dimanche 28 février 2010

Erşat Salihi, Bölgede Halkın Nabzını Yokladı

28 Şubat 2010.

Seçim Propaganda Çalışmaları Çerçevesinde Irak Türkmen Cephesi Kerkük Milletvekili Adayı Erşet Salihi, Kerkük'ün Büyük Pazar Çarşısını, Musalla ve Tisin Bölgesini Ziyaret etti.

Tüm Türkmeneli bölgelerinde olduğu gibi seçim çalışmaları Kerkük'te tüm hızıyla sürüyor. Seçim propaganda çalışmaları çerçevesinde Irak Türkmen Cephesi Kerkük milletvekili adayı Erşet Salihi, Kerkük'ün Tisin bölgesini ziyaret etti. Tisin bölgesindeki Irak Türkmen Cephesi bürosunda yapılan bir panele katılan milletvekili adayı Erşet Salihi, seçimlerle ilgili Tisin halkının bazı önerlerine ve görüşlerine kulak verdi. Seçimlerin Türkmenler için önemli olduğunu dikkat çeken Salihi, tüm Türkmen halkını seçim günü mutlaka sandık başına gitmesi gerektiğinin altını çizdi.

Tisin bölgesinin ardından Irak Türkmen Cephesi Kerkük milletvekili adayı Erşet Salihi, Kerkük'teki büyük Pazar çarşısına gitti büyük Pazar bölgesini ziyaret ederek bölgedeki esnaflar tarafından sevinçle karşılandı. Bölgede esnaflarla görüşen Erşet Salihi, seçim nabzı yokladı bölgedeki Türkmen esnaflarla sohbet eden Irak Türkmen Cephesi Kerkük milletvekili adayı Erşet Salihi, ülkede yapılacak olan parlamento seçimlerinin önemine değinerek 7 Mart günü tüm Türkmenlerin sandık başına gitmelerini istedi. Halkın seçimlerle ilgili görüşlerini dinleyen Salihi, bölgedeki bazı sıkıntıları hakkında esnaflardan bilgi aldı. Sıkıntıların giderilmesi için Türkmenlerin yönetimde söz hakkına sahip almaları gerektiğini belirten Salihi, bunun içinde mutlaka tüm Türkmenlerin seçimlere katılmalarını istedi. Esnaflarda seçimlere katılarak Irak Türkmen Cephesi adaylarına destek olacaklarını bildirdiler.

Erşet Salihi, daha sonra Kerkük'ün Musalla bölgesine giderek seçmen Türkmenlerle görüştü ve seçimlerin önemini anlatı. Musalla bölgesindeki Fazıl Antika kültür merkezini de ziyaret eden Salihi, oradaki yapılan törene katıldı. Milletvekili adayı Erşet Salihi, törende yaptığı konuşmada Türkmenlerin bu seçimin ne kadar önemli olduğunu farkında olmaları gerektiğini belirterek herkesin seçimlere katılması gerektiğini söyledi. Törende hazır bulunan Türkmen vatandaşlarda seçimlere katılarak Irak Türkmen Cephesi adaylarına oy vereceklerini söylediler.

Irak Türkmen Cephesi
Kerkük İl Başkanlığı
Enformasyon Komisyonu

Enformasyon Şb. Tarafından
Türkçeye Çevrilmiştir

samedi 27 février 2010

Updates on the Iraqi "Elections" by Layla Anwar

-February 27, 2010

Below are Excerpts from Layla Anwar’s post: Updates on the Iraqi “Elections”:

VOTING CARDS & FRAUD : I did mention that the number of eligible voters in Iraq is 18M, today they're saying it's 19M, in the space of one week the number of eligible voters has increased by 1 M ! That's what I call a rapid growth society!

Anyways, for 18 million or 19 million eligible voters -- 26 Million voting cards have been issued. (see my previous posts) but today I learned that another extra 7 Million cards are being issued over and above the 26 million ones. Wait, wait, it's not finished yet. There are 50'000 voting "bureaus" (more like kiosks) and for each voting bureau there will be an extra 50 electoral voting cards just in case. No one says in case of what. So that means a total of 2.5 million extra voting cards over and above 13 million extra voting cards (source in Arabic Al-Sharqiya ). I am assuming that a quarter of Iran's population will be voting with the Iraqis !


- On the Kurdish front a serious split is taking place. A splinter group from the PUK of Jalal Tabalani calling itself the Party of Change is now in some alliance with the Kurdish Islamic group and a few Kurdish communists, their main grievances - lack of transparency, corruption and dictatorship by the Kurdish leadership.

On another note regarding the Kurds and this is an VERY IMPORTANT POINT so pay attention please.

In the past the Kurds managed to secure about 58 seats in the Iraqi parliament, this time around, they are aiming for more seats BECAUSE - MOSUL, KIRKUK and a part of DIWANIYA are placed under the Kurdish electoral list.

- Snoring General Odierno has made a special preliminary request to Obama to keep a good number of troops notably in KIRKUK past their deadline to secure "peace in the area". Obama has given a preliminary OK.

- VP Tariq Hashimi during his visit to Egypt stated that IRAQ needs an ARAB government. (No shit - Did he just discover dynamite or what ?!)

- Al- Lami (Chalabi's best friend) of the Justice and Accountability committee has not only banned Saleh Al-Mutlaq from the elections but is presenting him to Iraq's Higher criminal/penal courts. Dr.Al-Mutlaq has been urged by people who support him to leave Baghdad for his own safety, something which he refuses to do...


The battle for KERKUK


Hasan Turan, Kerkuk Provincial Council, appears on this programme.

Sarhad Kadir, Barham Salih and Joost Hilterman also appear on this programme.


On this week's episode of Fault Lines Josh Rushing travels to Northern Iraq to look at one of the most serious divides the country faces. Kurds and Arabs are poising themselves for a face off in the North over land, oil and power.

Kirkuk, a city rich in natural resources that may represent up to one-quarter of Iraq's oil reserves, is the centre knot in a tug of war between the Kurdish Regional Government and central Baghdad.

The Kurds and central Baghdad are both keenly aware that Kirkuk's oil would be enough of an economic resource to allow Kurdistan to finance a move for autonomy.

Could this divide threaten to bring down the state of Iraq? Could the Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi army ever face off in a civil war? Will any political solution emerge? Will the upcoming March elections fail to address the critical issue of Kirkuk?

This episode of Fault Lines airs from Thursday, Feburary 25, at the following times GMT: Thursday: 0600, 1630; Friday: 0130, 0830; Saturday: 1130, 2330; Sunday: 0630, 2030; Monday: 1430; Tuesday: 1230, 1930; Wednesday: 0300.


vendredi 26 février 2010

Gen. Odierno Seeks Combat Brigade in Iraq Beyond August ‘Deadline’

Posted By Jason Ditz On February 25, 2010

President Obama’s ’soft pullout’ deadline of August, which would see 50,000 troops remaining in the nation but the formal end of “combat operations” is in growing peril, as top commander General Ray Odierno reportedly wants to keep a combat brigade in Kirkuk past the deadline.

It was only three days ago that General Odierno was openly talking about “plan B” in Iraq, which would involve significantly slowing down the pullout, though at the time he said “if you ask me today, I’m fully committed” to the pullout. Apparently today came and went, however.

Though Obama ran on a campaign pledge of withdrawing all American troops from Iraq by May of 2010, he quickly backpedaled from this pledge once elected, and it seems now that even his existing pledge is not safe.

Officials have made it clear they envision violence in Iraq getting worse up to the March 7 election and then getting even worse after the vote. The “stabilizing event” that the parliamentary election was supposed to be is gone, and officials don’t seem to be offering any suggestions of what will finally slow Iraq’s violence. Officials are still scrambling to claim credit for the military “victory” however, even as it looks like troops will remain in the nation for a long time to come.

URL to article: http://news.antiwar.com/2010/02/25/gen-odierno-seeks-combat-brigade-in-iraq-beyond-august-deadline/

jeudi 25 février 2010

Büyük Türkmen şahsiyeti ve Değerli insan, Prof. Dr. İhsan Doğramacı’yı kaybettik .....

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
،، يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ، ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً، فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي، وَادْخُلِي جنتي ،،.

”Ey sükuna kavuşmuş benlik, Dön Rabbine razı etmiş ve edilmiş olarak, Gir kullarımın arasına, Gir cennetime”

(صدق الله العظيم)

Değerli insan, hemşehrimiz Prof. Dr. İhsan Doğramacı'nın Hakk'ın rahmetine kavuşması nedeniyle; yaslı ailesine, öğrencilerine, sevenlerine ve Türkmen milletine Irak Türkmen Cephesi Avrupa Birliği Temsilciliği adına başsağlığı delerim. Bu büyük insanın ahiretteki yeri Cennet olsun ve nur içinde yatsın.

Dr. Hassan Aydınlı
ITC Avrupa Birliği Temsilcisi
Brüksel - Belçika

Doğramacı vefat etti

YÖK`ün kurucu başkanı ve Bilkent Üniversitesi kurucusu Prof. Dr. İhsan Doğramacı vefat etti. Devamı için tıklayınız

Doğramacı`nın, tedavi gördüğü Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hastanesi`nde, ``çoklu organ yetmezliği`` nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdiği bildirildi.

Doğramacı, 9 Kasım 2009 tarihinden bu yana Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hastanelerinde yoğun bakım tedavisi gördüğü kaydedildi.


İhsan Doğramacı, 3 Nisan 1915`de Irak`ın Erbil kentinde doğdu. Doğramacı, son olarak Bilkent Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı, Türkiye ve Uluslararası Çocuk Sağlığı Merkezi Başkanlığı, UNICEF Türkiye Milli Komitesi Başkanlığı ile Uluslararası Pediatri Kurumu Onursal Başkanlığı görevlerini sürdürüyordu.

Londra`da 1971`de Kraliyet Tıp Koleji üyeliği yapan Prof. Dr. Doğramacı, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde 1947-1954 yılları arasında öğretim görevlisi, doçent ve profesör olarak hizmet verdi.

İhsan Doğramacı, 1955-1967 yıllarında Ankara Üniversitesi Çocuk Sağlığı Enstitüsü Pediatri Profesörü olarak görev yaparken, 1967-1981 yılları arasında da Hacettepe Üniversitesinde çalıştı. Doğramacı, 1963-1965 yılları arasında Ankara Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü`nde bulundu.

Prof. Dr. Doğramacı, ``Orta Doğu Teknik(ODTÜ) Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı(1965-1967), Hacettepe Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü(1967-1975), Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Milli Konseyi Başkanlığı(1974-1981) yaptı. Doğramacı, Yüksek öğretim Kurulu`nun (YÖK) ilk başkanlığını (1981-1992) da üstlendi.

Değişik üniversitelerden fahri doktora unvanı verilen Doğramacı, birçok uluslararası akademi ve pediatri cemiyeti üyesiydi.

Prof. Dr. Doğramacı, 1985`te Türkiye`nin ilk özel üniversitesi Bilkent Üniversitesini kurdu; 1963`de Hacettepe Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesinde entegre eğitim sistemini uyguladı. Ankara`da Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Erzurum Atatürk Üniversitesi ve Trabzon Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesine birer Tıp Fakültesi kurulmasında öncülük eden Doğramacı, YÖK Başkanı olarak Kayseri-Erciyes, Samsun-Ondokuz Mayıs, Sivas-Cumhuriyet, Eskişehir-Anadolu Üniversitelerinin kurulmasına da destek verdi.

İhsan Doğramacı, uluslararası birçok kuruluşta ve örgütte onursal başkanlık, başkanlık, yönetim kurulu üyeliği, üyelik, danışmanlık görevlerini de yürütmüştü.

İhsan Doğramacı`nın 80`den fazla mesleki periyodiklerde, özellikle çocuk ve halk sağlığı ve tıp eğitimi hakkında yayınlanmış makaleleri; ayrıca Prematüre Bebek Bakımı, Annenin Kitabı isimli kitapları bulunuyor.

Prof. Dr. İhsan Doğramacı, TÜBİTAK Hizmet Ödülü, Leon Bernard Vakfı Ödülü(Dünya Sağlık Örgütü), Christopherson Ödülü (Amerikan Pediatri Akademisi), Maurice Pate Ödülü (UNICEF) sahibiydi. Ayrıca, Officier de la Legion d`Honneur(Fransa), Gran Oficial, Orden del Merito de Duarte, Sanchez y Mella(Dominik Cumhuriyeti), First Rank Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland(Finlandiya), First Rank Commander of the Order of Merit of Poland(Polonya), Gran Cruz Placa de Plata de la Orden Heraldica de Cristobal Colon(Dominik Cumhuriyeti) nişanları ve T.C. Devlet Üstün Hizmet Madalyası almıştı.

İhsan Doğramacı`nın, Bilkent semtinde babası ``Doğramacızade Ali Paşa`` adına yaptırdığı bir cami bulunuyor.

İngilizce, Fransızca, Almanca, Arapça ve Farsça bilen İhsan Doğramacı, evli ve Bilkent Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Ali Doğramacı ile birlikte 3 çocuk babasıydı.

Dr. Ergeç Prof.Dr. İhsan Doğramacı'nın ölümü dolayısıyla taziye mesajı gönderdi

25 Şubat 2010, Perşembe

Türkmen düşünür Profesör Dr.İhsan Doğramacı'nın ölümü dolayısıyla Dr. Sadettin Ergeç, Irak Türkmen Cephesi Başkanı ve Temsilciler Meclisi üyesi başsağlığı mesajı gönderdi.
Türkmen düşünür Profesör Dr.İhsan Doğramacı'nın ölümü dolayısıyla Irak Türkmen Cephesi Başkanı ve Temsilciler Meclisi üyesi Dr. Sadettin Ergeç, başsağlığı mesajı gönderdi.

Irak Türkmen Cephesi kurumları adına tüm Türkmen milletine başsağlığı diledi,her zaman Türkmen davasının yanında bulunan ve Türkmen kültür'ünün ve parlak fikrinin bir damgası ve bir aziz düşünürünü kaybetmiştir.

Mesaj'ının sonunda sayın Cephe başkanı cenab ALLAH'tan rahmetli düşünürümüzün mekanı cennet olmasını dilerken,hepimize sabır vermesini diledi.

Irak Türkmen Cephesi
Enformasyon Dairesi

Blair The Liar. By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

2010 February 25
by kanan48
Che Det.

1. I am shocked. I am shocked that Malaysians have invited Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of Britain to speak in Malaysia. I am even more shocked and I am disgusted that the organisation, which is inviting this liar of a Prime Minister, is one concerned with being achievers. Presumably they are keen to learn about the achievements of Prime Minister Blair and to learn from him how to achieve.

2. Maybe they have not heard that this is the man, the Prime Minister of Britain who has been proven to be a liar, who had admitted that he lied about the capability of Iraq to launch a nuclear attack against Britain within 45 minutes. He lied about this absurdity because he wanted his Government, Parliament and the British people to support war against Iraq, to support his violent overthrow of a foreign Government he did not approve.

3. He lied that he had information that Saddam Hussein had an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Today the whole world knows that Iraq had no WMD (maybe those who are inviting him do not know about this. If they didn’t know then they don’t deserve to call their group as wanting to be achievers).

4. On the basis of these lies, he joined Bush in the war against Iraq, a war that has killed over 300,000 Iraqis, mostly non-combatants; which has destroyed the cities of Iraq with billions of dollars of losses, which has destroyed the city of Babylon and ancient artefacts in its museum, the birthplace of human civilisation.

5. Hundreds of British soldiers died for nothing. The shock and awe attacks have unleashed a fratricidal war between Iraqis where there was none before. It has largely been responsible for the “acts of terror” now facing the world.

6. Yet there is no end in sight. The coalition of the willing cannot even withdraw. More troops have been committed instead. But nothing has been achieved.

7. Blair has been subjected to a public enquiry. All he can say for himself is that he wanted to get rid of Saddam Hussein – to achieve a regime change even if Saddam had no WMD. Saddam has been hanged along with other members of his Government. Regime change has been accomplished. But it is illegal, it is against international laws for any country to violently force a change of government in another country. For this alone Blair is guilty. But to lie blatantly in order to achieve this regime change, to kill hundreds of thousands of women, children, the old and the infirmed along with a few soldiers is more than criminal. It is certainly something that Malaysians should not want to emulate or to achieve.

8. Are the Malaysian achievers hoping to learn from Blair about how he achieved his murder of a foreign country’s leader to achieve a regime change, to lie as he did in order to achieve something, to care little for the lives of innocent people, to send his soldiers into battle for nothing? These are his achievements – shameful, cruel and totally uncivilised.

9. Malaysians must protest against this liar coming to Malaysia, much less to talk on his lying achievements. I pray to God that no Malaysian would harbour this idea of learning from the achievements of this unmitigated liar, Tony Blair, the lapdog of the arch-liar Bush and the self-appointed Deputy Sheriff Howard of Australia.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Putrajaya, Malaysia
Prime Minister of Malaysia 1981 – 2003

mercredi 24 février 2010

IRAQ: Poor selling their votes for cash

Nizar Latif, foreign correspondent
Last Updated: February 21. 2010

Baghdad // The March 7 election may be a critical event in the contest to decide Iraq’s future, but for some of the nation’s poor, the right to vote does not mean having a say in who leads the country; it means having something to sell to make desperately needed cash.

With intensive campaigning now under way in what is shaping up to be a highly competitive ballot, votes have become a precious commodity, a fact not lost on many ordinary people who care little for politics but who struggle to make ends meet.

“Elections are a beautiful opportunity to get some money,” Ahmad Salam said. “There are lots of people willing to sell their votes, and lots of people who want to buy them.”A mechanic by trade working in the impoverished Sadr City slum of north-eastern Baghdad, Mr Salam has taken on the role of an election agent with a difference. He collects votes and then offers them en masse to whichever party is prepared to make the highest bid, taking a commission for his efforts.“I have 100 people who have given me their vote to sell,” he said outside the small garage where he is employed as a casual worker, earning a few dollars a day. “None of them cares who wins, none of them thinks it makes any difference, so they give me their vote, and I sell it.”

According to Mr Salam, some of the poorest voters were prepared to take as little as US$5 (Dh18) to guarantee their allegiance in the election booth. Most charge more, between $20 and $100, depending on the number of voting-age adults in their family.“If you have five or six people in your family who can vote and you get $20 for each one, that’s good money when all you have to do to earn it is stand at a polling centre for an hour,” he said.

Various parties had already been in negotiation with him over the 100 votes, he said, but he has not yet made a decision to sell; with two weeks left before election day, he expects to be able to push the price up and collect more votes to sell.“I’ve spoken with many candidates already about this from various political parties,” he said. “I’ve talked to most of the big parties, all of them, religious, secular, nationalists and they were all interested in buying. Here [in Sadr City] it is the religious groups that are the richest and strongest so I expect I will sell to them.”

Selling and buying votes is illegal under Iraqi law and various parties and candidates contacted by The National insisted they would never engage in such practices. None were prepared to comment on the record about the issue, insisting they did not want their name associated with election fraud in any context, even to deny it.

One MP allied with Iraqiyya, the nationalist movement led by the former prime minister Ayad Allawi, said buying votes was “unethical and pointless”. Iraq has a secret ballot system, which means that a voter could in theory take money from one candidate and cast their ballot for another, without ever revealing who they really supported.

However, many Iraqis, especially the uneducated – often, although not always the poor – do not believe their votes are cast in secret. Therefore if they made a deal to sell their support, they would honour the sale.In the military neighbourhood of Aziziyah, 60km south-east of Baghdad, Um Malk, an elderly widow, said she had sold her vote in the 2009 provincial elections to a candidate who brought her some blankets and electrical goods.“That man was from a Shiite party and said if I voted for him, I would get gifts,” she said. “This time I know better and I will not give my vote for so little. I want to sell it, but I need $100 because I have three daughters who will vote as I tell them.”

One of her neighbours, Zuhair Aqeel, is also an election agent, who collects votes and sells to the highest bidder. “I have done this work in every election since the first in 2005. From the last elections I earned enough to buy a small taxi which has given me a good living. “This year I hope to do even better and I think I will be able to get one of the candidates to promise me a job in a government office or as an administrator in the police or army. If I get that, I will be comfortable; I’ll have a stable salary and a stable life.”

In previous elections winning parties have made little secret of bestowing favours on supporters. Under the sectarian system of Iraq’s current government, which is due to change constitutionally after this election, ministerial portfolios were divided out among parties, which then gave out jobs largely as they saw fit.

In Hilla, 60km south of the capital, Mohammad al Maliki, 25, said he was also touting votes as a selling agent. He normally works as a street sweeper on temporary contracts.“I’ve got almost 200 people who have given me their vote to sell,” he said. “All I need is the money to pay them and a promise that I will have a job after the election. Whichever candidate gives me that, I will give them the votes.”Mr al Maliki said he had spoken to a leading local candidate who had given him an assurance of $60 per vote, plus employment. He dismissed suggestions his actions were either illegal or immoral.

Those working as election agents all said they kept a list of the names they had collected and, once they have sold the votes to a candidate, would make sure the entire group voted on polling day. Payments would only be made after the election


http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100221/FOREIGN/702209896/1002 al.ae

52.000 New electors added to the voters' lists in Kerkuk by IHEC, the majority of them are Kurds!

See article in Arabic:


52.000 nouveaux électeurs dont la plupart sont des Kurdes ajoutés aux listes d'électeurs à Kerkuk par l'Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) !!!!!
Dénonciation par Mr. ALI MEHDI
110 / 134

سياسي تركماني يعرب عن استيائه من إضافة آلاف الناخبين إلى كركوك

IRAQ - Nijaifi: 89 Thousand illegal names added to Niniveh's voters


February 23, 2010

Mosul (NINA) – A top level official at the IRAQIYA Slate, headed by Iyad Allawi, said that 89 thousand names have been illegally added to Niniveh population records.

In a press conference held on Monday evening, Feb. 22, Usama al-Nijaifi said that this was done secretly by the Iraqi High Electoral Commission (IHEC) in Baghdad by adding the names without having from where these people came from or who they are.

He pointed out that such false names have no records in Niniveh and with no legal support.

Nijaifi added that directors of most disputed areas in Niniveh province are members of Kurdish parties.

He pointed out that the IRAQIYA Slate will strongly participate in the election and will observe any violation adding that they have legal and constitutional means to prevent any rigging.

Nijaifi denied that the visit to Niniveh by Parliament Speaker Iyad al-Samara'e to mediate between Hadba and Niniveh Fraternal slates. / End.

mardi 23 février 2010

Alisher Navoi, the father of the Uzbek language and arts

"Know all humankind: Amity with the world is
the great blessing, Enmity the greatest curse."
Alisher Navoi

The Great Silk Road is known for its poets. Poetry is still important here just as it was five centuries ago. Therefore, we want to introduce you to some of the contemporary poets and translators of the country of Uzbekistan, while highlighting one of the greatest poets ever - Alisher Navoi. Navoi (1441-1501) lived most of his life in Herat, Afghanistan.

His numerous writings, endowments, and his life example have had lasting influence. Today in Uzbekistan, he is revered above all other poets. The name of Alisher Navoi is visible throughout the country. His proverbs are on the tongues of Uzbeks, Turkmen and Tajiks. The World Peace Council described him as “a brilliant intellect and a charmer of speech, who dealt with the socio-political issues of his epoch. He is extremely dear to all progressive humanity. We regard him as a courageous fighter for human happiness, freedom, equality, friendship and peace.”

Navoi is the father of the Uzbek language and arts, and he is a father to anyone who writes for peace, for love of God and humanity. May we learn from him and from those he has left behind for us! Welcome to Navoi's garden!

Please click on the link below:


The Forgotten Turkmen Land: DIYALA


The stability and security haven’t been restored completely in Diyala, one of the most complicated and problematic provinces of Iraq. Turkmens haven’t been mentioned so far in Diyala that has many problems and hasn’t gone off the boil yet.

The Turkmen population in Diyala has got exhausted with the effects of the conflicts, wars, repressions and poverty since the city was under pressure in Saddam’s term and passed through the Iran-Iraq War. Diyala is one of the most intensive activity areas of Al-Qaida in Iraq and Turkmens have suffered from this group a lot.

Most important of all, Diyala should be remembered again and the interest shown for them should be increased despite its distance from Turkey. The Turkmen population in Diyala is lower when compared to other ethnic groups living there. Although Diyala is a big province and in the past there used to be more Turkmen clans in the city, the assimilation and changing identity are higher than any other region. Some Turkmens are insisting to keep their identities still it is very hard due to the heavy pressure on them. The life based on territory is very strong in Diyala. The Turkmens of Diyala who have a strong tribal identity are discreet people. Despite the extensive Sunni-Shia conflict in Diyala, Turkmens have never had a Sunni-Shia division among themselves or any kind of hostility towards each other.

Turkmens in the region live on agriculture but poverty is increasing due to lack of water resources’, ongoing conflicts and primitive agricultural techniques. Diyala has been neglected until today. Nobody has taken a close interest in Diyala and no service has been taken there. Therefore, Diyala’s order of priority must be increased like Telafer, medical treatments and educational services should be improved. This way, the neglected natives of Diyala can get at least some psychological support.

* Serhat Erkmen, Assist. Prof. Dr., Ahi Evran University, ORSAM Middle East Advisor
»» Please click here to access full text

Dr. Finkelstein banned in Berlin

February 22, 2010
Germany’s Heinrich Boll Foundation and the Rosa-Luxemburg House have cancelled Dr. Norman Finkelstein’s scheduled lecture in Berlin on February 26, 2010 under pressure from the Israel Lobby. Last October, a scheduled lecture in Munich by Israeli historian, IIan Pappe was also cancelled under similar circumstances.

“In his fiction and journalism, Heinrich Boll, sought to define a new German democratic consciousness productivity informed by Vergangenheitsbewaltigung. I believe that by participating in the defamation and censorship of Norman Finkelstein, the Foundation you represent, Mr. Adamaschek, has failed to advance this necessary process and has proved unworthy to bear the name of such a great writer and humanist as Heinrich Boll,” an open letter from Raymond Deane, former Chairman of Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Both parents of Dr. Norman Finkelstein were Holocaust survivors. He is a proud Jew but dislikes the past Jewish persecution being used by the Israel and Zionists for political gains. Dr. Finkelstein has shown his support for the Palestinians and Lebanese resistance against Israeli occupation. On domestic issues, Dr. Finkelstein, is saying not much different than some former Congress members (Robert Findley, Cynthia McKinney, James Traficant, etc.) dared to say and got their political career destroyed by the pro-Israel Jewish lobby groups. James Traficant, for example, said on Greta van Sustern’s TV Show (FOX News) on September 10, 2009: “I believe that Israel has a powerful stranglehold on American government. They control both members of the House, the House and the Senate. They have us involved in wars which we have little or no interest….. We are conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody is afraid to say it…… Israel gets approximately $15 billion a year from the American taxpayers. That $15 billion is $30,000 for every man, woman and child. And people in my district are losing their pension benefits…”

German Chancellor, Angela Markel, is a blind supporter of the Zionist entity. In her address to the US Congress on November 3, 2009 – she proved to be a hypocrite by saying: “There are different ways to create peaceful co-existence. Tolerance mean showing respect for other people’s history, traditions, religion and cultural identity”. However, in the same breath she denied the same rights to Iranians: “A (non-existant) nuclear weapon in the hands of Iranian President who denies the holocaust, threaten Israel and denies Israel the right to exist (on an Arab land but not on German land where the Jewish holocaust happened) is not acceptable. For me, the security of Israel, will never be open to negotiation….” Markel’s Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Gottenberg is a Zionist Jew too.

Germany had a Jewish population of 25,000 before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Currently, it stands around 100,000 due to large Russian Jewish community in the former East Germany. Berlin has a Jewish population of 12,000. Germany, like France, the US and Britain has a very powerful Jewish Lobby working for Israel’s interests. However, all Germans don’t support Markel’s blind support for Israel. For example, in June 2009 – Flecia Langer 80, a former Israeli human right lawyer and author – received Germany’s highest honor, the ‘Federal Cross of Merit, First Class’ in Stuttgart for her work to build bridges between Israeli Jews and Palestinian natives. She has been called a “self-hating” Jew by the pro-Israeli groups for citicizing Israeli policies and not hesitating to draw parallels not only between Israel and former apatheid South Africa but also between Israel and Nazi Germany. The famous German author, Ralph Giordano, in his essay “Her Enemy is Israel“ quoted Langer’s reason to leave Israel and make Germany her home: “I have made a politically conscious choice for Germany. It is a challenge for me, because I understood with what brutality and sophistication Israel has exploited the German’s guilt. If anyone open his mouth, one calls him anti-Semite right away and says: How can a German dare to criticize us, with the weight of such a past on the shoulders? The Israeli government abuses the blood of our mothers and fathers”. Israel has extracted US$93 billion from German taxpayers’ since 1950s.

During her April 29, 2009 presentation in Linz – Flecia Langer, praised Iranian president Dr. ahmadinejad for standing-up to Israel and its western poodles at the UN anti-racism conference in Geneva: “What Ahmadinejad said in Geneva is the truth”.

Germany is home to the third largest Muslim population (3-4 million) in Europe after Russia (20-25 million) and France (7-9 million). Some European demographic experts fear that by 2050 – one out every five Europeans will be a Muslim. One of the famous German converts to Islam is Dr. Wilfried Murad Hofmann, a German diplomat, author and former Director of Information NATO in Brussels. Dr. Hofmann was interviewed by Kristiane Backer on Ebru TV’s show Matters of Faith.

Dr. Finkelstein gave an interview to Julia Riber Pitt of CSUN in June 2009 (watch the video at the beginning of this post) in which he praised Hizb’Allah and said that Israel is in no position to fight with Hizb’Allah or Islamic Iran without the active help of the US.


vendredi 19 février 2010

DUYURU - Irak Türkmen Cephesinin Avrupa Temsilcilikleri, ve Danimarka Türkmen seçim komitesi Irak Seçimleri ile ilgili Kopenhag da bir konferans düzen

Irak Türkmen Cephesi Temsilcilikleri, Danimarka da oluşturulan Türkmen secim komitesi, Irak Türkmenleri İslam Cemiyeti ve Tekafül Hayır cemiyeti ile yardımlaşarak Irakta yapılacak Seçimlerle ilgili 19/02/2010 Cuma günü saat 18 den 21’ e kadar aşağıda bulunan adreste Önemli bir konferans verecekler.

DIA Privatskole
Sankt Hans Gade 25
København N 2200

Irak Türkmen Cephesinin Avrupa Temsilcileri, Ganim Osman(Berlin) Hasan Aydınlı (Brüksel) Sündüs Saki (Londra) Seçim konusunda Seçime katılmanın önemini ve 5,6,7 Mart tarihlerinde gerçekleşecek olan seçim meselesinin Türkmen Toplumuna hizmeti, yararı konusunda bir değerlendirme yapacaklar.

Irak Türkmen cephesi Temsilcilikleri ve Danimarka Türkmen seçim komisyonu Kopenhag ve civarında , İsveç’in Malmö Kentinde yaşayan Tüm Türkmenleri bu konferanstan yararlanmak için davet etmekteler.

Bu konferansta Irak’ın geleceği konusunda ve gelecek parlamento seçimlerinin Türkmen toplumu için olan önemine değinilecek.

Ayrıca bu konferansta gelecek seçimdeki Türkmen’lerin rolü, seçimlerdeki prosedürlerin ve seçim mekanizmasının nasıl çalıştığı, Türkmenlerin bu seçime katılmalarının yararı konusunda da detaylı bir açıklık getirilecek.

Kopenhag da Türkmen Seçim komisyonu Üyeleri ise , Mehmet Saim Hasip, Yurtan Kervancı, Sadullah Hayrullah, Ve Mehmet Samad’tan oluşmaktadır.
Jylland’ta Yaşayan Türkmen topluluğu ise benzer bir konferansa Århus’ta 20,02,10 tarihinde Cumartesi günü katılabilecekler. Bu konferans ise Irak Türkmen Cephesi ile Århus Türkmen Cemiyeti tarafından gerçekleşecektir. BizTürkmeniz

Iraqi Turkmen representatives write to the Independent High Electoral Commission in Baghdad



ممثلية الجبهة التركمانية العراقية لدى الاتحاد الأوربي
بروكسل- بلجيكا

Tel : +32 /(0) 495 44 06 29 +32/(0) 65 31 40 21
e-mail : htwalli@skynet.be website : www. Kerkuk.net

Brussels 18th February 2010.

To the attention of the President of the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC): Baghdad – IRAQ

Copy to:-

The Director of the Office for the voting of the Iraqis living outside Iraq: IHEC office in Erbil-Iraq.
The Director of the Office responsible for the voting of the Iraqis in Holland: IHEC office in The Hague –The Netherlands.

Dear Sirs,

The Iraqi people are looking forward with great hope and high expectations to the next Parliamentary elections, scheduled to take place on 7th March 2010 inside Iraq, and on 5th, 6th and 7th of March 2010 in 16 foreign countries for the voting of Iraqis living outside Iraq.

All patriotic Iraqis who love their country and aim at serving the Iraqi people by defending their rights and rebuilding their country after years of war, destruction and occupation, hope that these coming elections will be fair and clean, without any cheating, ballot rigging, manipulation, threats or intimidations which unfortunately took place in the past two parliamentary elections in Iraq.

Iraqis expect that these coming elections will take place in a peaceful and democratic environment so that the majority of them can participate and cast their votes during these elections, the results of which will hopefully reflect the true representation of all the components of the Iraqi people, without discrimination, marginalization or assimilation of any community, ethnic group or political organization representing any of the communities composing the Iraqi people.

This can only be achieved if the elections take place under the strict control and vigilant supervision of IHEC, with the participation of an adequate number of international observers, from the U.N., the E.U, and some well known and well established international NGOs which have experience in supervising elections and have been active in the field of promoting democracy in countries where its concept is relatively new and its application is still facing some problems and difficulties as in Iraq.

Your organization, the IHEC, bears a huge responsibility in making the coming Parliamentary elections a success by duly informing the Iraqi people, by effectively promoting the democratic process in Iraq, by doing your utmost in contributing to provide a peaceful environment during the electoral campaign as well as during the voting day all over Iraq.

It is of extreme importance that all Iraqi citizens can freely access to the polling centres to cast their votes for the list and for the candidate of their own free choice and then safely return to their homes after accomplishing their democratic duty.

We, the representatives of the Iraqi Turkmens’ political and civil society organizations in the European Union, in Turkey and in Syria have noticed and witnessed clear shortcomings of the IHEC with respect to informing the Turkmens in their own language (Turkish) even in areas and regions of Iraq which are densely populated by Turkmens, such as in the governorates of Mosul, Erbil, Kerkuk, Salah Al-din, Diyala and Baghdad.

Indeed, a few days ago we have seen on Turkmeneli TV an intolerable discrimination against the Turkmens during a meeting organized by IHEC to which some Turkmen civil society representatives had been invited, and for which IHEC had prepared booklets and banners written in Arabic, Kurdish and Assyrian only, and nothing in Turkish ! Even though the IHEC know very well that the Turkmens represent Iraq’s third main ethnic group and Kerkuk’s main ethnic community.

The above example is a flagrant violation of Turkmens’ constitutional rights, as the constitution recognises the Turkmens’ language (Turkish) as an official language in Iraq, wherever Turkmens represent a high density of population.

We, Turkmens, deplore this shortcoming and demand that from now on all publications by IHEC, related to the elections concerning the governorates and regions of Iraq where Turkmens live and represent the first, the second or the third community, be published also in the Turkish language alongside the other two official languages of Iraq (Arabic and Kurdish).

These electoral material and publications which are published by IHEC for the coming elections may include informative booklets, procedures, electoral lists, and posters.

We request that any such IHEC material also be sent to all foreign countries where the Turkmen Diaspora exists in great number and where elections will be organised such as in Canada, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Sweden, Turkey, UK, USA etc...

Participation to the next Parliamentary election is not only a fundamental right given to all Iraqi citizens above 18 years of age, but it is also the duty of all Iraqis who are eager to establish a true and solid democracy in Iraq.

We, Turkmen representatives in the European Union, Syria and Turkey, are doing our best in promoting the upcoming election and encouraging our community members and all our Iraqi compatriots to participate in the next election.

We aim at contributing to make this coming election a success, consolidating the political process and establishing a real democracy in Iraq.

We trust that you will respond positively to our legitimate requests soon and we wish you all the best and success in your important task.

May God help all patriotic and sincere citizens of Iraq.

Yours truly,

Dr. Hassan AYDINLI
Iraqi Turkmen Front
E.U. Representative
Brussels - Belgium.

Iraqi Turkmen Front
Germany Representative
Berlin – Germany

Sundus ABBAS
Iraqi Turkmen Front
U.K. Representatıve
London – U.K.

Iraqi Turkmen Front
Turkey Representative
Ankara – Turkey

Dr. Suphi N. TAVFIK
Iraqi Turkmen Front
Syria Representative
Damascus – SYRIA

mercredi 17 février 2010

Irak Türkmen Cephesi Türkiye Temsilciliğinde seçim panelli

17 Şubat 2010, Çarşamba

ITC Yürütme Kurulu üyesi ve Milletvekili adayı Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu, Irak Türkmen Cephesi Türkiye Temsilciğini ziyaret ederek Temsilcilik salonunda Ankara'da bulunan Turzhurmatulu öğrencilerle bir görüşme yaptı.

Irak Türkmen Cephesi yürütme kurulu üyesi ve Milletvekili adayı Ali Haşim Muhtaroğlu Irak Türkmen Cephesi Türkiye Temsilciliğin'de Türkiye'de eğitim gören Tüzhurmatu öğrencilerine Irak seçimleri ile ilgili bir konuşmaya yaparak, seçimlerin Türkmenler için çok önemli olduğunu anlattı. Özellikle Irak Türkmen Cephesinin 333 numaralı El Irakıye listesine olan ilginin, Türkmeneli bölgesinde yoğun olduğunu söyleyerek destek istedi.
Konuyla ilgili Irak Türkmen Cephesi Türkiye Temsilcisi Sadun Köprülü'de "Turzhurmatu bölgesinde olduğu gibi Irak'ın tüm Türkmen ellerinde Türkmenler sandık başına giderek oylarını kullanmalıdırlar" dedi. Toplantıda Irak Türkmen Cephesi İdari İşler Yardımcısı Adil Selbi'de hazır bulundu.**

Ayrıca Türkiye eğitim gören çok sayıda öğrenci; Irak Türkmen Cephesi Türkiye Temsilciliği ziyaret ederek seçimler ve oy kullanma hakkında Irak Türkmen Cephesi Temsilcisi Sadun Köprülü'den bilgi almıştır.


mardi 16 février 2010

ITC Dis Temsilcileri Hollandada 2010 secimleri icin 7

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dimanche 14 février 2010


Le 'Grand Israël' coloniserait une partie de l'Irak

Créé le 14.02.10 à 07h22 - AFRIQUE REDACTION COLONISATION ISRAEL Mis à jour le Dimanche 14.02.10 à 07h25.
Par : par Wayne Madsen-Mondialisation.ca

En plus de leurs intentions déjà bien connues de prendre le contrôle total de la Cisjordanie et de la Bande de Gaza, de garder en permanence le Plateau du Golan en Syrie et de s’étendre dans le sud du Liban, les expansionnistes israéliens ont aussi les yeux sur certaines régions de l'Irak, considérées comme faisant partie du «Grand Israël» biblique.
Israël planifierait le déplacement de milliers de Kurdes juifs d'Israël, incluant les expatriés du Kurdistan iranien, vers les villes irakiennes de Mossoul et de Ninive, sous couvert de pèlerinages vers d'anciens sanctuaires religieux juifs. Selon des sources kurdes, les Israéliens travaillent secrètement avec le Gouvernement Régional du Kurdistan (KRG) pour mener à bien l'intégration des Kurdes et des autres Juifs dans les régions de l'Irak sous contrôle du KRG.

Après l'invasion étasunienne en 2003, les Kurdes, les Musulmans sunnites irakiens et les Turkmènes ont noté que les Israéliens kurdes commençaient à acheter des terres dans le Kurdistan irakien, qui est considéré comme une «propriété» juive historique.Les Israéliens sont particulièrement intéressés par les sanctuaires du prophète juif Nahum à Al Qush, du prophète Jonas à Mossoul, et par le tombeau du prophète Daniel à Kirkouk. Les Israéliens tentent aussi de revendiquer des «propriétés» juives à l'extérieur de la région kurde, notamment le temple d'Ézéchiel dans le village d'Al-Kifl de la province de Babel près de Najaf et le tombeau d'Esdras à Al-Uzayr dans la province de Misan près de Bassora, les deux en territoire dominé par les Chiites au sud de l'Irak. Les expansionnistes israéliens considèrent que ces sanctuaires et tombeaux font autant partie du «Grand Israël» que Jérusalem et la Cisjordanie, qu'ils appellent «la Judée et la Samarie.»

Les sources kurdes et irakiennes signalent que le Mossad israélien travaille main dans la main avec des compagnies israéliennes et des « touristes » pour subvenir aux besoins des revendications des «propriétés» juives d'Israël en Irak. Le Mossad a déjà été fortement impliqué dans la formation des forces militaires Pesha Merga kurdes.Les Israéliens seraient aidés par des mercenaires étrangers payés par les milieux évangéliques chrétiens des États-Unis qui soutiennent le concept de «sionisme chrétien».

Les Irakiens nationalistes allèguent que l’expansion israélienne en Irak est soutenue par les deux principales factions kurdes, dont l'Union Patriotique du Kurdistan, dirigée par le président nominal irakien, Jalal Talabani. Qubad Talabani, le fils de Talabani, sert comme représentant du KRG à Washington, où il vit avec sa femmejuive, Sherri Kraham.

L’activité d'achats de terres d’Israël est aussi soutenue par le Parti Démocratique du Kurdistan, dirigé par Massoud Barzani, le président du KRG. Binjirfan Barzani, l'un des cinq fils de Barzani, serait fortement impliqué avec les Israéliens.L’entrée en Irak des Israéliens et de leurs partisans chrétiens sionistes se fait non pas par Bagdad mais par la Turquie. Afin de dépeupler les habitants des terres revendiquées par les Israéliens, les agents du Mossad et les mercenaires sionistes chrétiens ont mis en scène des attentats terroristes contre les Chrétiens chaldéens, en particulier à Ninive, Irbil, Al-Hamdaniya, Bartalah, Talasqaf, Batnayah, Bashiqah, Elkosheven, Uqrah, et Mossoul.

Ces attentats des Israéliens et de leurs alliés sont d’habitude signalés comme étant de la responsabilité d’Al-Qaïda et d'autres djihadistes de l’Islam. [*]Le but ultime des Israéliens est d’éliminer la population chrétienne dans et autour de Mossoul et d’exiger les territoires en tant que terres bibliques juives qui font partie du Grand Israël. L’opération israélo/chrétienne sioniste est un remake de l'exode des Palestiniens de la Palestine sous mandat britannique après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.

En juin 2003, une délégation d'Israéliens visitant Mossoul a dit qu’il était dans les intentions d'Israël, avec l'aide de Barzani, d’établir le contrôle israélien sur le sanctuaire de Jonas à Mossoul et sur celui de Nahum dans la plaine de Mossoul. Les Israéliens ont dit que les pèlerins juifs israéliens et iraniens iraient dans la région de Mossoul via la Turquie et rachèteraient les terres où vivent les Chrétiens irakiens.* Les centaines d’assassinats d’universitaires irakiens pourraient faire partie de ce plan,

NDT. Article original en anglais: Israel hopes to colonize parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’, Online Journal, le 30 janvier 2009.
Traduction : Pétrus Lombard.Articles de Wayne Madsen publiés par Mondialisation.ca"

samedi 13 février 2010

Türkmen Cephesi: El-Irakiye Kerkük'ü savunan tek grup

13 Şubat 2010, Cumartesi.

Irak Türkmen Cephesi, Irak parlamento seçimlerine liderliğini İyad Allavi'nin yaptığı el-Irakiye koalisyonu listesinden gireceğini açıkladı.

Kerkük muhabirimiz Özdemir Hürmüzlü'nün bildirdiğine göre Irak Yüksek Seçim Kurulu'nun seçim propagandalarının başladığını açıklamasından sonra Irak Türkmen Cephesi, düzenlediği törenle seçimlere katılacak adaylarını açıkladı.

Törende bir konuşma yapan Irak Türkmen Cephesi Genel Başkanı Sadettin Ergeç, liderliğini geçici hükümetin başbakanı İyad Allavi'nin yaptığı el-Irakiye koalisyonunun, Kerkük'ün Irak'ın toprak birliği içinde kalmasının savunan tek liste olduğunu belirtti ve Türkmen Cephesi'nin de bu sebeple seçimlere el-Irakiye koalisyonu listesinden girmeyi kararlaştırdığını söyledi.

Türkmenleri seçimlere yoğun bir şekilde katılmaya çağıran Ergeç, Irak Türkmen Cephesi'nin Türkmen haklarını savunmaya devam edeceğini ifade etti.

Törende bir konuşma yapan Türkmen Cephesi'nin Kerkük Adayı Erşat Salihi de bu seçimlerin Türkmenlerin siyasi hayatı açısından büyük bir dönüm noktası olacağını söyledi.


mardi 9 février 2010

Iraqi Election Officers under Training in Turkey

Monday, 8 February 2010

A training program for Iraqi election officers has begun in Istanbul on Monday. Iraqi officers, having the training program, will serve during the voting process of Iraqi electorate living outside Iraq. Iraq's parliamentary elections are planned for March 7.

An Iraqi official from country's supreme board of elections said that nearly 25,000 Iraqi people living in Turkey would be able to cast their votes in four centers in Turkey, one in Ankara and other in Istanbul. Rafeed Al-Zeydi said that Iraqi electorate living in nearby countries, such as Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, could also vote for the elections at these centers. Al-Zeydi said 82 political parties will compete in the three-day Iraqi elections.

Turkish Weekly is an USAK Publication.
USAK is the leading Ankara based Turkish think-tank.

lundi 8 février 2010

Algérie - ORAN, capitale mondiale du gaz

Algérie Le centre de la pétrochimie accueillera, du 18 au 21 avril, la 16e Conférence internationale sur le gaz naturel, qui s’affirme comme l’énergie du XXIe siècle dans un monde confronté au réchauffement climatique.


Le choix d’Oran pour réunir le gratin
des experts mondiaux en matière
de gaz (600 conférences ont été proposées
aux organisateurs) s’explique par
la proximité de la ville d’Arzew, devenue
au fil du temps une vitrine de la
pétrochimie algérienne. Le modeste
port de Bettiwa hérité de la colonisation
française s’est transformé, depuis,
en une immense et active plate-forme
d’exportation d’où partent tous les ans
des dizaines de méthaniers et de pétroliers
vers des destinations diverses. Un
troisième train de gaz naturel liquéfié
(GNL) est en passe d’y voir le jour...

À proximité d’Arzew, se construit, à
Mactâa, la plus grande station de dessalement
du monde. Elle coûtera
500 millions de dollars, pour une production
de 500 000 m3 d’eau potable
par jour. Dès 2011, elle pourra couvrir
les besoins de 5 millions d’habitants, à
raison d’une consommation quotidienne
de 100 litres par personne.
Compagnie d’hydrocarbures à l’origine,
Sonatrach, qui n’a cessé de
diversifier ses activités, s’est engagée
à livrer dans quelques années treize
stations de dessalement réparties à travers
le pays afin de régler le problème
crucial d’approvisionnement en eau
potable des villes algérienes.

A lire dans Afrique-Asie:

Irak : meurtre d'une candidate aux élections

(lefigaro.fr) avec AFP 07/02/2010

Souha Abdallah Jarallah, candidate chiite pour les législatives de mars, a été abattue dimanche dans une rue de Mossoul, au nord du pays.

Une candidate aux élections législatives de mars en Irak, Souha Abdallah Jarallah, a été abattue dimanche par des hommes armés à Mossoul, dans le nord du pays. Souha Abdallah Jarallah était candidate sur la liste Iraqia dirigée par le chiite laïc Iyad Allawi, un ancien allié des Etats-Unis qui fut Premier ministre irakien de juin 2004 à avril 2005.

«Elle sortait du domicile de proches quand un homme armé a ouvert le feu sur elle, la tuant sur le coup. Il s'est enfui dans une voiture qui attendait avec deux autres personnes armées à bord», a affirmé un officier sous couvert d'anonymat, sans donner plus de précision.

«Un assassinat politique»
«Ce n'est pas la première fois que nous sommes visés. Les membres de la liste Iraqia sont agressés, assassinés, arrêtés. Mais ce ne sont pas des individus qu'ils tuent, c'est le projet national dans son ensemble», a affirmé Intissar Allawi, une proche de l'ancien Premier ministre.
Interrogée pour savoir si elle estimait que le meurtre de Souha Abdallah Jarallah était un assassinat politique, Intissar Allawi a ajouté: «Evidemment. Ce sont des personnes indépendantes et patriotes qui sont visées pour les empêcher de participer aux élections législatives».


dimanche 7 février 2010

Ambassador Serdar Kılıç and the Lebanese Turkmens

Hasan Kanbolat, Director of ORSAM

Turkey’s ambassador in Beirut, Serdar Kılıç, has been assigned to the National Security Council’s (MGK) Secretariat-General. This means that Kılıç, among the most successful figures in the Foreign Ministry, has in his first year of an expected four-year term at the Turkish Embassy in Beirut become the secretary-general of the MGK.

Born in 1958, Kılıç is a diplomat with NATO experience. His appointment is also a continuation of the tradition of appointing diplomats with experience in Greece, Cyprus and the Middle East to the position.

The MGK secretary-general position had been empty for a long time. Helmed by ambassadors from Aug. 17, 2004 to the present, the last person to serve in the spot -- Tahsin Burcuoğlu, who had also served as the Middle East manager in the Foreign Ministry -- left the post when he was appointed Turkey’s ambassador in Paris. Before Burcuoğlu, a former ambassador in Athens, assumed the post, it had been filled for the first time by a civilian when Ambassador Yiğit Alpogan -- who was also ambassador in Athens before becoming secretary-general -- was assigned. Discussions had been started over whether the MGK’s Secretariat-General -- the cerebrum of critical meetings that bring together the military with civilians and the institution that prepares national security policy documents -- could be sliding steadily from the Foreign Ministry toward the Ministry of the Interior. However, the expected developments did not take place. No local governor has been appointed MGK secretary-general.

Kılıç, who accompanied Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri on his visit to Turkey, met with Hariri and representatives of Hezbollah to enable the efficient evacuation of Turks during the 2008 clashes in Lebanon. Kılıç’s success was praised by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in May 2008: “The ambassador in Beirut was able to conduct meetings during a very difficult period in which other ambassadors weren’t able to leave their homes due to armed clashes. He went to Hariri’s office. Hezbollah didn’t stop [Kılıç]. He even explained how when he and Hariri were speaking, it was difficult to understand one another because of the sounds of gunfire coming from outside…” Kılıç’s role during the period of clashes with Hezbollah in Lebanon was later upheld as a role model by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu at an ambassadors’ conference.

While taking the initiative in terms of both political and economic relations between Turkey and Lebanon, Kılıç also helped increase awareness of ethnic Turks in Lebanon, a nation somewhat disconnected from both Turkey and the world at large. Kılıç determined where Turkish villages in Lebanon were located and visited them, cementing ties between Lebanese Turkmens and Turkey. This ensured that the Turkmens of Lebanon would become a bridge of friendship between Turkey and Lebanon. It was also with Kılıç’s encouragement that the Middle East Strategic Research Center (ORSAM) published a report entitled “The Forgotten Turks: Turkmens of Lebanon,” dated February 2010.

As a result of Kılıç’s efforts, the number of scholarships Turkey set aside for Lebanese Turkmens to study at Turkish universities was doubled from two to four. The construction of a school in the Turkish village of Kawashra was completed, as was a health clinic for use by Akkar Turkmens, with Foreign Minister Davutoğlu attending the inauguration. Turkish lessons are now being given to Akkar Turkmens and Cretan Turks living in Tripoli. A project to dig a well for drinking water in the Turkmen village of Aydamun, made possible by the Turkish Embassy, is ongoing; a Turkish language teacher is also giving lessons to the residents of Aydamun, and a school will soon be constructed there as well. Kılıç became the first official from Turkey to visit the Baalbek Turkmens, and now the Turkish Embassy has completed the construction of a school in Duris for the Baalbek Turkmens and is working to build another in Addus. Work is ongoing for the establishment of Turkish cultural centers in Duris, Akkar and Beirut.

The Lebanese people will not soon forget Kılıç, who during his short time in Lebanon left considerable impressions in terms of friendship and fraternity.

vendredi 5 février 2010

Uyghurs demonstrate in Brussels in front of the Chinese Embassy

Iraqi Turkmen Front EU Representative, Dr. Hassan Aydinli

with the President of the Uyghur Association in Belgium,

Mr. Abdulmuttelip Imerov

Me, with an Uyghur demonstrator

Brussels, 5th February 2010

Uyghurs held a demonstration in front of the Chinese Embassy in Brussels to commemorate the anniversary of their revolt of 5th February 1997 and the Ghulja massacres by the Chinese authorities.

Demonstrators held banners demanding:



Ghulja massacres

On February 5, 1997, between ten and fifteen thousand Uyghurs, mostly young men, took to the streets of Ghulja and marched to the Ghulja Municipal Government offices. They were demanding equal treatment, religious freedom and an end to racial discrimination in response to ever more repressive policies and practices against the majority Uyghur community in Ghulja.

The People’s Republic of China authorities had recently banned traditional Uyghur gatherings called meshrep, important social meetings for discussing and resolving community affairs, suspecting they were being used for “separatist activities directed against the Chinese state”.

Meshrip in Ghulja had been very successful at addressing problems that many people thought the government had ignored, such as alcohol and drug abuse among Uyghur youth.

The Uyghur community had also organized a soccer league with 16 teams, which was regarded as a welcome diversion from concerns over high unemployment among young Uyghurs, as well as being a good form of exercise for people keen to come off alcohol and drugs

Just before the soccer tournament was due to begin, the authorities parked tanks on the soccer fields in Ghulja, claiming the space was needed for military exercises, and broadcast regular radio programs saying that the games would have been “illegal gatherings” had they taken place.

The Chinese authorities responded to the appearance of thousands of Uyghurs on the streets of Ghulja by sending fully armed paramilitary police to confront the unarmed demonstrators with batons, tear gas and high-pressure water sprayed from fire trucks.

Eyewitnesses report that Chinese police fired indiscriminately into the crowd, killing as many as 30 Uyghur demonstrators and wounding more than 100 on the spot.

Chinese police then rounded up fleeing demonstrators, loaded them on to military trucks already stationed by the sides of the roads, and took them to different detention facilities in and around Ghulja. When all of the facilities in Ghulja were filled, the police took several hundred demonstrators to a sports stadium and soaked them with cold water from a fire hose.
Several people developed frostbite in the cold wintry conditions, and later had to have hands, feet or whole limbs amputated.

In the period immediately following February 5, 1997, thousands of Uyghurs were detained on suspicion of participating in the demonstration. In some cases, family members of those who had participated were also detained. Dozens and possibly hundreds of Uyhgurs were executed, some in public, following summary trials. Many others were sentenced to lengthy prison terms including life on charges of ‘hooliganism’. Other people simply disappeared and are assumed to be either in prison or dead, their remains disposed of without their families being informed.

According to Amnesty International report issued in April 1999, China executed more than 200 Uyghurs in February 1997 for their participation in the demonstration. Some sources put this number at more than 400. Detainees suspected of organizing the demonstration were the victims of sever torture in prison and many died as a result of the injuries sustained during torture.

“The Chinese authorities must allow a full and open independent inquiry into the events of the Ghulja Massacre and hold those responsible for the deaths during and after the demonstration publicly accountable”, said Uyghur democracy leader Rebiya Kadeer.

“The government should immediately and unconditionally release anyone found to have been detained for their non-violent protests in Ghulja and provide compensation for the individuals and the families of those who were injured or killed during this peaceful demonstration.”

Türkmen Aydınları Toplantısının 7. Yapıldı.

04 Şubat 2010, Perşembe.

Ortadoğu Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi (ORSAM) tarafından "Türkmen Aydınları" adı altında düzenlenen seri toplantıların yedincisi 30 Ocak 2010 tarihinde "Irak Seçim Yasası ve Türkmenler" başlığı altında düzenlenmiştir.

Oturum başkanlığını ORSAM Danışmanı Habib Hürmüzlü'nün yaptığı konferansa konuşmacı olarak, ITC Türkiye Temsilcisi Sadun KÖPRÜLÜ, Türkmeneli Vakfı Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Aydın Beyatlı, Irak Türkleri Kül. ve Yrd. Derneği Genel Başkanı Mehmet TÜTÜNCÜ katılmıştır. Ayrıca Türkmen Aydınlar; Fuat Tiğin, İsmet Hürmüzlü, Adil Selbi, Dr. Ferit Müftü, Cengiz Eroğlu, söz alarak konuşma yapmıştır.

Toplantıda genel olarak Irak seçimleri öncesi siyasi durum, seçim stratejisi ve yapılan faaliyetler dile getirildi.

Seçimde yapılan koalisyon ve ITC'nin katıldığı El Irakiye listesi hakkında bilgi verildi. Ankara, İstanbul ve Türkiye'nin diğer illerinde yapılan seçim faaliyetleri anlatıldı.
TC Cumhurbaşkanlığı Başdanışmanı Erşat Hürmüzlü, Türkmen Kardaşlık Ocağı Kerkük bürosu başkan yardımcısı İbrahim Ağa ve çok sayıda Türkmen konuğun katıldığı toplantı yaklaşık 3 saat sürdü.


Enformasyon ve Halkla İlişkiler Şubesi

jeudi 4 février 2010

Bardes du Shirvan - Azerbaïdjan - Aux sources du Mugham

Bardes du Shirvan
Aux sources du mugham

Horaires et lieu
Lundi 29 mars à 20h30

Mardi 30 mars à 20h30

Maison des Cultures du Monde 101 Boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris M°Saint-Placide / Notre-Dame des Champs

Avec : Aqamurad Israfilov, chant et luth saz Vüqar Mahmudoqlu, chant et luth saz Ali Tapdyk Oqlu Quliyev, chant, luth saz et danse Shirzad Fataliyev, hautbois balaban Qanimat Qadirov, hautbois balaban Jahandar Musayev, tambour naghara Mahir Niftaliyev, timbales qosha naghara

L’art des bardes d’Azerbaïdjan, les ashiq, associe une poésie raffinée, essentiellement lyrique, à une musique drue et expansive qui, malgré ses origines rurales s’est élaborée depuis le xvie siècle en un constant va-etvient entre chant populaire et chant classique. Pour tout Azerbaïdjanais des campagnes et, jusqu’à un certain point, des villes, cette musique de terroir aux styles régionaux très divers va bien au-delà de la parole et du son. Chanteur, poète, instrumentiste, le ashiq est investi d’un don divin qui, s’il lui confère une grande autorité à l’instar du derviche soufi auquel on le compare volontiers, lui impose aussi d’être un modèle de générosité et de probité. « Pour devenir ashiq et voyager de par le monde, il faut une grande connaissance, être poli et respectueux, savoir enseigner la vérité, combattre ses mauvaises pensées et faire le bien afin de se gagner l’estime des gens » chantait Ali Alasgar, célèbre ashiq du xixe siècle.

Le 13e Festival de l’Imaginaire avait présenté, pour la première fois à Paris, des ashiq des provinces occidentales de l’Azerbaïdjan. Ces deux concerts nous font découvrir cette fois-ci un tout autre style, celui de l’ancienne région orientale du Shirvan, siège d’une culture originale dont l’épanouissement, dès le viiie siècle, a laissé maints témoignages architecturaux, un art de la tapisserie sans égal et a imprégné un genre musical mieux connu des Occidentaux, le mugham.
La musique des ashiq shirvani se distingue par son style extraverti, des percussions virtuoses et un chant enflammé où s’entrelacent savamment les poèmes bardiques et les passages de mugham classique. Le chanteur s’accompagne au luth à manche long saz, l’instrument emblématique des bardes de l’Asie mineure. La voix, tendue et légèrement rauque, mais souple dans les mélismes, dialogue avec un hautbois au timbre moëlleux et aux accents tour à tour graves, mélancoliques ou enjoués, tandis que le rythme obsédant du saz est soutenu par un grand tambour et le crépitement virtuose de deux petites timbales.

Vüqar Mahmudoqlu est né en 1970 dans le district de Shamakha, ancienne capitale du Shirvan. C’est le fils d’un merveilleux ashiq du Shirvan. De son père, le fameux Ustad Mahmud Alasgaroqlu, il a hérité une voix magnifique et maints secrets de la profession. Il interprète une cinquantaine de poèmes et plusieurs dastan, ces longs récits épiques ou romantiques en prose et poésie chantée qui font aussi partie du répertoire ashiq.

Aqamurad Israfilov, né en 1964 à Marzanqi, Shamakha, est à la fois poète et interprète. Il fut le disciple de Ashiq Rza Gobustanli et l’élève d’autres grands ashiq du Shirvan. On lui doit aussi une centaine de poèmes composés dans les anciennes formes traditionnelles et plusieurs de ses enregistrements sont conservés dans les Archives d’Or de la Radio d’État.

Ali Tapdyk Oglu, né en 1988 est l’un des plus jeunes ashiq du Shirvan et le plus brillant de sa génération. Malgré son jeune âge, il est un des seuls à renouer avec une ancienne pratique de danse souvent abandonnée par ses aînés. Plus qu’un talent prometteur, Ali est déja un ashiq confirmé, invité dans plusieurs festivals nationaux et internationaux, ainsi qu’à la télévision et à la radio.

Swiss government accepts Uyghur brothers from Guantanamo

For immediate release
February 3, 2010, 6:15 pm EST
Contact: Uyghur American Association +1 (202) 349 1496

The Uyghur American Association (UAA) commends the Swiss government for its decision, announced February 3, to grant asylum to Bahtiyar Mahmud and Arkin Mahmud, two Uyghurs who have been detained without charge since 2002 at the Guantanamo Bay detention center. The Swiss Federal Council said in an official statement that it made the decision based on humanitarian reasons.

“We welcome the Swiss government’s decision, which will allow Bahtiyar Mahmud and Arkin Mahmud to live free and productive lives,” said Uyghur democracy leader Rebiya Kadeer. “The government and people of Switzerland have made an extraordinary humanitarian gesture, which is even more remarkable in the face of unrelenting pressure from China not to accept the two men. This gesture finally ends the saga of two brothers who simply sought to live in peace and liberty. I am also grateful to the United States government for not sending them to China, where they would face severe persecution.”

Palau authorities had offered Bahtiyar Mahmud the opportunity to settle in Palau together with a group of other Uyghur detainees in 2009, but Bahtiyar rejected the offer. He opted to stay behind to look after his older brother Arkin, who has suffered from mental illness since arriving in Guantanamo and who was not given the choice of settling in Palau. Arkin had originally traveled to Afghanistan to search for his younger brother at the request of their mother. Bahtiyar had earlier gone to Afghanistan after fleeing a harsh crackdown in East Turkestan (also known as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwest China.)

Swiss Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf stated on February 3 that the country had found no problem with the security or health of the two brothers, and indicated that they had expressed a willingness to work once living in Switzerland. On February 2, a regional Swiss government had approved residence permits for the two men.

China’s Foreign Ministry recently issued stern warnings to the Swiss government not to accept Bahtiyar and Arkin, saying that a decision to accept the two men would damage Sino-Swiss relations.

It is unclear when the two brothers will arrive in Switzerland. Five other Uyghurs remain at Guantanamo Bay, following the transfer of six Uyghurs to Palau in November 2009 and four Uyghurs to Bermuda in June 2009.

In 2006, five Uyghur men from Guantanamo were sent to Albania, where four of them have remained. One of the original group of five, Adel Hakimjan, traveled to Sweden, where his sister lives, in 2007, and he was later granted asylum by Swedish authorities. Prior to his flight to Afghanistan, Hakimjan was imprisoned and tortured by Chinese authorities in East Turkestan. Among the four men remaining in Albania’s capital, Tirana, two have entered the restaurant business, and one has pursued an education in computer science at an American-funded university.

At a hearing on the persecution of Uyghurs held in June 2009 in the U.S. Congress, Congressman Bill Delahunt (D-MA), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Oversight Subcommittee, said that Uyghurs “are a peace loving people who seek only civil rights.” Fellow congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) stated that “Uyghurs are not enemy combatants.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesmen have repeatedly reiterated the Chinese government’s opposition to the settlement of the Uyghur detainees in other countries, and have urged their repatriation to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The U.S. government has refused to send any Uyghurs from Guantanamo to the PRC, however, due to fears of execution, torture or other ill treatment at the hands of Chinese authorities. The PRC government has in recent years carried out a campaign of extremely brutal persecution against the Uyghur population in East Turkestan in the name of the “war on terror”, regularly jailing and executing Uyghurs accused of acts of “terrorism, separatism and extremism” without providing evidence of their alleged crimes.

PRC authorities have widely used accusations of terrorism to brand even peaceful Uyghurs who have expressed disagreement with government policies in East Turkestan.

PRC assurances regarding treatment of the Guantanamo Uyghurs cannot be taken seriously, as torture is rampant in Chinese prisons. Uyghurs in Chinese government custody often suffer from physical abuse and other maltreatment. The U.S. State Department and human rights organizations have documented the extensive use of torture on prisoners and detainees in the PRC, as well as a lack of any independent judicial or legal mechanisms that could provide oversight or redress.

Following a visit to the PRC in late 2005, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak reported that torture and ill-treatment remained widespread throughout the PRC, and stated that Uyghurs and Tibetans, among other groups, were among those most frequently subjected to torture.

Background of Uyghurs held at Guantanamo
On October 7, 2001, the U.S.-initiated Operation Enduring Freedom found the Uyghur refugees in Afghanistan in the wrong place at the wrong time. Once coalition bombing started, the twenty-two Uyghurs later detained in Guantanamo escaped to Pakistan. None of these men were picked up on a battlefield, and most of them were captured by Pakistani bounty hunters and sold to American forces for $5,000 each.

Since their detention, the U.S. government has determined that all of the Uyghurs in Guantanamo are non-enemy combatants. As early as 2003, most of the Uyghurs in Guantanamo were cleared for release. In 2008, U.S. congressional representatives from both sides of the aisle called for the release of the Guantanamo Uyghurs to the United States. In a landmark ruling on October 7, 2008 U.S. District Judge Ricardo Urbina paroled the remaining 17 Uyghurs detained at Guantanamo Bay into the United States. On appeal, a temporary stay was issued on the ruling on October 8, 2008. On February 18, 2009, the D.C. Circuit Court reversed the lower court’s decision. In April, 2009, the Uyghurs asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their case, and in October 2009 the Supreme Court agreed to hear their appeal.
See also:

Switzerland accepts two Uighurs from Guantanamo
Swiss taking Uighur brothers held by US since 2002
Attorney Discusses Uighur Brothers Detained at Guantanamo

The UAA has undertaken the Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) for the purpose of promoting improved human rights conditions for Uyghurs and other indigenous groups in East Turkestan, on the premise that the assurance of basic human rights will facilitate the realization of the community’s democratic aspirations.

Uyghur Human Rights Project
Uyghur American Association
1701 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: +1 (202) 349 1496
Fax: +1 (202) 349 1491