin sayıları yüz binlerce olarak, birçok Suriyeli Türkmenlerde yönetim tarafından kayıp olarak izleri bile bulunmamaktandı, Suriye diktatörü Türkmenlere karşı 1982 yıllarında Hama Türkmenleri Hafız Esad döneminde de on binlerce şehitler vermiştir.
Bugün Suriye’de yaşayan Türkmenlerin durumuna Irak Saddam döneminden hiçbir farkı olmadan acılar, baskılar, işkenceler sürmektedir.
Suriyeli kardeşlerimiz canlarını, kanlarını vererek şehit düşerek, topraklarını, ana yurtlarını Dillerini korumaya sahipsiz olarak
Türkiye’nin ve Türk dünyasının politikasının dış Türklere karşı olması ve onlara destek vererek hakları savunma yanında canlarını dikta Baas Rejiminden korumaları gerekmektedir, ve kendimizden, dilimizden, varlığımızdan, kanımızdan, canımızdan olan tüm dünya Türklerinin yanlarında olarak onlara sahip çıkmak, destek, moral vermeliyiz onları savunmak, en kutsal görevimizdir çünkü Türklük ile yaşamak ölmek bizler için kutsaldır, çok önemlidir.
İki gün süren Suriye Türkmenlerine karşı katliamda
Dikta rejime karşı protestoların 8 ayı aşkın sürmesiyle birçok Suriyeli Türkmenlerin yaşadığı bölgelerde, köylerde katliam sürmektedir rejime bağlı güvenlik güçlerinin ateş açması sonucu yüzlerce Türkmen şehit düşerek Humus'ta 19 Şam'ın Hareste bölgesinde çok sayıda şehit düşerek Humus’un Hule ilçesinde ve Tıllıf Türkmen köyünde şehit olan Türkmenlerden
1-Mahmut Muhammet Yasin,
2-Muflih Cesim Kasım 3-Halit Kasım, 4-Salah Kasım, 5-Ahmet Halit Hasan,
6-Süleyman Ali Meştan,
7-Muhammet Cuma Karamusa,
8-Mülham Emin Iğır,
9-Vesil Meşten,
10-Ahmet Meşten.
11- Ahmet Kasım Hataylı Semih
12- Ahmet Küçük
Mahmut Cansız
14-Mehmet İzmirli
15-Zeynel Abdın Hatip
16-Nur Mahmut Read
17-Haç Abulilah Şeyh Maruf şahap
18-Mehmet Şahap
19-Velid İbrahim
Abdülkerim 20-İbrahim İsmail
21-Sümer Huri
22-Mehmet Derviş annesi Resmiye ile birlikte
23-Ahmet Mardinli
24-Yahya Mardinli
25-hasan Antepli
Bunun yanında
Şam Üniversitesi Edebiyat ve Tıp Fakültesinden 12 Türkmen öğrencisi tutuklanmıştır. İnsan Hakları Gözlemcileri vermiş oldukları demeçlere göre günümüze kadar 2 bin 701'i sivil, 880'i güvenlik güçlerinden olarak Suriye genelinde toplam 3 bin 581 kişi yaşamını yitirmiştir.
Ayrıca 53 Türkmen Suriye’nin başka bölgelerinde şehit olmuştur.
Ve çok sayıda Türkmenler Humus Baba Amru Mahallesinde şehit olmuştur.
Şehitlerimize Allah’tan Cennet Rahmet dileriz, yaralarımıza şifa niyaz ederek Türk milletimizin başı sağ olsun.
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal
Global Research, November 22, 2011
- 2011-11-19
Streaming Video: Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal -
The following URL will stream video of each session of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal within 1-2 hours after the specific session has ended. To access this streaming video please go to:
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal
Schedule of Sessions
Saturday Nov. 19, 2011 9AM - 5 PM Kuala Lumpur time;
Sunday Nov. 20, 2011 9AM - 5 PM Kuala Lumpur time;
Monday Nov. 21, 2011 9AM - 5 PM Kuala Lumpur time;
Tuesday Nov. 22, 2011 9AM - 5 PM Kuala Lumpur time;
Sessions of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal will also be online on You Tube.
Michel Chossudovsky, Cynthia McKinney and Dirk Adriaensens are in Kuala Lumpur for the hearings.
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal
Global Research, November 22, 2011
- 2011-11-19
Chief Judge, Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal
Streaming Video: Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal -
The following URL will stream video of each session of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal within 1-2 hours after the specific session has ended. To access this streaming video please go to:
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal
Schedule of Sessions
Saturday Nov. 19, 2011 9AM - 5 PM Kuala Lumpur time;
Sunday Nov. 20, 2011 9AM - 5 PM Kuala Lumpur time;
Monday Nov. 21, 2011 9AM - 5 PM Kuala Lumpur time;
Tuesday Nov. 22, 2011 9AM - 5 PM Kuala Lumpur time;
Sessions of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal will also be online on You Tube.
Michel Chossudovsky, Cynthia McKinney and Dirk Adriaensens are in Kuala Lumpur for the hearings.
dimanche 20 novembre 2011
Les espions de l’or noir, par Gilles Munier – nouvelle édition
La seconde édition des Espions de l’or noir * aux Editions Encre d’Orient comprend une enquête sur « les manipulations secrètes occidentales dans les Printemps arabes ».
Aujourd’hui, écrit l’auteur, « La politique de la canonnière, abolie en 1907, a été remplacée par celle du porte-avion, les espions classiques par des journalistes complaisants et des militants d’organisations humanitaires pervertis. Le temps est aux mercenaires des sociétés militaires ou d’espionnage privées. Internet, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, et l’indispensable téléphone satellite Thuraya, sont les nouveaux outils de déstabilisation nécessaire à l’organisation de révolutions dites démocratiques. Le monde n’a pas changé. Pour les grandes et moyennes puissances, l’exploitation éhontée des pays du tiers-monde est toujours la règle, notamment lorsque des champs pétroliers et des positions géo-stratégiques sont en jeu ».
Critique des Espions de l’or noir par Paul Balta, écrivain et journaliste, spécialiste du monde arabe (Confluences Méditerranée – 2011) :
Journaliste indépendant, Gilles Munier est un bon spécialiste du Proche- Orient. Il a, entre autres, suivi sur place le conflit Irak-Iran (1980-1988) et les deux guerres du Golfe : l’invasion du Koweït par Saddam Hussein en 1990, puis sa libération par une coalition dirigée par les Etats-Unis en 1991. L’embargo international qui a ensuite frappé l’Irak a ruiné le pays et fait 500 000 morts. À partir de ce terrible constat, il explique pourquoi et comment le principal enjeu de ces affrontements a été l’or noir.
D’entrée de jeu, l’auteur donne la liste et l’identité de 51 personnages liées à la question pétrolière et qui ont joué un rôle important, mais qui sont moins connus que Guillaume II, Hitler, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Lawrence d’Arabie, des monarques britanniques et saoudiens et d’autres personnalités. Il y a aussi les irréguliers du groupe Stern et du Shay, ancêtres du Mossad et de la CIA. Il rappelle que depuis la découverte des champs pétrolifères de Bakou, au XIXe siècle, puis de Perse et de Mésopotamie, au début du XXe, les luttes d’influence entre grandes puissances pour s’en emparer n’ont jamais cessé. Il explique aussi comment, depuis Napoléon Ier, des lignées d’agents secrets ont contribué au démantèlement de l’empire ottoman afin d’assurer aux Occidentaux la suprématie sur les principales ressources pétrolifères du monde. Ces dernières ont été à l’arrière-plan des deux guerres mondiales et de nombreux conflits régionaux jusqu’aux plus récents en Géorgie et en Irak.
D’une impressionnante culture, Gilles Munier remonte dans le temps et nous rappelle que c’est en entrant en Mésopotamie au IVè siècle av. J-C. qu’Alexandre le Grand, fut le premier occidental à entendre parler du pétrole et de son utilisation. La saga se déroule jusqu’à nos jours au cours de dix-sept chapitres.
Citons quelques titres de quelques-uns parmi eux pour illustrer ce cheminement et éveiller votre curiosité. II – Les espions de Napoléon, précurseurs du Grand jeu. III – William Cohen-Palgrave, l’espion jésuite qui voulait évangéliser les Wahhabites. VII – Allemagne : la marche vers l’Orient pétrolier. X – Thomas Edward Laurence, l’espion trop médiatisé. XI – Gertrude Bell, l’espionne au coeur brisé. XV – Pétrole : la France à la remorque des Anglo-saxons. Une des trois cartes montre le célèbre tracé du chemin de fer Berlin-Bagdad puis, tout au long de l’ouvrage, nous découvrons les portraits des espions, espionnes et autres acteurs cités.
* 231 pages, avec cartes et index – 21 euros
IRAQ: Turkmen approved as official language
State Minister for Province Affairs Turhan Müftü said that the Council of Minister had approved the special law accepted the Turkmen language as the official language in regions with dense Turkmen populations today.
Turhan Müftü gave an exclusive interview for our cameras and said that in official correspondence with government agencies the Turkmen language would be used in the same way as Arabic and Kurdish.
Iraqi Turkmen Front Meets to Discuss Intense Agenda
KIRKUK (Cihan) - The Iraqi Turkmen Front or ITF met in Kirkuk, Iraq with the agenda of discussing the removal of American soldiers from Iraq and cases of kidnap and murder of the ethnic Turkmen community.
ITF President Ersad Salihi feels that American forces leaving Iraq will create more tensions in Iraq as Iraqi Turkmen feel more in the crosshairs of opposing groups without sufficient support from the central government.
President Salihi also said that “Although we have been trying to draw heed to kidnappings and murders of the members of Turkmen community alas neither Iraq government nor parliament responded to our inquiries.”
“We have sent a written statement today in this matter to the Iraq president asked for an immediate and effective action” Salihi added.
Talking about the issues the community is facing, Salihi noted that “Iraqi Turkmen community’s safety is in danger”
ITF President Ersad Salihi feels that American forces leaving Iraq will create more tensions in Iraq as Iraqi Turkmen feel more in the crosshairs of opposing groups without sufficient support from the central government.
President Salihi also said that “Although we have been trying to draw heed to kidnappings and murders of the members of Turkmen community alas neither Iraq government nor parliament responded to our inquiries.”
“We have sent a written statement today in this matter to the Iraq president asked for an immediate and effective action” Salihi added.
Talking about the issues the community is facing, Salihi noted that “Iraqi Turkmen community’s safety is in danger”
samedi 19 novembre 2011
Thomas Jefferson about Banking institutions
Une citation en 1802 du 3ème président des États-Unis d’Amérique (1801 à 1809).
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson (Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, 1802)
Traduction française:
"Je pense que les institutions bancaires sont plus dangereuses pour nos libertés que des armées entières prêtes au combat. Si le peuple américain permet un jour que des banques privées contrôlent leur monnaie, les banques et toutes les institutions qui fleuriront autour des banques priveront les gens de toute possession, d'abord par l'inflation, ensuite par la récession, jusqu'au jour où leurs enfants se réveilleront, sans maison et sans toit, sur la terre que leurs parents ont conquis"
Thomas Jefferson (1802)
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson (Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, 1802)
Traduction française:
"Je pense que les institutions bancaires sont plus dangereuses pour nos libertés que des armées entières prêtes au combat. Si le peuple américain permet un jour que des banques privées contrôlent leur monnaie, les banques et toutes les institutions qui fleuriront autour des banques priveront les gens de toute possession, d'abord par l'inflation, ensuite par la récession, jusqu'au jour où leurs enfants se réveilleront, sans maison et sans toit, sur la terre que leurs parents ont conquis"
Thomas Jefferson (1802)
President Abdullah Gül: Turkmens should work for unity of Iraq
Turkmens should work for unity: Gül
Thursday, November 17, 2011
ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News
Iraq’s Turkmens should not only work to protect the rights of their community but also for the unity of Iraq, Turkish President Abdullah Gül has said.
Gül met yesterday with Erşat Salihi, the leader of the Turkmen Front party, expressing Turkey’s desire to maintain close ties with all ethnic and religious groups in Iraq.
“I believe that while defending the rights of the Turkmens in the best possible way, [Salihi] will make contributions also to the fraternity and peaceful co-habitation in Iraq between Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds, Turkmens and Arabs,” Gül said.
Salihi said all of Iraq’s neighbors should adopt the same policy of equal treatment of the country’s communities, but added that it “is our natural right to be a bit closer” to Turkey.
Alarmed over a wave of assassinations and abductions targeting their community, Iraqi Turkmen leaders have recently appealed to Turkey for support, saying Turkmens in the ethnically-mixed oil-rich city of Kirkuk were particularly demoralized.
Also yesterday, Gül received Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi after the visiting official held talks with his Turkish counterpart, Cemil Çiçek.
Çiçek said Iraq needed to stop the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) from using its northern regions as a shelter and a base for attacks on Turkey.
Çiçek also lent support to a proposal from Nujaifi for a four-way meeting in Baghdad between the parliament speakers of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia to discuss regional tensions.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News
Iraq’s Turkmens should not only work to protect the rights of their community but also for the unity of Iraq, Turkish President Abdullah Gül has said.
Gül met yesterday with Erşat Salihi, the leader of the Turkmen Front party, expressing Turkey’s desire to maintain close ties with all ethnic and religious groups in Iraq.
“I believe that while defending the rights of the Turkmens in the best possible way, [Salihi] will make contributions also to the fraternity and peaceful co-habitation in Iraq between Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds, Turkmens and Arabs,” Gül said.
Salihi said all of Iraq’s neighbors should adopt the same policy of equal treatment of the country’s communities, but added that it “is our natural right to be a bit closer” to Turkey.
Alarmed over a wave of assassinations and abductions targeting their community, Iraqi Turkmen leaders have recently appealed to Turkey for support, saying Turkmens in the ethnically-mixed oil-rich city of Kirkuk were particularly demoralized.
Also yesterday, Gül received Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi after the visiting official held talks with his Turkish counterpart, Cemil Çiçek.
Çiçek said Iraq needed to stop the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) from using its northern regions as a shelter and a base for attacks on Turkey.
Çiçek also lent support to a proposal from Nujaifi for a four-way meeting in Baghdad between the parliament speakers of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia to discuss regional tensions.
President Gül Receives Iraqi Turkmen Front Leader
President Gül Receives Iraqi Turkmen Front Leader
President Abdullah Gül, during his reception of the Iraqi Turkmen Front Leader, Erşat Salihi, and his accompanying delegation at the Çankaya Presidential Palace, promulgated that Turkey is doing whatever is necessary for the union and solidarity and integrity of Iraq.”
The President further stated that they will continue to do their best for the betterment of Iraq and declared the Iraqi Turkmen people to be a robust bridge between Turkey and Iraq, extending his love and good wishes to the Turkmen community and all the Iraqi people as well. He further lauded the Iraqi Turkmen Front Leader Salihi for holding an understanding that will help all the communities in Iraq live in peace and union and solidarity.
As for Salihi, he evinced their happiness about the fact that Turkey treats all parties in Iraq equally and supports Iraqi people.
Dr. Hicran Kazancı
Iraqi Turkmen Front
Turkey Representative
jeudi 17 novembre 2011
Published in Iraqi Turkmen Front Newspaper
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Irak Türkmen Cephesi Başkanı Erşat Salihi ve beraberindeki heyeti Çankaya Köşk’ünde kabul etti. Görüşmede, Türkiye’nin Irak’a desteği konusu öne çıktı. Gül , “Irak’ın birliği, bütünlüğü ve güçlü olması için Türkiye olarak elimizden gelen her şeyi yapıyoruz” dedi.
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül,Irak Türkmen Cephesi Başkanı Erşat Salihi ve beraberindeki heyeti Çankaya Köşk’ündeki makamında kabul etti.
Erşat Salihi Başkanlığındaki heyet, Irak’taki son gelişmelerle ilgili Cumhurbaşkanı Gül ile görüş alış verişinde bulundu.
Kabul sırasında Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, Irak ve Türkiye arasında Türkmenlerin büyük bir köprü rolü üstlendiğini belirterek, ” Irak’ın birliği, bütünlüğü ve güçlü olması için Türkiye olarak elimizden gelen her şeyi yapıyoruz. Yapmaya da devam ediyoruz.” dedi.
Irak Türkmen Cephesi Başkanı Erşat Salihi ise,Türkiye’nin Iraklıların yanında olmasının, eşit mesafede durmasının Iraklılar için büyük bir gurur kaynağı olduğunu ve diğer komşu ülkelerden de bu gibi adımları beklediklerini söyledi. Amerika’nın Irak’tan çekilmesinin ardından oluşacak tablonun önemli olduğunu belirten Salihi, Kürt yönetimi ile görüşmeye açık olduklarını ifade etti.
Cumhurbaşkanı Gül daha sonra, Irak Türkmen Cephesi Başkanı Salihi’nin büyük bir mücahit olduğunu belirterek, Türkmen dayanışmasından dolayı Ebu Garip Cezaevi’nde dokuz yıl kaldığını, bir kardeşini şehit verdiğini, tüm ailesinin Irak’ın güneyine sürüldüğünü ve o dönemlerde çok büyük cefalar çekmiş biri olduğunu söyledi.
Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, Irak Türkmen Cephesi Başkanı Salihi’den Irak’a döndüğünde tüm Türkmenlere ve herkese muhabbetlerini ve sevgilerini iletmesini istedi.
Iraq Inquiry report to be delayed until summer of 2012

The publication of Iraq Inquiry report will be delayed for at least six months due in part to a dispute over the release of secret documents.
The Chilcot inquiry had hoped to release its report into the run-up to the 2003 invasion and its aftermath before the end of the year.
But it now says this will not happen until next summer at the earliest.
Co-operation from the government was needed to publish declassified material in a “satisfactory manner”, it added.
In a statement, the Inquiry said it had advised No 10 that it would need until next summer, at least, to produce a report which would “do justice to the issues involved”.
Although it has never given a date for publication, the inquiry indicated it hoped to do so either in late 2011 or early 2012.
‘Much to do’
Although “considerable progress” had been made, the inquiry warned there was “still much to do” and hinted at the slow progress in securing the release of certain documents.
It added: “As well as drafting the report, the inquiry will need to negotiate the declassification of a significant volume of currently classified material with the government, to enable this to be quoted in, or published alongside, the inquiry’s report.
“That process has begun but there will be a series of further major requests as drafting progresses.
“The inquiry has made clear that it will need co-operation from the government in completing this in a satisfactory and timely manner.”
The Inquiry held 18 months of public hearings between the end of 2009 and early 2011.
Those giving evidence included former prime ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, senior Cabinet ministers during their governments, military commanders and diplomats.
At one hearing in early 2010, inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot expressed his frustration about his committee’s inability to publish certain classified documents relating to Iraq policy.
Although the committee could see these documents, their public release had not been sanctioned by the government – a move also criticised by Lord Goldsmith, attorney general in the run-up to war.
One hundred and seventy-nine British troops were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2009, when UK forces left the country
mercredi 16 novembre 2011
Head of Turkmen Front invites the Republic President to hold an exceptional meeting for heads of political masses
Head of Turkmen Front invites the Republic President to hold an exceptional meeting for heads of political masses

Head of Turkmen Front, deputy of Iraqi List, Arshad Alsalihi invited the republic president, Jalal Talabani to call heads of the masses for an exceptional meeting to discuss the subject of targeting Turkmen in Kirkuk.
Alsalihi said in a press statement that the republic president has to call for holding an exceptional meeting for heads of political masses to discuss the reasons behind targeting Turkmen in Kirkuk.
Alsalihi previously held the Parliament council the responsibility for shedding Iraqi blood in Kirkuk, considering that the council failure to send a Parliament committee to Kirkuk as being responsible for every Turkmen blood drop shed, demanding the security systems in the central and local government to duplicate their efforts to protect sons of the Turkmen component

Head of Turkmen Front, deputy of Iraqi List, Arshad Alsalihi invited the republic president, Jalal Talabani to call heads of the masses for an exceptional meeting to discuss the subject of targeting Turkmen in Kirkuk.
Alsalihi said in a press statement that the republic president has to call for holding an exceptional meeting for heads of political masses to discuss the reasons behind targeting Turkmen in Kirkuk.
Alsalihi previously held the Parliament council the responsibility for shedding Iraqi blood in Kirkuk, considering that the council failure to send a Parliament committee to Kirkuk as being responsible for every Turkmen blood drop shed, demanding the security systems in the central and local government to duplicate their efforts to protect sons of the Turkmen component
Turkmen Call For New Provinces
Iraq Attacks Kill Four As Turkmen Call For New Provinces
Monday: 4 Iraqis Killed, 10 Wounded
by Margaret Griffis, November 14, 2011
Iraq’s Turkmen are now wading in to the growing "regions" fray, calling on the central government to create two new provinces in northern Iraq and give them regional status. The districts in question are Tuz Khormato in Salah ad Din province and Tal Afar in Ninewa. A Turkmen representative in the National Alliance, Fawzi, Akram Tarzi, said those areas had suffered from injustice and lack of services in the past. He is also confident that giving the multi-ethnic districts a new status would not undermine national unity. Parliament Speaker Usama Nujaifi supported Tarzi’s statement by separately adding that the constitution permits such regions.
Recently, Salah ad Din province, where Tuz Khormato is located, started its own bid to reclassify itself as an autonomous region, much in the style of Iraqi Kurdistan. The bid is in response to the arrests of Sunni Arabs under the guise of a Ba’ath Party crackdown. They were followed by Diyala province. Basra and other southern provinces have long been pursuing similar paths as well.
Recently, Salah ad Din province, where Tuz Khormato is located, started its own bid to reclassify itself as an autonomous region, much in the style of Iraqi Kurdistan. The bid is in response to the arrests of Sunni Arabs under the guise of a Ba’ath Party crackdown. They were followed by Diyala province. Basra and other southern provinces have long been pursuing similar paths as well.
mardi 15 novembre 2011
John Needham’s “Notification of War Atrocities and Crimes”
John Needham’s “Notification of War Atrocities and Crimes”
For pictures please click on:
The Veterans Project (11.13.11)
The November 12 episode of 48 Hours Mystery mentioned a letter U.S. Army Private John Needham sent to high-ranking military officials in which allegations of various war crimes are detailed. The program focused on only one of those incidents, and included only one of several photographs that John had submitted with his letter to substantiate his accusations. CBS chose to blur the image “because it’s so graphic.” Here is John’s letter with that image and additional photographic evidence, all of which is completely uncensored. WARNING: The images are very disturbing, as are John’s allegations:
December 18, 2007
To: Mr. Randy Waddle, Assistant Inspector General, Ft Carson, Colorado
CC: LTC John Shawkins, Inspector General, Ft Carson, Colorado
Major General Mark Graham, Commanding Officer, Ft Carson, Colorado
Major Haytham Faraj, USMC, Camp Pendleton, California
Lt General Stanley Greene, US Army Inspector General
Subject: Formal Notification of War Atrocities and Crimes Committed by
Personnel, B Company, 2-12, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry
Division in Iraq
Dear Mr. Waddle
My name is John Needham. I am a member of Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry division, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, (BCo,2-12INF,2BCT,2ID . I deployed with my unit to Iraq from October 2006 until October 2007 when I was medically evacuated for physical and mental injuries that I suffered during my deployment. The purpose of my letter is to report what I believe to be war crimes and violation of the laws of armed conflict that I personally witnesses while deployed in Iraq.
Upon arriving in Iraq in October of 2006 my unit was assigned to the ¼ Cavalry unit at Camp Prosperity. In March of 2007 I was sent back to my unit, B Company 2-12 at Camp Falcon. It was at Camp Falcon that I observed and was forced to participate in ugly and inhumane acts against the Iraqi citizens in our area of responsibilities. Below I list some of the incidents that took place.
In March of 2007, I witnessed SSG Platt shoot and wound an Iraqi national without cause of provocation. The Staff Sergeant said that he suspected the Iraqi be a “trigger” man. We had not been attacked and we found no evidence on the man to support the suspicion. As the Iraqi lay bleeding on the ground, PVT Smith requested to administer first aid to the Iraqi. SSgt Platt said no and “let him bleed out.” When SSG Platt walked away, Pvt Smith and PVT Mullins went to the Iraqi, dragged him to an alley, and applied first aid. They then drove him to the cache for further treatment.
In June of 2007 1SG Spry caused an Iraqi male to be stopped, questioned, detained, and killed. We had no evidence that the Iraqi was an insurgent or terrorist. In any event when we stopped he did not pose a threat. Although I did not personally witness the killing, I did observe 1sg Spry dismembering the body and parading of it while it was tied to the hood of a Humvee around the Muhalla neighborhood while the interpreter blared out warnings in Arabic over the loud speaker. I have a photo that shows 1SG Spry removing the victim’s brains.
On another occasion an Iraqi male was stopped by a team led by Sgt Rogers as he walked down an alleyway. The Iraqi was detained and questioned then with his hands tied behind his back, SGT Rogers skinned his face.
1ST Spry shot a young Iraqi teenager who was about 16 years old. The shooting was unprovoked and the Iraqi posed no threat to the unit. He was merely riding his bicycle past an ambush site. When I arrived on the scene I observed 1SGT Spry along with SSG Platt dismember the boy’s body.
In August of 2007, I responded to radio call from SGT Rogers reporting that he had just shot an Iraqi who was trying to enter through a hole that the platoon had blown in a wall to allow them observation of the area during a security patrol. When I arrived, I saw a one armed man who was still alive lying on a barricade. The man was about 30 years old. He had an old Ruger pistol hanging from his thumb. It was obvious to me that the pistol was placed there because of the way it hung from his thumb. The Iraqi was still alive when I arrived. I saw SGT Rogers shoot him twice in the back with hollow point bullets. The Iraqi was still moving. I was asking why they shot him again when I heard Sgt Hoskins say “he’s moving, he’s still alive.” SPEC Hoskins then moved to the Iraqi and shot him in the back of the head. SSG Platt and SGT Rogers were visibly excited about the kill. I saw them pull the Iraqi’s brains out as they placed him in the body bag. CPT Kirsey must have learned something about this incident because he was very upset and admonished the NCOs involved.
I have seen and heard 1SGT Spry brag about killing dogs. He kept a running count. At last count I remember he was boasting of having killed 80 dogs.
On many occasions I observed SGT Temples, SSG Platt and SGT Rogers beat and abuse Iraqi teenagers, some as young as 14, without cause. They would walk into a house near areas where they suspected we had received sniper fire, then detain and beat the kids.
I have photos that support my allegations. I also have numerous other photos on a laptop PC that the unit illegally seized from me. I have requested its return but they have refused.
My experiences have taken a terrible toll on me. I suffer from PTSD and depression. I had no way to stop the ugly actions of my unit. When I refused to participate they began to abuse and harass me. I am still in treatment at the Balboa Naval hospital. I respectfully request that you investigate these matters, that you protect my safety by reassigning me to a different unit that is not located at Fort Carson, that you return my PC or, at least, seize it to protect the evidence on it, and that you issue a military protective order to prohibit the offending members of my unit from harassing, retaliating, or contacting me.
I have some photographs and some supporting documentation to these allegations.
PFC John Needham
US Army
John’s father, Michael Needham, will read the above letter at a special Human Rights Day event in Los Angeles on December 10. Click here for info.
For pictures please click on:
The Veterans Project (11.13.11)
The November 12 episode of 48 Hours Mystery mentioned a letter U.S. Army Private John Needham sent to high-ranking military officials in which allegations of various war crimes are detailed. The program focused on only one of those incidents, and included only one of several photographs that John had submitted with his letter to substantiate his accusations. CBS chose to blur the image “because it’s so graphic.” Here is John’s letter with that image and additional photographic evidence, all of which is completely uncensored. WARNING: The images are very disturbing, as are John’s allegations:
December 18, 2007
To: Mr. Randy Waddle, Assistant Inspector General, Ft Carson, Colorado
CC: LTC John Shawkins, Inspector General, Ft Carson, Colorado
Major General Mark Graham, Commanding Officer, Ft Carson, Colorado
Major Haytham Faraj, USMC, Camp Pendleton, California
Lt General Stanley Greene, US Army Inspector General
Subject: Formal Notification of War Atrocities and Crimes Committed by
Personnel, B Company, 2-12, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry
Division in Iraq
Dear Mr. Waddle
My name is John Needham. I am a member of Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry division, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, (BCo,2-12INF,2BCT,2ID . I deployed with my unit to Iraq from October 2006 until October 2007 when I was medically evacuated for physical and mental injuries that I suffered during my deployment. The purpose of my letter is to report what I believe to be war crimes and violation of the laws of armed conflict that I personally witnesses while deployed in Iraq.
Upon arriving in Iraq in October of 2006 my unit was assigned to the ¼ Cavalry unit at Camp Prosperity. In March of 2007 I was sent back to my unit, B Company 2-12 at Camp Falcon. It was at Camp Falcon that I observed and was forced to participate in ugly and inhumane acts against the Iraqi citizens in our area of responsibilities. Below I list some of the incidents that took place.
In March of 2007, I witnessed SSG Platt shoot and wound an Iraqi national without cause of provocation. The Staff Sergeant said that he suspected the Iraqi be a “trigger” man. We had not been attacked and we found no evidence on the man to support the suspicion. As the Iraqi lay bleeding on the ground, PVT Smith requested to administer first aid to the Iraqi. SSgt Platt said no and “let him bleed out.” When SSG Platt walked away, Pvt Smith and PVT Mullins went to the Iraqi, dragged him to an alley, and applied first aid. They then drove him to the cache for further treatment.
In June of 2007 1SG Spry caused an Iraqi male to be stopped, questioned, detained, and killed. We had no evidence that the Iraqi was an insurgent or terrorist. In any event when we stopped he did not pose a threat. Although I did not personally witness the killing, I did observe 1sg Spry dismembering the body and parading of it while it was tied to the hood of a Humvee around the Muhalla neighborhood while the interpreter blared out warnings in Arabic over the loud speaker. I have a photo that shows 1SG Spry removing the victim’s brains.
On another occasion an Iraqi male was stopped by a team led by Sgt Rogers as he walked down an alleyway. The Iraqi was detained and questioned then with his hands tied behind his back, SGT Rogers skinned his face.
1ST Spry shot a young Iraqi teenager who was about 16 years old. The shooting was unprovoked and the Iraqi posed no threat to the unit. He was merely riding his bicycle past an ambush site. When I arrived on the scene I observed 1SGT Spry along with SSG Platt dismember the boy’s body.
In August of 2007, I responded to radio call from SGT Rogers reporting that he had just shot an Iraqi who was trying to enter through a hole that the platoon had blown in a wall to allow them observation of the area during a security patrol. When I arrived, I saw a one armed man who was still alive lying on a barricade. The man was about 30 years old. He had an old Ruger pistol hanging from his thumb. It was obvious to me that the pistol was placed there because of the way it hung from his thumb. The Iraqi was still alive when I arrived. I saw SGT Rogers shoot him twice in the back with hollow point bullets. The Iraqi was still moving. I was asking why they shot him again when I heard Sgt Hoskins say “he’s moving, he’s still alive.” SPEC Hoskins then moved to the Iraqi and shot him in the back of the head. SSG Platt and SGT Rogers were visibly excited about the kill. I saw them pull the Iraqi’s brains out as they placed him in the body bag. CPT Kirsey must have learned something about this incident because he was very upset and admonished the NCOs involved.
I have seen and heard 1SGT Spry brag about killing dogs. He kept a running count. At last count I remember he was boasting of having killed 80 dogs.
On many occasions I observed SGT Temples, SSG Platt and SGT Rogers beat and abuse Iraqi teenagers, some as young as 14, without cause. They would walk into a house near areas where they suspected we had received sniper fire, then detain and beat the kids.
I have photos that support my allegations. I also have numerous other photos on a laptop PC that the unit illegally seized from me. I have requested its return but they have refused.
My experiences have taken a terrible toll on me. I suffer from PTSD and depression. I had no way to stop the ugly actions of my unit. When I refused to participate they began to abuse and harass me. I am still in treatment at the Balboa Naval hospital. I respectfully request that you investigate these matters, that you protect my safety by reassigning me to a different unit that is not located at Fort Carson, that you return my PC or, at least, seize it to protect the evidence on it, and that you issue a military protective order to prohibit the offending members of my unit from harassing, retaliating, or contacting me.
I have some photographs and some supporting documentation to these allegations.
PFC John Needham
US Army
samedi 12 novembre 2011
IRAQ NATION OF TEARS (JourneymanTV videos)
Iraq continues to be dogged by violence. In the face of an ever worsening situation the people are losing patience with the incumbent government. Will Iraq be the next country to rise up?
"Look at the child. Film it! Show the world!" A man screams at the camera, his face red with emotion, as he stands beside the mutilated body of a young boy. Yet the boy's mother and father have no energy for anger, they can only weep. This is daily life for the people of Baghdad. Everyday there are more explosions and more deaths. "This is our life - we bury the dead then come to play", says Bilal in a Baghdad pool room. He has watched his friends and family die, he is out of work and lives in a tiny space with his mother and two brothers. He is just one of the many who see no hope for the future of Iraq. "They came with sweet-talk; where are they now?",one man says of the government as he sits on a pile of rubble. The people here are trying to reclaim the few possessions they have from the site of a bombing. They are all full of anger at Iraq's politicians, because the situation has not changed. The bombings, killings and burials continue and it is taking a terrible toll on Iraq. As the anger and resentment builds no one can tell what will happen next.
Iraq continues to be dogged by violence. In the face of an ever worsening situation the people are losing patience with the incumbent government. Will Iraq be the next country to rise up?
"Look at the child. Film it! Show the world!" A man screams at the camera, his face red with emotion, as he stands beside the mutilated body of a young boy. Yet the boy's mother and father have no energy for anger, they can only weep. This is daily life for the people of Baghdad. Everyday there are more explosions and more deaths. "This is our life - we bury the dead then come to play", says Bilal in a Baghdad pool room. He has watched his friends and family die, he is out of work and lives in a tiny space with his mother and two brothers. He is just one of the many who see no hope for the future of Iraq. "They came with sweet-talk; where are they now?",one man says of the government as he sits on a pile of rubble. The people here are trying to reclaim the few possessions they have from the site of a bombing. They are all full of anger at Iraq's politicians, because the situation has not changed. The bombings, killings and burials continue and it is taking a terrible toll on Iraq. As the anger and resentment builds no one can tell what will happen next.
mercredi 9 novembre 2011
FALLUJAH, IRAQ - The Hidden Massacre (Video)
Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre
Veteran admits: Bodies melted away before us.
Shocking revelation RAI News 24.
This video contains images that depict the reality and horror of war.
It should only be viewed by a mature audience
November 15, 2005
lundi 7 novembre 2011
The cause of congenital anomaly and cancer in Fallujah Iraq is identified as Enriched Uranium from novel weapons systems deployed by the US.
Dr Chris Busby & Malak Hamdan
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October 18, 2011 Press release: 17 th October 2011 The cause of congenital anomaly and cancer in Fallujah Iraq is identified as Enriched Uranium from novel weapons systems deployed by the US. Remarkably high levels of congenital anomaly at birth, together with high cancer rates in Fallujah, Iraq were previously found in a joint UK Iraqi epidemiological study published in the International Journal of Environment and Public Health in July 2010 and reported in The Independent. The illnesses and unusual changes in the sex-ratio at birth, were shown to appear following the US-led attacks on the town in 2004. Many believed that Depleted Uranium weapons were employed but no evidence of this was available. USA forces denied using DU. Now, one year after this, the authors have nailed down the cause of the genetic and genomic effects found in Fallujah. Samira Alaani and Muhammed Tafash, two paediatricians at Fallujah General Hospital, Chris Busby, Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster, Malak Hamdan, a chemical engineer and Eleonore Blaurock Busch, whose laboratory in Germany carried out analytical work has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Conflict and Healththe results of an exhaustive study of contamination in Fallujah. They began by analysing the hair of 25 parents of children with congenital malformations using highly sensitive Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS). Metal contamination is excreted into hair at same rate as it is excreted into urine. There were high values of Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium, Aluminium, Bismuth, Mercury and Uranium. However, of these only Uranium, which is radioactive, is associated with cancer and birth defects. Uranium levels were significantly higher than those expected on the basis of other published control measurements of uncontaminated populations, particularly Israel and Sweden. Levels reported for soil, tap, river and well water were unable to explain the hair results, but showed, surprisingly that the environmental Uranium was not natural but was man-made. It was not, however DU. The ratio of the two isotopes of Uranium U238 and U235 is always 138 in natural Uranium deposits. For DU, the ratio is always high: pure DU has a ratio above 400. However, in Fallujah, both in the hair of the parents and in the environmental samples, the Uranium ratio was significantly low, implying the presence of Enriched Uranium. To investigate the source of the Uranium, because the women in Fallujah have long hair, and hair grows at a known rate or about 1cm a month, the team was able to obtain historic exposure information by analysing along the length of the hair of 5 women. Hair contamination was much higher in the past. In the case of one woman whose hair was 80cm long, taking the hair end back to 2005, just after the attack, the Uranium concentration in 2011 defined exposures to very high levels of uranium in the past. In the paper, the authors introduce evidence that the effects on child health are clear to see in the whole of Iraq as well as in the children of Gulf War veterans. This is also true for childhood cancer which was reported in the epidemiological study to be shockingly high in Fallujah with rates about 14 times those expected on the basis of populations in Egypt. The anomalously high genotoxic effects of Uranium are also discussed. Uranium binds to DNA and work by Chris Busby reported in New Scientist in 2009 shows that the element concentrates natural background gamma radiation into the DNA through a process termed the secondary photoelectron effect. Given that man-made Enriched Uranium is found in the Fallujah environment and that levels were higher in the past, the authors conclude that a uranium based weapon of some type was employed in the Battle of Fallujah, and is the main cause of the high levels of cancer and congenital disease. The paper discusses weapons systems and cites patents which call for the use of Uranium in shaped charges and other types of anti-personnel weapons (rather than the anti-tank DU weapons used in GW1). Included also are thermobaric devices and novel uranium packed explosives which kill by charring victims and pressure effects which cause lung collapse. It is of interest that Enriched Uranium signatures have also turned up in other recent battlefields, notably in the Lebanon, where soil from a missile crater in Khiam and also dust from an ambulance air filter both showed the presence of Enriched Uranium in 2006, a finding reported in The Independent by Robert Fisk. The authors are unable to explain why these weapons contain or produce slightly enriched Uranium and call for the military to now reveal the truth about the weapons systems being employed in modern battlefields. Dr Busby said: What we have found makes it perfectly clear that a new generation of Uranium based weapons exists, is being employed in all modern battlefields and leads to shocking increases in cancer and congenital illness in innocent civilians and soldiers alike. Whether there is slightly enriched Uranium to cover up the use of Uranium weapons, or whether the enrichment is an integral requirement of some new weapons system, what we see is the deployment of a device of indiscriminate effect with terrible and indiscriminate consequences. It is most likely that this weapon is also being employed by NATO forces in Libya, and we will wait and watch with concern for increases in cancer and birth defects following this latest war. He continued: There has been a sustained effort to stop us making this study and then to stop us publishing it. We have been attacked by people writing to our funders so we had no money to pay for the analyses, to the Journals we were sending the study to even before we sent it, to our Universities and Hospitals and Institutions. It was rejected by The Lancet without even being sent for Peer Review. It was rejected by the International Journal of Environment and Public Health where we published our previous paper, without being sent to a reviewer on the basis of pressure brought on the editor from outside by people who hacked into the computers of the authors and knew about the paper before the journal received it. The implications of this discovery are extremely serious.
dimanche 6 novembre 2011
Iraq - Enriched uranium weapon new battlefield horror
Chris Busby - Enriched uranium weapon new battlefield horror (25-Oct-11)
samedi 5 novembre 2011
vendredi 4 novembre 2011
- 7. yüzyıldan itibaren Oğuz boyları akıncılarının Irak ve Suriye’de görünmeye başladığı ve yoğun Türk göçlerinin 10. ve 11. yüzyıllarda gerçekleştiği bilinmektedir. Tolunoğulları ile başlayan Türklerin yerleşimi 11. yüzyılda Selçukluların bölgeye gelmesi ile devam etmiştir. Buradaki Türk boyları, 1096 yılında Haçlı seferleri başladığında Selahattin Eyyubi komutasındaki Müslümanlarla birleşerek Haçlılara karşı bölgeyi savunmuştur.
- Yavuz Sultan Selim, 1516 yılında Mercidabık’ta Memlukluları yenerek bugünkü Suriye topraklarını Osmanlılara bağlamıştır. 1516’dan sonra yönetimi Osmanlı Devleti’ne geçen bölge 1918 yılına kadar kesintisiz olarak 402 yıl boyunca Türklerin hakimiyeti altında kalmıştır. Bu dönemde Suriye’de Türkmen yerleşimi artarak devam etmiş ve bölgede önemli bir Türk nüfusu oluşmuştur.
- I. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında bölgedeki Türk idaresi sona ermiştir. Ancak Türkiye’nin Suriye’ye olan ilgisi Kurtuluş Savaşı sırasında da devam etmiştir. Osmanlının çekilmesi ile Suriye Türkmenleri milli mücadeleye başlamıştır. Ahmet Nabğalı liderliğindeki Suriye Türkmenleri, Gazi Mustafa Kemal’in de ilgisini çekmiştir. O tarihlerden bu yana Suriye Türkmenleri henüz lider çıkaramamıştır.
- Türkiye ile Fransa arasında 20 Ekim 1921 tarihinde imzalanan Ankara Anlaşması’nın 7. maddesi, “Suriye’deki Türkmenlerin resmi dillerinin Türkçe olması ve tüm kültürel sosyal haklarının korunmasını” içermektedir. Dolayısıyla Ankara Anlaşması Suriye Türkmenleri konusunda Türkiye’ye garantörlük vermiştir.
- Suriye’de Türkçe konuşan Türkmen sayısının yaklaşık bir buçuk milyon, Türkçeyi unutmuş Türkmenlerle beraber sayının 3,5 milyon civarında olduğu belirtilmektedir. Dillerini unutmuş olan Türkmenler kimliklerinin bilincinde olmakla birlikte yaşadıkları bölgenin dili, kültürü ile bütünleşmiştir. Ancak Türkmen kimliklerinin bilincedirler. Küçük gruplar halinde yaşayanlar önemli ölçüde Araplaşmıştır. Suriye Türkmenlerinin büyük çoğunluğu Sünni Hanefi mezhebine mensuptur. Çok az sayıda Alevi Türkmen bulunmaktadır. Suriye Türkmenlerinin konuştukları diller Arapça ve Türkçedir. Türkiye Türkçesine çok yakın bir Türkçe konuşulmaktadır.
- Suriye Türkmenlerinin ekonomik faaliyetlerine bakıldığında, Halep Türkmenlerinin genellikle tarım ve ayakkabı sanayisi ile geçimlerini sağladıkları görülmektedir. Lazkiye ve Tartus Türkmenleri narenciye ve ormancılıkla meşgul olurken Hama ve Humus Türkmenleri hayvancılık ve tarımla uğraşmaktadırlar. Şam’da yaşayan Türkmenler memurluk ve serbest meslek, Rakka ve Dera’da ise tarım başlıca gelir kaynağıdır.
- Kimi dönemlerde bazı çıkışlar olsa da genel olarak Türkmenler arasında siyasal bir milliyetçilik gelişmemiştir. Türkmenler arasında tepkisel ve kültürel bir milliyetçilik vardır. Suriye sisteminin sert yapısı, Türk hareketinin siyasallaşmasını önlemiştir. Ancak özellikle son halk ayaklanması ile beraber uyanışa geçen bir Türkmen milliyetçiliği de görülmektedir. Kendi haklarını aramak, Suriye toplumu içinde kendi benliklerini bulmak ve varlıklarını ispat etme çabası içindedirler.
Suriye’de yaşanan halk ayaklanması Suriye Türkmenleri açısından fırsatlar sunmaktadır. Suriye’de devrimin başarıya ulaşması durumunda sivil demokratik bir siyasal sistem ortaya çıkabilir. Bu ortam içinde Suriye Türkmenlerinin en büyük beklentisi, yeni anayasada Suriye halkını oluşturan unsurlardan biri olarak yer almaktır. Bunun yanı sıra anadilde eğitim ve diğer sosyal, kültürel hakların verilmesini talep etmektedirler.
- Türkmenler hali hazırda muhalif hareketlerin içinde yer almaktadır. Suriye genelinde Mart 2011 tarihinden Kasım 2011’e kadar 300 civarında Türkmen hayatını kaybetmiştir. Ayrıca yüzlerce kayıp ve tutuklu Türkmen bulunmaktadır. Türkmenler, Türkiye’den Suriye’yi ve Türkmenleri dünya gündemine taşımasını beklemektedir. Suriye’de oluşacak yeni devlet sisteminde Türkmen kimliğinin ve haklarının yeni anayasa çerçevesinde korunması konusunda destek olunması gerekmektedir ancak şu ana kadar Türkmenler için henüz somut adım atılmamıştır.
1. Tarihçe
2. Günümüzde Suriye Türkmenleri
2.1. Şam Türkmenleri
2.2. Halep Türkmenleri
2.3. Humus Türkmenleri
2.4. Bayır – Bucak (Lazkiye) Türkmenleri
2.5. Hama Türkmenleri
2.6. Golan (Kuneytra) Türkmenleri
2.7. Tartus Türkmenleri
2.8. Rakka Türkmenleri
2.9. Idlib Türkmenleri
2.10. Dera Türkmenleri
3. Suriye Türkmenlerinin Aşiret, Mezhep ve Nüfus Yapıları
4. Suriye Türkmenlerinin Sosyal, Siyasal ve Ekonomik Durumu
Sonuç Yerine: Suriye’de Halk Ayaklanması ve Türkmenler
Harita – 1 Suriye Türkmenlerinin Yaşadıkları Bölgeler
Tablo – 1 Şam’a Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
Tablo – 2 Halep’e Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
Tablo – 3 Humus’a Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
Tablo – 4 Lazkiye’ye Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
Tablo – 5 Hama’ya Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
Tablo – 6 Kuneytra’ya Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
Tablo – 7 Tartus’a Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
Tablo – 8 Rakka’ya Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
Tablo – 9 Idlib’e Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
Tablo – 10 Dera’ya Bağlı Türkmen Köy ve Kasabaları
mardi 1 novembre 2011
Iraq Türkmen Cephesi Avrupa Birliği Temsilcisi Dr. Hassan Aydinli, Türk Cumhuriyetinin 88. Yıl dönümü kutlamalarına katıldı.
Iraq Türkmen Cephesi Avrupa Birliği Temsilcisi Dr. Hassan Aydinli, Türk Cumhuriyetinin 88. Yıl dönümü kutlamalarına katıldı.
Brüksel'de,Türk Cumhuriyetinin 88. Yıl dönümü bayramının resepsiyonuna konukları, T.C. Büyükelçilik Geçici Maslahatgüzarı Korkut Tufan, eşi Pınar Tufan, Brüksel Başkonsolosu Mehmet Poroy ve eşi Ayşegül Poroy ile birlikte karşılayarak, bayram tebriklerini kabul ettiler.
Türk Cumhuriyetinin 88. yıl dönümü bayramı, şehitler ve Van depremi nedeniyle, buruk molarak kutlandı.
Buruk bir şekilde verilen resepsiyona AB Nezdinde Büyükelçi Selim Kuneralp, NATO Nezdinde Büyükelçi Haydar Berk, KKTC Büyükelçisi Ahmet Erdengiz, Azerbayıcanın AB nezdindeki Büyükelçi Emin Eyübov, NATO nezdindeki Temsilci Hazer İbrahim, Brüksel Büyükelçisi Anvers Başkonsolosu Deniz Çakar, Uluslararası Askeri Karargah (İMS) Türkiye Temsilcisi Tuğgeneral Suat Sönmez, Brüksel Hükümeti Devlet Bakanı Emir Kır, Emirdağ Belediye Başkanı Cengiz Pala, Türk kökenli belediye başkan yardımcıları Sait Köse, Hava Ardıçlık, Nezahat Namlı, belediye meclis üyesi İlknur Cengiz, Nebahat Acar, Halis Kökten, müşavirler ve Büyükelçilik temsilcileri yanında Yabancı misyon şefleri, Türk Sivil Kuruluş temsilcileri ve sanatçılar katıldı.
ITC Avrupa Birliği Temsilciliği
İnformasiyon bürosu
Büyük Türkmen Oymak Aşiretlerinden Bayat boyundan Bahadırlı Aşireti
Yazan: Sadun KÖPRÜLÜ
Dünya Türkmenleri tarih boyunca büyük bir millet olarak Türk tarihimizde önemli yerlerde bulunarak birçok devletler Türkiye, Irak, İran, Hindistan, Suriye gibi topraklarda kurarak dillerine, gelenek, göreneklerine bağlı olarak her zaman toprak, bayrak, vatan aşkıyla, sevgisiyle coşmuşlardır,
Birçok baskılar yüzünden bir bölüm Türkmen aşiret oymaklarımız günümüzde Araplaşarak, Kürtleşmişlerdir, bir bölüm Türkmen kardeşlerimizde tüm engellere, korku, baskıya rağmen dillerini, Türkmen ırklarını korumaktadırlar, ayrıca günümüzde Araplaşan, Kürtleşen Türkmenlerde aşiretini, oymağını, soyunu, boyunu araştırmakla Türk olduklarına dair kanıtlar, belgeler elde etmişlerdir.
Bu Aşiretlerden Afşar, Reyhanı, Karageçiler, Babanlar, Zengiler, Zengeneler, Atmacalar, Bayatlılar, Karagollular, Karakollular, Bahadırlılar, Kakailer, Şebekler, Haydarılar, Salihılar gibileri
Türk dünyası ve dünyanın her yerinde bulunan Türkmen Oymak aşiretleri
Oğuz hanın 24 boyundan gelerek birçok aşiretlere bakınca boyları, soyları Türkmen olarak Büyük atabeyler, devletler kurmuşlardır.
Oğuz Hanın boyunda olan tanınan Bayat oymağının Boyundan Bahadırlı aşiretler günümüzde Irak, Telafer, Türkmen Bayat köylerinden Karanaz, Karatepe, Hasadarli, Emirli, Yengice, Selman bek, Hanekın, Şehreban, Kızrabat, Mendeli, İran, Türkmen Sahra, Suriye, Halap, Humus, şehirlerinde köylerinde ayrıca Irak’ın güneyi, kuzeyinde, Batı, doğusunda yüz binlerce Bayat oymağının boyları bulunmaktadır.
Irak Türkmenleri tüm baskılara rağmen ana dillerini koruyarak tüm sinsi, acı politikaya biz varız diye bağırmaktayız doğru seçim olurda ikinci millet olan Irak Türkmenleri günümüzde yüzlerce oymak, aşiretlerden uyuşmaktadır en büyük aşiretlerden Bayat, Karakol, Salihı, Haydarı, Deregezenler, Alaybeyleri, Himatlı, Bayraktar, gibi birçok aşiretler Türkmen milletinin öncüleridir, son günlerde Karakolların
(Karagol) aşireti üstünde yapmış olduğumuz araştırma, çalışmalarda Osmanlı Arşivinde bulunan kayıtlarıma göre bir Türkmen aşireti olduğu ortadadır bu büyük aşiret Irak’ın kuzeyi, doğu, batı, güneyi Vasit, Yusuf iye, Seydiye, Bağdat, Kelbala, Necef, Hilla, Diyala, Basra, Selahattin, Rumadı, Suleymeniye, Kerkük, Aziziye ve birçok şehirlerde elimize geçen kaynaklarda n ve birçok çalışma sonucu tam olarak Karakolların
(Karagolların ) Nüfusu bir Milyon 400 olarak acaba Bayat ve öteki Türkmen aşiretinin sayısı nüfusu ne kadar olacaktır?
Artık bunu bilmeyenler bilsin bizler Irak Türkmenleri Irak’ta en yoğun nüfus biziz Araplardan sonra geliriz, ama hiç araştırmıyoruz, artık uyanmalıyız, çalışmalıyız birey olarak sağlam nüfus sayımı taparak Arap, Kürt yazanlar kendi milletine, kendi diline dönsünler çünkü tarih hiçbir zaman onları af etmeyecektir.
Türkmen Bahadırlar aşiretimiz Malatya, Kahramanmaraş, Eskişehir,
Trabzon, Hatay, Adana, Osmaniye, Muş, Kars, Erzurum, Şanlıurfa, Gümüşhane, Kelkit, Reyhanî,
Kayseri, Çorum, Yozgat, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Ankara’nın bala ilçesinde, Tokat, Kilis’te bulunmaktadırlar.
Tüm Türklerin Ataları olan Oğuz han Türkmenlerden olarak 24 Türkmen boyu Türkmenlerin yaşamış oldukları tüm ana topraklarına dağılmışlardır, en önde gelen boylar ise Bayat Boyundan çıkan Bahadırlı aşiretidir.
Bahadırlılar ilk önce kendi toprakları olan Orta Asya’dan Türkmenlerin öz be öz toprakları olan Anadoluya yarlaşmışlardır,
Artık eskiden olduğu gibi bu topraklar kendilerine yurt edinmiştiler Oğuz boyunun tanınan Bayat Boyuna bağlı olan Bahadırlı aşireti Türkiye’de olduğu gibi Suriye, Irak, İran Türkmenlerinde de Bahadırlılar aşireti birlik severek her zaman birbirlerine sahip çıkmaktadırlar, Türkmen dillerini severek birçok yerlerde bir araya gelerek, birbirlerine kız vererek daha fazla kan kardeşlik, bağlarını güçlerini güçlendirmeye çalışmaktadırlar ve dünyanın her yanında Bahadırlılar Türkmen olduklarını dile getirerek, milli Türkçülük duygularına gönülden, içten bağlıdırlar.
Türkiye’nin dört bir yanında izleri bulunan Türkmen Bahadırlı aşireti her bir alanda dernekler kurmakla hızlı çalışmalar yapmaktadırlar.
Bahadırlı büyük Türkmen aşireti olarak Babürşah imparatorluğunu 7 oymakla birlikte kuranlardır ve Osmanlı Sultanı Kanuni Süleyman döneminde Oymakbaşı Bahadır han olarak Anadolu’ya göç etmeye başlamışlardır
Ayrıca Bahadır aşireti Karakeçili aşireti ile bir bağdandır bir kolundandır
Babürşah İmparatorlu. 1525 Panipat Meydan Muharebesinde Babür Şah, Gang’a hâkim olarak grup Babür Şah’tan ayrılmakla Anadolu’ya yerleşerek, Karakeçili aşireti ile göçlerini birleştirmişlerdir,
Türkmen Bahadırlı Bâbürlü, çok çalışkan bilgili olarak uzun süre büyük devletlerini kurarak
Dünyanın yedi harikasından birisi konumuna olan Taç Mahal adlı büyük abideyi Hindistan’ın ve Hindistan’daki Türklerin, Müslümanların gurur kaynağı sayılmakla her yıl milyonlarca insanlar dünyanın değişik ülkelerinden Taç Mahal’i görmek için Hindistan’a gelmektedirler.
Taç Mahal, Bahadır, Babür İmparatorluğunun 6. hükümdarı Şah Cihan (1593-1666) tarafından, o zamanki imparatorluğun başkenti olan Hindistan'ın Agra şehrinde, Jumna (Yamuna) ırmağının kıyısında yapılmıştır.
Hindistan’da Bâbürlüler, Bahadırlılar Devleti hükümdarlarından. Cihangir Selim Şahın oğludur. 1592’de Lahor’da doğmuştur. Sarayda iyi bir öğrenin görerek Şehzâde olarak önemli devletin kalkınmasında hizmetler göstermiştir.
Taç Mahal, Türk Mimarcısı İsa Efendi tarafından yapılan Hindistan'daki bu harika yerini korumaktadır Taç Mahal, Babür (Bahadır) Kahraman yiğitler İmparatorluğu’nun Timuroğulları hanedanının 5. hükümdarı Şah Cihan tarafından, imparatorluğun o zamanki başkenti olan Hindistan'ın Agra şehrinde, Yamuna Nehri'nin kıyısında yaptırılmış,
Bir önemli anıt mezarı olarak Dünyada aşk, sevgi için dikilen en büyük, en güzel, kutsal anıt sayılmaktadır.
Bu türbe, Şah Cihan'ın büyük bir aşkla sevdiği eşi Ercümend Banu 'nun (Mümtaz Mahal) ölümü üzerine, onun hatırasına önem verilerek yaptırılmış.
Babür Şah,(14 Şubat 1483, Fergana - 26 Aralık 1530, Agra; (taht: 1526 - 1530) )Dili Çağatay Türkçesi Olan Babür İmparatorluğu'nun kurucusu ve ilk hükümdarı.
Babası Timur'un üçüncü oğlu Miran Şah'ın torunlarından Fergana valisi Ömer Şeyh Mirza, annesi Cengiz Han'in torunlarından Doğu Çağatay hanı olan Yunus Han'ın kızı Kutluğ Nigâr Hanımdır,
Bâbürlüler günümüzde büyük bir Türkmen oymağı, aşireti olarak, Bahadırlı diye adlanarak tanınmaktadır Bahadırlı aşireti
Oğuz Han’ın ikinci oğlu olan Ayhan hanın dört oğlundan en küçük oğlu Papir (Babür), Bahadırlı aşiretinin kurucusu başıdır Bahadırlı Hindistan’dan sonra çoğunluk Horasan İran’ın bir çok şehirlerinde yaşamaktadırlar.
Ayrıca Suriye’nin birçok Türkmen köy şehirlerine yerleşmişlerdir.
Bahadırlı Oğuz Türkmen aşiretine bağlı çok sayıda aileler Türkiye’nin her yerinde Irak, İran, Suriye, Hindistan, Afganistan ve birçok ülkelerde izleri görünmektedir.
Bahadırlı aşireti Oğuz Türkmen boyu olarak, Hindistan’dan, Kafkasya’dan, Horasan’dan Anadolu’ya, Suriye, Irak’a, gelerek tanınmışlardır Bahadırlı Selçuklu ve Osmanlı dönemlerinde bile çok önemli görevler de yer almışlardır.
Türkmen Bahadırlıların her zaman olduğu gibi günümüzde yürekleri Türklük için yanarak coşmaktadır topraklarını, bayraklarını gönülden delicesine, sevmektedirler.
Ve her türlü alanda yardıma koşmaktadırlar. Türkmen Bahadırlı aşireti yiğit, kahraman savaşçı topraklarını şehitler vererek savunmaktadırlar
Fransız işgali karşı birlikte düşmana saldırarak topraklarını kurumaya her türlü görevler yapmışlardır. Oğuz hanın Büyük Bayat oymağın bir kolu olan Bahadırlı kardeşlerimiz dillerini eğe unutmuşlarsa kendilerine dönsünler onlar büyük Türk milletinin oğullarıdır büyük Türk İmparatorluğu Hindistan’da kuranlardır
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